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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


Sherri, I have noticed lately while looking at hotel websites that some have set a a maximum occupancy to rooms. I would wonder if, after a set time, exceeding this occupancy may be contrary to the pre-agreed Terms & Conditions or could the hotel site breach of an insurance policy as a reason to cut short the fun?
This information might have been helpful to those encountering zealous security staff in the past.
I'm just going to copy and paste this one, so sorry for not toning it down first. I had no previous contact with this guy. The mail says............'suppose theres no chance of you giving me a hand job and il finger you and make u cum. merry xmas '
That piece of throbbing erotic literature was sent to me on Christmas Eve. Oh the shame, and baby Jesus only around the corner.....
Exactly Virgo, and I would not endorse vigilante behaviour. I simply meant that silence in the room might seem like acceptance of this behaviour. A simple statement on the room in a civilised manner may make it clear that no one else found the abuse funny or agreeable. The moronic nature of the abuse is incomprehensible. I've seen a stunning woman being abused on cam for not being as young as another female cammer............ My attitude is ignore these people as to give them attention, in any form, only feeds the flames. Maybe by staying silent we only leave them free to continue.
Maybe we all need to take responsibility for ensuring that people like this are made aware we find this disgusting and unacceptable. Rather than ignore the issue as mods and admins responsibility, we might make it clear in a civilised manner that the tosser qouta for this year has been reached ...... please vacate the building.
Pike from speaking to some cd's on site I can say there are women here who are into this. You might think about setting up a group for interested parties. You could advertise it here on this thread so all people could ask to join. Might come to nothing as the members list is open to public viewing, but it's worth a shot.
Quote by user=alan-ball
Compared to UK sites this site is still quite young and the age profile is similarly young (I am sure the site age average is probably 40), but there are none of us getting younger & I don't imagine people are all going to give it all up just because they are over 50.

In my case I would be more likely to rule someone out for being too young. To be honest I would be uncomfortable with the fact someone is closer in age to my child than to me. So yes I do have a lower age limit. As for an upper age limit, it has yet to be decided. Again the deciding factor would be attraction and not numerical values. I would imagine that as I increase in years, so too will any limits I have set.
Raven, Amber and Titan I agree. Im afraid that downstairs won't work if upstairs isn't. The stimulus created by attraction, both physical and psychological is a necessary component. We all have a selection process; height, looks, intelligence, humour but these aren't as sensitive an issue it seems.
Hawny, there's greedy, then there's voracious ......... and then there's Hawny :giggle:
Dowhat the chat freeze is such a headwreck evil
persevere and maybe watch the chat for a while, see who you think seems the most approachable and start a conversation with them on the main chat. You can build up from there. Remember Slowly Slowly Catchie Monkey :wave2:
I understand your sentiments Dar, but in restricting new sign-ups to a room you are denying them the opportunity to fully appreciate the site and the people on it. I would wonder if a newbie room would have a particularly lively open chat and, if not, would we then lose some people before they'd actually joined in fully. I don't see the harm in being directed to the newbie room on entering the chat rooms.
My reasons behind the above suggestions are based on that many members are leaving because of constant abuse and annoyance. I would like to think there are ways to weed out these people if you know what I mean.
However, there should be some stipulation at least in a persons membership to ensure that anyone causing grief for people can be removed easily.
Dar, I genuinely understand your sentiments as I said. I just dislike the idea of everyone being tarred with the same brush, and blanket restrictions being applied. We did not have this imposed on us when we joined. If we were to look at the issue of the persistent whispers I think you will find that a lower ratio of these people are actually new members.
I also think the newbies room is slightly redundant. At this point all the regular chatters are congregating there to chat with friends. I don't remember the newbies room being particularly busy at any point before it became the default room, which strengthens my point that new sign-ups want to see what the site is all about and not be sectioned to a swing pre-school.
Perhaps rather than imposing a sanction on new sign-ups it could be determined first if they have actually read the AUP. When I signed up I had to provide an email address. An AUP questionnaire could be composed in a multiple choice form and emailed to the proposed sign-up. On successfully completing the questionnaire they could then be given full access to the chat rooms. At least this would ensure that the site rules/ AUP had been read in the first place.
Dar my main point is that abuse is not just being encountered on the chat rooms, it's not just new sign-ups doing this and we need to draw attention to the existing culprits without the site losing either existing or potential new members.
I understand your sentiments Dar, but in restricting new sign-ups to a room you are denying them the opportunity to fully appreciate the site and the people on it. I would wonder if a newbie room would have a particularly lively open chat and, if not, would we then lose some people before they'd actually joined in fully. I don't see the harm in being directed to the newbie room on entering the chat rooms.
Tom, some good points. Can I just put it out there, from a personal perspective, if you whisper hi to me I will say hi back. I will say it on the main chat, thus showing I am not inviting a conversation conducted in whispers. Maybe I am being a bit simplistic though......
Lately, I have started to ignore even the hi whispers as each conversation is almost verbatim: 'hi' then 'how are you' then 'great tits'. Perhaps, for these particular people, a little decorum at the start of a conversation might go a long way and end the backlash against whispers.
Ding, I shall address your points at a later stage. In the interim I must clarify that all my referees eventually withdrew........
Ding is not an equal opportunities employer........ he does not give enough notice for suitable candidates to travel. And to think I have just the outfit to ensure I secured the position. I'm off now to find a tribunal with a bigger board room table and higher potential for redress and compensation:doh:
Virgo I think he whispered me too......... what he said next brought tears to my eyes :crazy:
Quote by user=lucylovesit
mrcork,,hun i am in mayo and have tried sorting something for closer but dub always seems to be a better option,,,there was a meet in mayo sometime last year and it was a disaster so from experience dublin always seems a better option,,,,all that said i would deff be interested in a midlands meet xxxxxx

Lucy I think the fact that 16 people actually voted speaks volumes. Shame though! sad
Another thing we need to be aware of is the use of our M._.N. address. I know I’m not supposed to mention it on this site but it is a security matter.
For those of us who use our standard messenger address on here, myself included, I was concerned to find that our personal information is so readily available.
I don’t want to go into too much detail on what I found, no point in letting anyone know how to do it………. But let’s just say that totally by accident I found that I was able to access people’s social networking profiles. For those that were not private I was able to see their real names, locations and even family pictures.
I would suggest that for off-site chats, any chat forum we use is accessed from an email address solely for site use and which cannot be related to our everyday lives. Sorry if I have been vague.
Wotcha-Inta? such a commonly used question straight after hi how are you, save time and just use it as your name :giggle:
Keep us updated if you intend organising anything Trevor, midlands would make life easier.
Mine is bi-curious as the curiosity hasn’t been addressed yet. Once it is, if I liked it and want to repeat, it will change to bi. If not it will be straight. ………..
Fell for a Robbie Williams look-a-like and settled down, flash forward a few years and it was like waking up beside Robin Williams. So grateful for the times my mind did wander ...............bolt
Quote by user=HotMinx
Does anyone else think Sligo is a great spot for a night out.
What a place. Had a blast up there recentely

Sligo is a fantastic town, sorry
Have spent a lot of time in the area, and I am delighted to see it continue to prosper, infact am back soon, and looking forward to visiting old haunts:thrilled:
:wave2: WOOHOO Minx, I'll get the bunting out