looks can be deceiving... But do looks matter? I think not.
Totally lost here! What is this thread about?
i think this must be about saying anything that doesnt make any sense so here goes....if ye crumble a blueberry muffin its fuck all use as bog roll
would'nt chance smelling either arse or muffin raven
Ray I agree, sometimes it can be more erotic to see a glimpse of flesh or a hint of what's hidden than to have full frontal bare ass nudity! I am soooooooo worried that I seem to be the only person who gets you, please say you are normal.
A tatalising tease may seem so much more sensual than blatant overt 's not necessary to appear on everyone's favourite lists, just as long as you are on the list of the person you are with..P.S. I'm drunk too
Reckon he meant it on the
http://www.swing4ireland.com/iIUjdbAI1Y9v58Va thread, and yes ray seems to have "retired",:cry: