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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


Twilight, increase your chances and post this to the bi and gay lets meet up forums. Best of luck. :wave2:
Cabbs & Mrs. Cabbs. xxxxxxxxxxxx Best of luck, miss ye. Hope ye enjoy your break and this is au revoir and not goodbye.
Titan you're a legend in your own life time. Happy birthday darlin........ mwwwaaaaahhhh! :cheers:
Happy birthday Busty xxx Was thinking of getting you 'Operation' for your birthday, or do you want to stick with Twister. :happy:
Quote by user=hawnycpl
hmmmm interestin dis one mid..well as said above get ta know peeps 1st and relaxation is d key..but i must admit u wont avoid nerves, dere always dere..well its part of buzz..and dat story..mayb we cud make our own hun...passionkiss:lick:

Hawny you know you give me butterflies :haha:
Quote by user=irishfunandgames
One of the most dangerous places i did was when i worked in a hotel , cleaning the room the morning after and had a serious morning glory so something had to be done, just seconds away from my manager catching me , always wondered what she would do , she was a bit cracked herself lol.

I'm surprised you haven't re-enacted that in one of your role play moments boink
Quote by user=Titan79
Lets see ya flick a jumbo beach towel........:laughabove:

Let me see you in your mankini and I'll show ya my jumbo towel
Heat does it to me too so ONE of my places is............ whilst in a sunshower (stand up tanning bed). Another is while sending cheeky texts to someone here we decided we would play a game of cum-chasing. We had to go to the bathroom at the same time (I was in work). First back to their desk with a smile on their face was a winner......... I won:smoke:
Hi Meand, think we chatted a bit this evening and you seemed like a lovely person. It's hard to be noticed in a constantly changing crowd so maybe think of chatting a bit on the main chat with people who seem the most approachable. After a wee while the conversation will build up. It's not just that you are building up a rapport on chat but you are being noticed for your behaviour and personality. From your post it would seem that the people you want to meet are the most likely to value discretion and privacy, I've been on this site about 2 years off and on and it's only recently that I have been getting party invites that I would be interested in accepting. Persevere and play the long game, I'm sure you will do well.
Aren't you brave Titan when you have me at a disadvantage, wait til we get out and I start towel flicking ............
It's not always what they say but the way they say it sometimes can catch you off guard. I remember one occassion when the deed was done and a guy said something to me.......... Whatever way he said it made me think of the scene in the Snapper when Georgie Burgess says 'Good girl Sharon'. Mood Killer !!!!!madeye:
Quote by user=Virgogirl
I am afraid of water going over my head:cry::cry:
Reason I rarely use showers ( note to others I use the bath! )..
I was pushed into a swimming pool when I was only 10:cry: and never got over the horrible feeling of thinking I was going to drown:cry:
When I do use a shower I have to tip my head back:doh:
And I still can't bloody swimrotflmao

Virgo we must have been seperated at birth. I wasn't pushed in water but I tilt my head back if in a shower. I scrunch my face up like it's acid coming out of the shower head. And heaven forbid any goes up my nose or I nearly drown. Needless to say I can't swim
The dog died chestnut doesn't work Virgo, not when there's fowl alive and pecking. :sticky:
Ah Titan, could you not have posted earlier. A girl needs a bit of notice so she can have the spuds peeled first...... :lick:
This is one to try when one partner would rather give up control of the scenario. With this idea one partner is scheduled to meet the other, usually at a hotel. When they get to the scene, the other partner is not there. Instead they find the clothes they must wear and instructions to wait. When the other partner arrives they begin to command what the escort should do. You can actually go through a whole meet while playing these roles. Things could get interesting!
If she liked Belle de Jour, either original or series this might appeal to her. To really break from the norm, let the male be the escort.
Ray I agree, sometimes it can be more erotic to see a glimpse of flesh or a hint of what's hidden than to have full frontal bare ass nudity! I am soooooooo worried that I seem to be the only person who gets you, please say you are normal.
A tatalising tease may seem so much more sensual than blatant overt 's not necessary to appear on everyone's favourite lists, just as long as you are on the list of the person you are with..P.S. I'm drunk too
This forum is not just read by bi-sexual members but also by us bi-curious members (hee hee hoping for some pointers).
Maybe you would be so kind as to give us some advice. Let us know what you wish you'd known starting out. What to expect, what to avoid, any personal experiences you think would be of benefit to share. I'm not expecting you to reveal your own personal stories but maybe let us know anything you think we might relate to us. Then again I love a good story.........
Titan, definitely improving with age. Think that is in part down to the ease you find with yourself as you develop. Eventually you realise you are equally as responsible for getting yourself there as the other person is.
God love your innocence darlin. It's gonna have to be a slap to knock some sense into you coffee
Quote by user=happylouth
Swim. . . . .

I had been thinking of joining a gym......... but apparently it's really boring :doh: