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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


Quote by user=style19791
I agree for the most part there, however there's no magic formula for doing well on this site there are some single guys that do well on here but there are a lot don't also.
Chance Favours The Prepared Mind

Agreed Style, but there have been several posts now highlighting the feelings of the single males. Unfortunately they have not had profound effect on the site itself. Maybe it's time for a change of tactics........ If I was to be noticed or to have people's attention on me for a moment in the forums,I would prefer it to be for all the right reasons. If I had this opportunity I would show my best side and try to show who I am and why a person should want to know me. We have selective memories and unfortunately we sometimes only remember an emotion created. I would not want the emotion associated with my username to be remembered as a negative. As you say yourself, Chance favours the prepared mind, so I say be prepared to shine.
I drive too when bored or annoyed, bloody stereo's not working so it doesn't have the same effect. I also log in and read the forums. Am I really boring that I have no interesting activity to relieve boredom......... must google something for future.
Quote by user=ravenfire
Must send all the newbies to you so you can train them in for us:giggle:

You do that Raven, due to a recent bout of Male Cold Feet Syndrome I've been left all worked up with nowhere to go..........
Quote by user=doccock
midnight an electric toothbrush NEVER wash all our clothes!!!!!:giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle::giggle:

LMAO , Yeah but it'll get your whites pearly white
Having been let down myself more than once I was at a loss as to how intimidating a single femme could be. I couldn’t understand why a single guy would back out of a meet. I talk for a long time before meeting so the time and effort spent on one person, for it to come to nothing, was frustrating.
I can only think that on this site we have the ability to talk things up so much, to discuss our physical wants and how we envision the meet going that before we even get together we have enormous expectations. I think for some single men, the fantasy carries them away. They are convinced it is what they want and when they talk the talk they genuinely mean it. It is only when the reality is so close that self-doubt creeps in and male insecurity rears its bloody head. I understand men may have performance anxieties and how this may have a domino effect on the actual meet. If I as a single femme can be intimidating, I would imagine it is doubly intimidating to meet a couple.
I’m in no doubt there is a sector of men on here simply for the talk, pics and cams. For those single guys who genuinely want to meet all I can say is jump on in there. So what if your first meet isn’t all you can hope for, a lot of people here will say neither was theirs. It will get better. As for performance anxiety……. Without being overly crude all I can say is………. Darlin you may cum fast the first and even second time, by the third you’ll be playing your A-Game.
Avalon sorry still can't get over that........ was it a student house?
avalon says , no hun , it wasnt but it was a rented house , the only one in my street , all the rest are owner occupied ...
Quote by user=avalon
the kids spent 2 hours building a snowman last week and were very proud of their efforts , named him snowy and took pics of him smiling in my front garden , that was on friday , later that night the childminder noticed some commotion in my front garden and looked out , but nothing seemed amiss, until saturday morning when my youngest began whimpering and pointing to the place where snowy had stood .... he had vanished , they came and told me their snowman had been stolen ,naturally i presumed he had melted ... then my son came and told me that he had seen snowy 4 doors up looking bigger, but with the same lopsided smile my daughter had lovingly constructed from her favourite beads .... fookers had robbed him , rolled him some more and they had him on proud display in their front garden ..... now That HAS TO BE AN NEW LOW !!!!!!! FOOKERS .....GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I strongly suggest you go tonight and form snowy's head and body into a set of boobs in their front garden.......... see how long they want to leave him on display then.
Funny guy story, I can say it because he's left the site.......... Once upon a time a scrumptious single male danced naked on cam for me doing the full Y.M.C.A. routine, and I loved it.
I wish he was still here so I could say kiss Darlin thanks for the memory, I'll still be chuckling over it in the old folks home.
Quote by user=bustydd2005
Doc now I know why it's broken .. want to use mine :smoke:
1600 spin washing machinebolt

doc if its broken you might want to consider electric toothbrush
Sorry meant to put more on that post, if you are willng to take the time you might think of doing a memeber search to find people registered under similar profiles to yours. Send them a template email inviting them to the group and asking they spread the word. It can do no harm, unfortunatley the mountain does not always come to Mohammed so take the killer heels off for a while and put on some mountaineering boots :wave2:
Pike, well done you for being proactive kiss maybe now send out a mail to each member of the group reminding them they are on it and seeing if anyone has any ideas to increase the membership etc. It's up to you to keep it alive. The feminisation scene is not for me but I have to say the army uniform pictures are stunning. Best of luck.........
OMG Dar please clarify........ the cucumber in the fridge, it eemmmmmmmmm hadn't been 'used' had it? PMSL
In the interest of balance and to recognise true talent I've decided to start my first ever thread. I want to show appreciation of the straight (or bi) single male, sorry Hynes for robbing your theme.
I want to move away from the single male bashing and say thank you guys for giving me so many laugh lines. I thank ye for being witty, flirty and able to laugh at yourselves. I thank ye for the banter and the sexy pics. For the guys I've met I am thankful of their stamina; some not unlike a Duracell bunny sprinkled in fairy dust.
I am thankful of whispered interesting links (cough cough) , for D.I.Y. tips and where to pick up cheap car parts. I appreciate getting the ego-boost I sometimes need and the emoticon kisses. Some of my dearest and oldest friends on this site are single males, those that spoil it barely feature on my radar.
Lets make January Appreciation of the Single Male month, maybe share some jokes a single male told you or just tell what he has done to brighten your day......¦ Or maybe I'm just a sap .....¦
Quote by user=dar4u
My preference is towards men over 6 foot, masculine and dark haired.

Oooops.....I am only 5 ft 10......any exceptions...:evil2:

Dar.......... I wouldn't be able to wear my killer heels
In my interactions on this site I do not take looks or walks of life into consideration, I am friendly with people with personality. In terms of actual meets, I meet who I am attracted to. My preference is towards men over 6 foot, masculine and dark haired. Only one of my meets has actually had all these attributes. At the end of the day I was attracted to the person and the social aspect I would enjoy on these meets. Would I agree to meet someone knowing full well they intended it to be more than a social meeting and I would have no interest in this - no!
I said is it fair of them to allow you continue applying knowing they were never going to accept, not fair on them. Again is it fair of them to ignore your request and allow you to continue applying. Your point is valid that it was insensitive to reply and discuss your physiology, it is not fair to run people down for having preferences though. By being on this site I am not saying I am willing to meet with anyone I would not welcome the advances of in a more main-stream setting.
If I applied for a party and was turned down because it is 20-30 age group, like you have done, I would say ffs why didn't they put that on the ad. Can I complain because they have set tastes; no.
I posted that before you editted your post to remove some of your original text Dar. As I said feelings were undoubtedly hurt and in no way do I make light of that. The fact that people found this in poor taste and defended you is admirable. Now this issue has been highlighted I am sure party organisers will take this on board when next advertising.
It is a persons right to determine what they wish to achieve at a party that I was defending. Attraction cannot be forced, if it could why do we bother filling out profiles in the first place showing us as people and who we want to meet. Discretions and tastes are not left in the cloak room when signing in...... I accept I will not float everyone's boat nor will they mine. I guess my point is, what if that person had simply said to you sorry we are full now. Is it fair of them to allow you to continue applying for their parties knowing full well their feelings on the matter?
It would seem we are in agreement so that it is not the criteria for the party that was offensive but the response received. Without the benefit of reading the exact transcript of the response sent to Dar, and not his interpretation, I would imagine that the party organiser foolishly went with brutal honesty as the best policy.
Feelings have been hurt, people are indignant at the offense. This is real life........... we all experience it and we are inviting further heartache if we imagine it will be any different on the virtual world. One point to consider...... on the chat room a comment was made on main chat denegrating skinny people. Not one person objected, would the room have been as silent if it had been a fat joke? If we are going to be P.C. let it be across the board.
Quote by user=dragonstar
and with bread I never buy the first loaf of bread always the second lol lol ohhhhh there are so many little quirks I could write a book lol lol xxxxxxanny

Me too when buying a loaf. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm wonder if a study should be done on any link between sexually open-minded people and quirkiness...........
Is the complaint that the party organiser had an image criteria for the party or is it that they listed the reasons an applicant did not fulfill this criteria? If it is the latter then yes, the repsonse might have been handled better.
But if it is the fact that there was a 'suitable type' clause for this party then this is the organisers right. To dictate to a person who should be allowed to attend private functions is only a short step from telling anyone else attending the party........'oh and you will be expected to take one for the team'.
I don't attend parties so I am not defending my own actions here, I just think there is such a vast mix of people on this site that everyone has the potential to have a wonderful time. Accept each other as we are, either in looks or in opinions, move away from what you don't like and embrace what you do.
Quote by user=Titan79
When I buy a newspaper, I always take the second one down on the stack, Can't deal with the crumpled 'abused' top one.
** Goes off muttering to himself**

Titan I do that and also do that with bread. Can't take the closest slice to the top in case someone's hand grazed against it as they took a slice.
Confused now......... so when someone offered to do my splash-back; was it not the sink region they were thinking of? Did I waste my time buying Laura Ashley tiles?
Quote by user=lucylovesit
they asked us to leave,,,but we argued and they allowed us to party till 3 am,,then rang the apt and asked all except 6 to leave and came up to escort us out,,,i recall mmmm 2 big muscly men ,,i did ask them to joins us :doggy:but they declined bolt which was a little inconvenient but i suppose they did give us til 3 am ,,,they walked us down but we had last laugh,,we headed back to other cpls apt and stayed there :moon:boink

That's the kind of situation I was talking about Lucy.
Quote by user=Amberx
oh and the other one 'what you lookin for' or 'what you into' to which I would nearly always say body mutilation :P it normally gets rid of them fairly pronto blink

Oh thank God someone else said this, I was beginning to think I was some form of mutant for hating this question.

Titan being the divil I am I had to respond. I asked him if he was drunk, he said yes. I asked if that line had ever worked before, he said no. Conversation ended with me telling him his request wasn't very ambitious and we left it at that :crazy:
Titan, anyone who has contact with you knows why you are one of the true successes on this site. With regard to the person making the comment I can just say............. HURT PEOPLE HURT! Someone happy in their own lot wouldn't have made such a comment, either in badness or in poor judgement.
Quote by user=muldernTcell
have discovered that a large bra makes a good makeshift parachute and run screaming thru the bushes .

Sounds like the fun's only just beginning at that point.............. innocent
Southside, somewhere in these forums there is reference to a sister site in Australia. As members here I think you may be allowed access to the Australian site also. Sorry I'm not sure where the thread is containing the link but maybe someone else knows...........