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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


:thrilled:So looking forward to it, how many sleeps now. I can feel a great night coming on
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Brad Pitt doesn't do it for me either, and curious hit the nail on the head with Russell. You know you'd leave in the morning, shaking your head, grinning from ear to ear and going wtf????] :P
Quote by user=alan-ball
Due to these narrow minded views I now am seriously considering my membership of this site.

Alan at the end of the day you are here to meet.......... does the opinion of people you are not going to meet really warrant such an action. You can't please all the people all the time, just as long as you please the one you're with.
Alan, I don't judge you. I too was in a situation like yours for a while and not for the world would I go back to it. At least you have the comfort of a happy relationship. I think you are coming under attack because people are taking the 'people in glass houses........' stance. It may read that some of your posts are actually reflecting your own personal opinions but I understand you are not doing that, but simply opening topics for discussion.
Paris Hilton.......... I so don't get it. Russell Brand....... am I strange because I sooooooooo would. passionkiss
Quote by user=newbees09
Jude Law is the one that I dont get. Just dont see it myself.

Totally agree, I literally cannot stand that man. Also don't like Sienna Miller
Clara I am a smoker but always make this clear when arranging meets :wave2: I can understand where you are coming from, at the times I have given up I can truly appreciate how it feels to twiddle your thumbs while someone is on a fag-break. Smoking hotel rooms do stink, it's the first thing to hit you when you walk in, it's not the most erotic scent. I hope joining the group Marie refers to makes life so much more pleasant for you.
Reluctant to endorse any note wherein a person's attendance is confirmed or not. Surely a simpler option would be to actually use the comments section. Confirm attendance there with any positive comment you would like to make. I must admit I do not allow comments on my profile because no one needs to know where I have been. People have genuine reasons for not turning up, however, some would appear not to.
At the end of the day there is a chat room available, perhaps engage in open conversation there............ word of mouth goes a long way and you may identify unsuitable candidates at an earlier stage.
As for the female 'bubble' I would suggest that there may not be a bubble but approaches we find more appealing. In my case rapport is something that is built up, someone suggesting a meet at the first point of contact is not of interest to me.

P.S. the poll is not valid if it only has one option available to select. You will get a truer reflection if you re-post it with a 'no' option.
Alan it has been asked that the thread remain open so that the main query can be discussed. As stated the issue of some words being potentially offensive has been identified; there cannot be too much more that needs to be added to that. The road is now clear for your topic to be commented on.
Raven, I would not imagine there is much more to be added to this thread. Objections were raised and taken on board. Locking the thread does not remove the initial offence caused, however, if you or the thread generator specifically wish for it to be locked we shall be happy to oblige.
Two hotties looking for meets .......... you gotta love this site :thumbup: good luck fats and robby.
Quote by user=ravenfire
A developmental anomaly of the urethra in which a part of the urethral canal is open on the undersurface of the penis or on the perineum.

95% of Irish bathroom floors will confirm that this is a wide spread, all too common affliction. rotflmao

Use fellatio in a Sentence
See images of fellatio
Search fellatio on the Web
Also, fel⋅la⋅tion  /fəˈleɪʃən, fɛ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA .
Tell the truth Raven, you looked up the images, didn't you. Go on I know ya did. :rascal:
At a forum, someone entrusted by the administrator to help discussions stay productive and within the guidelines.
Good moderators are essential for good forums; great moderators are essential for great forums... and the absence of moderators typically leads to ghost towns inhabited only by spam bots.
Basic moderator duties include deleting or modifying inappropriate posts, educating newcomers about forum guidelines, and possibly deleting accounts of repeat offenders. Additionally, moderators may be experts in their field who can help minimize unanswered questions.
Most moderator openings are volunteer positions.
addendum: Some are led to the post in the interest of harbouring the best interests of the site and holding them dear. Some hope to encourage a positive attitude and allow such a site to show its full potential. There is no kudos to a gold star beside a name, I personally had plenty of them in my copy books in primary school. I love the forums; the banter, intelligence and wit of some posts are fantastic. As a forum reader it would be horrible to find the atmosphere destroyed and it to degenerate into a space we all avoid.
paronomania: an obsessive interest in word games ; a clinical obsession with word games
paronomania Factitious word derived from a conflation of PARONOMASIA Word-play + MANIA
Assiduous adj. 1. Constant in application or attention; diligent: "An assiduous worker who strove for perfection." 2. Unceasing; persistent: "Assiduous cancer research."
Linguaphile (lnggw-fl)
A lover of languages and words.
Quote by user=mr-meandmywifeuk
i wouldnt hold my breath lol :welcome:

I'm sorry Virgo that you seem to have had a wait to get an answer. If I knew myself why this had been locked I would say. As far as I am aware no question can be ignored and as such I would anticipate you having an answer as soon as there is one to be given. It is possible that this was simply human error and the person who locked it is not even aware of it. With it being the weekend, there may be a delay in tracing this. I'm confident there is no great consipracy at work here. Posted this before I was aware Sherri was also addressing the issue, see, the human element.
Usually I would have said bald, i.e myself fully smooth. Recent chats I have had would suggest that men would prefer a minimum of a landing strip. I'm lost now so will be very inerested in the replies posted here.
Hi Needalot, be sure and say hello on the chatroom. Hope the new assertive you has a great time xxx
Soundladd I recommend you get pro-active in your approach, chat in chatrooms, post a picture, advertise in letsmeetup (I think you have anyway). Avoid whispering too much as your main chat conversation is viewed by everyone regardless if it is aimed at them or not, and that is your chance to create an impression. I'm afraid demand far exceeds supply at the moment so it's up to you to saturate the site with your presence. :wave2:
Jaysus serious? I don't think I have ever been under the influence prior to a meet, then again I have a neck like a jockeys arse.

Under the influence, it's a wonder I don't end up under the table!
Key material ingredients for a successful meet......... vodka and condoms. I've just realised I have only met once without alchohol in my system. My name is Midnight and I have a problem!
Quote by user=dowhatever
have to admit suffer from premeet nerves,met two off here and stomach was in bits fore i met but felt i had to go through as i said i`d be there,prob just need more practicesmile

Me too dowhat........ to the point of feeling nauseous sometimes.