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Over 90 days ago
Straight Female, 38
0 km · Limerick


I'm asking this question more out of curiosity than anything else. :bounce:
Background info: I think a lot of people have noticed the increasing discussion around a new (or not so new) surgery called labiaplasty (also know as labioplasty). More and more women are getting this procedure done to reshape their labia. There was a television show on recently (last 6 months) here in Ireland as well that was featuring people who thought their bodies were "embarrassing." This particular show featured a very young woman who hated the size of her labia who later decided that labiaplasty was a good medical decision.
I pose this question to you: If you are a female, how do you view your labia? I think all women should be proud of what they have, but would you ever consider surgery? Were you ever embarrassed over the appearance of your labia?
And men: does the size of a woman's labia matter when it comes to an intimate encounter? Do you have a preference? If you watch pornography, do you find that you tend to enjoy performers whose labia look a certain way? Does it matter at all in the end?
Biker guys :devil: Heavily tattooed, shaved head, facial hair... think I'm wet already :inlove:
you can squirt without orgasming and you can orgasm without squirting... or you can do both at the same time smile
Quote by user=SportyLK
so really it was an achievement for me to make her squirt?

haha um.... Sporty, I don't know if I'd go that far. It really depends on the woman and the experience. Personally, it doesn't take much for me to squirt at all. For some women it takes a lot of effort- the right mood, being comfortable, etc. It just depends on the woman and your time spent with her.
If some guy walked out of the bedroom with me with a puffed chest claiming he must have been such a good lover, I would laugh in his face and then kick his ass out hahaha. I have squirt before with absolutely no genital contact (with hands, mouth, etc.) Is that an accomplishment for a man to be proud of? I don't think so haha. I squirt easily so it doesn't take much effort... but I'm just speaking for myself. Every woman is different.
Quote by user=SportyLK
I was with a woman last night and when I entered her she just gushed water... It actually splashed like... But I wasnt sure if she squirted or wet herself? It didnt look like squirting you see on porn...

First of all, don't ever use porn as a reference lol. As a squirter myself, I get so pissed off when men come to me asking questions about squirting and say "well that's not what I saw in porn." Fuck porn. While viewing porn vids you honestly don't know if the woman is squirting or not. Unless you are on set and speaking with the performer, you don't know. Some of those porn stars do piss themselves and there are other various techniques they use during filming so it appears as though they are squirting. Some are fake and some are genuine.
With that being said, it's pretty easy to tell if the woman you were with squirted or not. If she pissed herself, the fluid would have come out of her uretha, which is an entirely different orific than the vagina, obviously. Female ejaculate is excreted from the vagina... so if you entered her vaginally and you felt the liquid, she was squirting.
Do keep in mind that every woman's body is different and every experience is different. Sometimes I barely squirt at all and other times it's that gushing, splashing stuff you see in porn videos. It all depends on the experience.
I think we live in a society that is obsessed with body image. One of my favourite books on the subject is Bodies x Susie Orbach. I had the pleasure of meeting her at a conference this past spring. So much of our society is obsessed with appearance and if someone doesn't "fit in" to what society deems as "normal" it is seen as a personal failure. It's a shame, really. We don't know how to embrace our natural beauty and instead are obsessed with trying to find ways to correct or "fix" the "problems" with our natural bodies.
Anyways, to answer your questions:
1) Would I consider cosmetic surgery? Yes, but only if it was a last resort. If other methods did not work, then I would. I wouldn't get bigger tits just for the hell of it, but I would maybe get breast reconstruction if I had breast cancer, etc.
2) Is there any procedure I would not get? Anything that would make me look ridiculously plastic-looking or had extremely high health risks. I would get something that I didn't feel was 100% necessary as a last resort.
3) How much plastic surgery is too much? You hear stories about people that are literally obsessed with plastic surgery. As someone with a psychology background, I've spoken with people with body dysmorphic disorder and the hell they have gone through to keep getting plastic surgery for psychological reasons. In that case, I find the obsession with appearance sad sad There is such a thing as too much, definitely. Look at Joan Rivers.
4) how young is too young for cosmetic surgery? To be honest with you, I don't think any form of surgery should be performed on children that is not medically necessary. I don't believe in operating on intersex children before the age of 18, male (nor female!) circumcision, etc. I think we should leave that up to adults to decide... that being persons over the age of 18. Of course it's a different story if a child has a cleft lip, etc., but all other "cosmetic" surgeries or those on genitalia should be a personal choice of someone 18+.
5) Is there an age after which you should not have surgery? Um... as long as the person is mentally competent to make their own decisions, I don't see that as being a problem. If they know the risks that are involved that may go along with being older in age, then it's their choice.
no, it doesn't particularly turn me on... although I have done it before :smoke: have you ever said the wrong person's name while having sex?
I'm the same way worship. I can chat away to one of the lads on here no problem... but making the first move in person :O is another story. Wish it was something I could get over easily, but thus is life.
yes there is and I've seen it!... and then walked ran away!
if someone asked if the sex was good, and it actually wasn't, would you tell them the truth?
I agree eponymous. There are some forms of feminism that portray all women as victims, etc. It's a matter of opinion whether people see that as a positive or negative approach. There isn't just one type of feminism and I think as we discuss such issues, we need to remember that... so thanks for bringing that up. Masculinist studies which see men and women as intrinsically different are certainly on the rise. A good source on masculinist studies would be Robert Bly. Masculinist and masculinity studies are different smile Masculinity studies are pro-feminist :) and just as there are many types of feminisms, there are also many masculinities. I think it's impossible to discuss all the issues surrounding these areas in a thread to be honest. There are entire college courses and programs dedicated to these issues.
Quote by user=1yummymummy4u
I said "so called" as I don't believe real feminists see being at home as some sort of second place prize instead of working outside the home.

Some very large generalizations being made I think. There are feminists that would agree with your outlook on life and others that wouldn't. I don't think you can classify some feminists as "real" and the others somehow less legitimate because of their thinking. Some feminists may find your lifestyle rewarding, etc. while others may disagree, but that doesn't mean one is "real" and the others aren't... if that makes any sense.
I can see why some stay at home moms (or dads for that matter) would become offended or hostile toward more radical feminists because of their views, but that doesn't mean they aren't authentic feminists... it just means that they are different feminists.
Just my two cents.
Quote by user=1yummymummy4u
I object to so called feminists telling me that I have to be out working to have some sort of validation as a person.)

You are painting all feminists with one brush. Not all feminists think that way.
I can't even begin to address this thread. You could spend years talking about this topic with no "resolution." In the comments that have been left before mine topics regarding the first, second, and third wave of feminism have all been addressed (whether you realize it or not) as if they are the same thing... they are not.
in such a case, that is when I would put them on my ignore list asap. no more rude messages smile
Ami James
His personality leaves much to be desired, but damn is he hot hot hot!
I agree with everything the ladies have said above... lots of lube, being comfortable with the person you're with, etc. but I know of various women that have taken all of such precautions and it still hurt. Not only did these women want to have anal sex, but they were extremely disappointed when all of their efforts still resulted in a less than desirable experience.
to each their own.
no. Strawberries are okay smile I will make smoothies with them... have them with whipped cream or dipped in chocolate *drools* Would you ever get plastic surgery?