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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 38
0 km · Limerick


Quote by user=eponymous
Spongebob Squarepants

I love Spongebob Squarepants!
Don't know who I would play though...
I sympathize with you Biggles. Trying to find work myself. I apply, apply, apply and nothing is happening. I just finished a masters program so I am planning to go on for my PhD as well. Needless to say, I'm looking at colleges outside of Ireland. Not only is it hard to find work, but the cost of everything here is rising- car tax, energy, school books, etc. Getting to the point where I can't afford to live here anymore! I honestly don't want to leave the country but my options are becoming more limited by the day.
the fact that they have children may be one of the (many) reasons she has remained in the relationship... but of course in my opinion there are ALWAYS options... especially in this case. I don't care if I popped out 10 kids with the guy, there is no way in hell I would want my children around him.
If I knew this woman personally I would reach out to her... for her own sake and for the sake of her children. I am not a trained professional, although I am studying psychoanalytic theory, and I would argue that the psychological hold this man has on his partner most likely continues outside of their intimate activities.
I think both parties require a psychological evaluation. there is definitely some underlying reason why he has this desire to see his partner injured.... and her because there is definitely a drive (perhaps unconscious) which is keeping her in this downward spiral.
Just putting in my two cents. I have no problem meeting with a guy that is attached if their partner knows about their swinging. I am not comfortable however meeting with a man whose partner does not know. To each their own.
I cannot say that has happened to me, but I can imagine it would be quite frustrating!
I would definitely be interested... but unfortunately the 27th doesn't work for me sad Have family coming from outside the country for a full week. Don't think they'd like to attend an M&G with me hahahaha
not to go off topic I hope... but I think it's fair to say that some people enjoy pleasure mixed with a bit of pain. Just because a sexual encounter is more physical/violent than what we would personally prefer does not mean that someone is being forced or coerced to engage in such activities.
Who am I to say that a woman doesn't like to be tied up, gagged, hit, or punched? If that's what she wants then who am I to stop her and say otherwise.
Now, in this scenario I don't think that is the case. There are several reasons why I feel this woman is being abused: 1) she needs to get plastered beforehand to potentially withstand the beatings 2) her husband spoke about the subject without including her at all, and 3) it was kept a "secret" from the original poster and his spouse. If this was 100% her choice, etc. I feel the couple would have discussed it together without one partner or the other obviously dominating the situation. This was kept a secret for a reason and there is obviously some connection between the intoxication and increasing of pain threshold, etc.
That's my 2 cents. When I first read this thread I was saddened... but yesterday evening I thought of this again before bed and became incredibly enraged. What a terrible situation for someone to be in.
holy shit. wow. I'm sorry you had to go through that.... but I'm even more sorry for that woman. I wish she had enough courage to stand up to her husband that is very obviously abusive. I completely understand why it was difficult to report at the time. I would have to think twice about doing it myself... because as was mentioned above, you could make a report with the police and put yourselves out on the line for this woman and she could choose to not press charges. It's a big risk to take over a woman that obviously has been putting up with that kind of abuse for awhile. If she has children, she may also be less likely to report it. You could contact the crisis center. I think they would be much more sensitive than the police, but that's just my opinion. There is nothing they haven't heard, trust me. I have several friends that have (unfortunately) had to use their services and they were very understanding.
depends on how well I know the person. If it's my first time with someone I might be a bit self conscious and want the lights off or at least dimmed a bit :-o If I've been fucking you for years though, then lights on all the way... doesn't matter. It's about being comfortable in my opinion.
As others have said above... I would wait awhile first. You don't actually know how "into you" this guy is. Sure, he had fun on the dates, but isn't everyone normally on "their best behaviour" for the first few dates? I know I normally am haha. With that being said... I have a friend who does not consider herself a "swinger," but she does practice polyamory. She only began indulging in that lifestyle within the last 2 years. After dating 3 separate guys for months, she broke the news. Bad idea. All of them had wished she told them sooner and it lead to a lot of conflicts, etc. I don't think you need to wait 3 months lol, but I would wait a few more weeks and see where it goes first. I hope that helps smile
Another thing to consider is swinging isn't actually going to do anything for your wife's hormones. yes, she might be extra horny due to the pregnancy... but getting her sexual "fix" isn't really going to make those hormones subside. They are still going to be brewing in the morning and it's hardly practical to go swinging 24/7 haha. The raging hormones during pregnancy aren't going to subside no matter how often you have sex. They are constantly going to be elevated.
irish_navy_guy. mmmm he's hott. I'm sure he wouldn't mind building shit and killing bugs on my behalf :mrgreen: hhmmm what to bring... 1) some family pictures (I would miss everyone!) 2) a sewing kit 3) a cow (good idea meandthewife!)
I'm a 23 year old female! :bounce:
You are not the first person I have heard express this. With that being said, I haven't had anyone turn me down due to my age. Then again... I think there are different societal norms for older men being with younger women versus older women being with younger men. I think a lot of older women equate immaturity with men in their early 20s... but I don't know, you would have to ask them smile
I'm afraid to say it... but I too tend to gravitate toward older men. Age really doesn't matter, but it's normally the older guys (25-35) that I get on with the most.
I do hope you find what you're looking for on the site!
um..... this is a tough one because I never want to offend anyone on the site.
Ultimately, the idea of swinging while pregnant is totally up to the two of you. If both of you are comfortable with it and okay with the risks, then go ahead. it is your decision.
Just make sure you are aware of all of the risks. From a strictly medical point of view, if I were pregnant, there is no chance in hell I would be swinging. I would never, ever engage in intimate acts with anyone on this site unless protection was used 100% of the time- that includes for anal, oral, and vaginal sex- regardless of whether I was pregnant or not. You need to keep in mind that if your wife would contract anything from someone on the site, it would be more difficult to treat. For instance, bacterial vaginosis (also known as BV) is an imbalance of the bacteria that are found in the vagina. The more sexual partners a woman has, the more likely she is to contract it. Some websites list BV as an STI when others do not. All that I can tell you is men obviously do not have BV, but various sexual activities can upset the normal balance of these bacteria in the vagina. BV is associated with premature labor, a lower birth weight, and can lead to infection.
Again, men cannot be tested for this... which heightens the risks in my opinion. Women are not "given" BV, but sexual activities can contribute to the imbalance... if that makes sense smile Also worth mentioning... some studies indicate pregnant women contract STDs more easily than women who are not pregnant. Other studies say this is not true... but I wouldn't be willing to take that chance.
Whether you are swinging alone, your wife is swinging alone, or you are swinging together... there are risks you are taking and now it's not just your bodies that are at risk, but also the fetus.... which is why I personally would not do it. Nor would I attend a swinging party where a pregnant woman was present.
In my own personal opinion, being hot and horny and looking for a nite of fun doesn't justify the risks that could harm an unborn child.
I have social anxiety. As in, I was clinically diagnosed with it. It's a pain in the ass. It's not just "nervousness" and something that you can snap out of. I hate it when people say "well I get nervous when I meet people for the first time too." What I deal with is 100x worse and it's not just with new people. *sigh* It's terrible.
There's my secret.
I've never been with another woman, but I do appreciate the beauty of the female body :bounce: I find myself always admiring other women's hair. I like nice long locks for some reason smile
shybutwilling1- I am afraid of balloons too! I have never met anyone that shared this same fear. I hate the noise they make when they pop especially. I cannot blow up balloons, hold them for extended periods of time, and hate it when people mess around with them in case they pop. !
1) I'd masturbate :wank: 2) I'd have sex with a woman :doggy: I've always wondered what sex and masturbation feels like for a man.
Quote by user=tatts
people who judge others on looks build or other things seem to have a very narrow minded opion of others, i feel you should be comfortable in your own skin no matter of build,looks etc etc . i have had women turn me down because of my tatts or told i look like i got out of prison, but each to there own if you want perfection you dont belong here,

I've had men turn me down for the same reason tatts. I think some men can be intimidated by a heavily tattooed woman... and others just aren't attracted to it. It can be a turn off as much as a turn on I suppose.
ummmm.... - my favorite is a tattoo parlor... after getting a tattoo by the artist hahaha :devil:
Quote by user=MissCoolCpl
Ok so I'm gonna just throw this out there...
Personally I like bigger guys (not with muscles necessarily), I mean stockier guys, tell ya why, because I'm tall and big built as well as having a few extra pounds to be kind to myself haha, not just that, but I'm attracted to guys carrying a bit of weight/ kinda stocky or to tall guys who are naturally bigger built because of the height...

wow MissCoolCpl :clap: I'm exactly the same way! I don't particularly fancy guys I feel like I could overpower haha.
I prefer a guy with an average body over one that is extremely muscular or really, really thin. My body isn't perfect so I don't expect any man I'm with to have a perfect body either. It's not about having an ideal body, whatever you think that might be, but being comfortable in the body you do have. I have some of my own body image issues... and I could be more confident, but I'm working on that bit smile :-o
Quote by user=dora
Guys who think its cool to do bareback just because they couldnt be arsed bringing condoms.....dicks.....

Those men would get nothing from me dora. Very well said.
I've squirt onto the face of several partners. It was by their request. It doesn't particularly do anything for me, but I was happy to fulfill that fantasy for them if that's what they wanted. :evil2: Some women may or may not be comfortable with it though. just like anything else.