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Judge not lest you walk in my shoes!

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The high moral ground can be a lonely place.
Reading replies to recent threads brings me to the conclusion that there is a "moralistic, judgemental, high-moral ground point of view" .... perhaps even a catholic, rather than a Christian ethos, an ethos & view-point that would be un-expected on a site where people are meeting ostensively for SEX.
Although I do defend the right of people to express their opinions openly in the forums, that opinion should not be such that it is tantamount to a personal attack on another member or their view point, by all means agree to dis-agree.
This is not a dating site, or a pen-pal site, it is a site where ADULTS clearly state their sexual preferences & desires. It is consentual and supposedly NSA (no strings attached).
We are all on the site for our own reasons, some clearly state in their profile why they are here, what they are looking for & whom they will meet. Others for their own private reasons keep their information private.
But we are here because we like, enjoy, and desire sex a little more that others. Sex provides us with the release/high an athlete may achieve by winning or an actor gets performing to an audience.
Perhaps I am wrong but a Swing site is not the place for moralising, to society at large we are all perverts.
Could you honestly tell a friend, work colleague, family member that you enjoyed sex with someone other that your partner or that you like group sex?
It is because of societies/family views that many keep their sexual preferences hidden or stay in a poor relationship. Surely here a level of understanding or empathy is to be expected.
A personal preference not to "meet attached but cheating married", bi-curious people or people of a certain age or body size is purely a person preference, a preference that is best expressed in a non judgemental moralising or hurtful way.
Due to these narrow minded views I now am seriously considering my membership of this site.
remember "judge not lest you walk in my shoes"
well alan all i can say is well done to you i have wanted to say that for such a long while .life is short and why cant people just get on with it and not be so judgemental .:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:
Due to these narrow minded views I now am seriously considering my membership of this site.

Alan-Ball someone once told me, if you accept another's criticism and walk away you are feeding that mind set, is it more important that you stay to make another think!
People will always judge, take the higher moral ground in any walk of life Alan, it saves them actualy having to accept that we are all unique, our needs, preferneces, are personal to ourselves and the fact that we choose to come onto a swing site and share our sexual preferences is a choice...
Choosing to engage or explore NSA does not automaticaly or should not leave a person open to hurtful comments or bully boy tactics..
Now I like you am tired of the judgemental attitude on sites so my closing argument is..
I am here, I am here for NSA, I do meet attacheds, I am skinny, I am BI, I didn't join a dating site, if I make good friends along the way what a bonus!!!!! so that is me and if anyone doesn't like just slide on by!!!!!!!!!!
Alan unfortunately many people drag their prdjudices along with them. You can take the boy out of the country but can you take the country out of the boy. I wish everyone would live and let live. There are people on here who we would not swing with due to their personal sexual preferences but that doesnt mean we cant chat to them and be friends with them far from it the variety of life is what makes it interesting/ do not apply your moral code to others. ONE SIZE DOES NOT FIT ALL.
Alan, I don't judge you. I too was in a situation like yours for a while and not for the world would I go back to it. At least you have the comfort of a happy relationship. I think you are coming under attack because people are taking the 'people in glass houses........' stance. It may read that some of your posts are actually reflecting your own personal opinions but I understand you are not doing that, but simply opening topics for discussion.
hi alan having meet you and you are a gent and would not hurt anybody as you know liam knows who i meet and is happy once he knows i have made lots of friends on site xxxxxxxxxxxx hope you dont leave you be missed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx suzie
Alan Your honest, that will always get you into trouble. But I admire your honesty. I'm a live and let live type of person but I can see that you get a bit of undeserved stick sometimes. There are always going to be hypocrites your not one of them but this is a swing site and what you say is right. Dont let the buggers get you down!
Swinging A lifestyle of non-monogany where sexual relations occur outside the established couple. Swingers tend to refrain from romantic attachments with their outside partners, thus differentiating themselves from PolyAmorists. " Agree that there is no place for judgemental or moralist view on a site where I would presume the majority of members are interested in swinging(meeting for NSA sex) or interested in testing the water to see if it for them, be the members single or attached. I would also expect that each member has their own reason for being here and no one deserved to be judge by another member for any reason/s. Personally I question ones maturity to be on a swing site if they cannot refrain from being judgemental or taking a high moral ground on another's sexual preferences or activities. Alan dont leave becasue of the small mindednees of a few you are bigger and better than most who hold such attitudes and pass judgement on others.
Quote by user=alan-ball
Due to these narrow minded views I now am seriously considering my membership of this site.

Alan at the end of the day you are here to meet.......... does the opinion of people you are not going to meet really warrant such an action. You can't please all the people all the time, just as long as you please the one you're with.
"A lifestyle of non-monogany where sexual relations occur outside the established couple. Swingers tend to refrain from romantic attachments with their outside partners, thus differentiating themselves from PolyAmorists.
Agree that there is no place for judgemental or moralist view on a site where I would presume the majority of members are interested in swinging(meeting for NSA sex) or interested in testing the water to see if it for them, be the members single or attached. I would also expect that each member has their own reason for being here and does no one deserved to be judge by another member for any reason/s.
Personally I question ones maturity to be on a swing site if they cannot refrain from being judgemental or taking a high moral ground on another's sexual preferences or activities.
Alan please done leave the site becasue of the small mindedness of a few who feel they can cast judgement on others.
rememeber when judging others Let he who is without sin cast the first stone
Quote by user=cutie
"A lifestyle of non-monogany where sexual relations occur outside the established couple. Swingers tend to refrain from romantic attachments with their outside partners, thus differentiating themselves from PolyAmorists. "
Agree that there is no place for judgemental or moralist view on a site where I would presume the majority of members are interested in swinging(meeting for NSA sex) or interested in testing the water to see if it for them, be the members single or attached. I would also expect that each member has their own reason for being here and does no one deserved to be judge by another member for any reason/s.
Personally I question ones maturity to be on a swing site if they cannot refrain from being judgemental or taking a high moral ground on another's sexual preferences or activities.
Alan please done leave the site becasue of the small mindedness of a few who feel they can cast judgement on others.
rememeber when judging others Let he who is without sin cast the first stone

I couldnt have put it better cutie........
alan dont let the narrowmindedness of others even let you think about leaving ...........
Dont worry I am not gone, thank you all for the support. As Midnight pointed out the various I started were never from a personally held point of view (not that I can remember, but I am open 2 correction) but in an effort to get an important discussion started. Some unfortunately post replies without reading the detail of the thread or the content of earlier replies, thereby entering a debate with out all the facts. The purpose of this thread is to discuss being judgemental or moralist & its role on a Swing site. My personal circumstances, & whether I go or stay have no place in the discussion. Alan
Dont worry I am not gone,. Its not a George Lee moment ... thank you all for the support. As Midnight pointed out the various I started were never from a personally held point of view (not that I can remember, but I am open 2 correction) but in an effort to get an important discussion started. Some unfortunately post replies without reading the detail of the thread or the content of earlier replies, thereby entering a debate with out all the facts. The purpose of this thread is to discuss being judgemental or moralist & its role on a Swing site. My personal circumstances, & whether I go or stay have no place in the discussion. Alan
what is swinging? in my mind it is the ability to persue ones sexuality without moralistic judgement or emotional attachment ....and what the hell that has to do with your marriage i just dont know , sometimes i wish people would keep their opinions to themselves, ignore the lot of em Alan , end of the day ...honesty is the best policy , and you have been very honest .For those out there who are looking for a relationship under the guise of swinging , go join a dating site ...and let the rest of us get on with our lifestyle .
Avalon has hit the nail on the head, this is NOT a dating site but unfortunately some people on here treat it as such. I'm on here to meet like minded people who wont or indeed need to judge me nor i them, I'm not looking for a life partner or even a date as such. We all have our limitations and preferences but should not judge others who's choices don't tally with our own. Each of us are different, however we all should respect each others reasons for being are some wonderful people who its a real pleasure to chat with. Alan has been honest and upfront about his situation and yet he gets criticised, what would you prefer he did , lie perhaps, then we would soon see those who now castigate him really take the high moral ground. Alan,your motto should be, Fortiter et Recte. [courageously and honourably]
Well said topdog xxxxxxx
Even if u walk in the shoes of another..ur still using ur own feet. no one will ever truly understand inside another human why bother judging what u cant, u can like and dislike what people do to u..but thats about it. Best to ignore who judges u. I like this site..there's some openminded people here who can have a laugh, people who suit me...theres people who everywhere on this planet.
I think no matter what you do in life some one will always judge you, it`s how you deal with it that matters. The best way we find is get pissed off about maybe have a rant and just move on. After all the person judging us can and will be judged back one day and will know how they made others feel. Karma is a great thing.
well said raven alan have met you a true gent good friend dont let the narrow minded so called swingers change you in any way we are here for fun not to judge no one on here can judge any one elce so come on and grow up its not a schoolyard its a SWING SITE
I am here, I am here for NSA, I do meet attacheds, I am skinny, I am BI, I didn't join a dating site, if I make good friends along the way what a bonus!!!!! so that is me and if anyone doesn't like just slide on by!!!!!!!!!!

Hope I'm not diminishing the thread folks but hey Virgo, if we do like do we just "Slide on in?" evil
Some wonderful opinions are expressed here and I agree with all so far. Being single and after reading cutie I'm now not sure am I a swinger or a polyamorphous? Guess you can't swing unless as a couple but doesn't stop me trying boinkinnocent
Quote by user=Knocknagow
Some wonderful opinions are expressed here and I agree with all so far. Being single and after reading cutie I'm now not sure am I a swinger or a polyamorphous? Guess you can't swing unless as a couple but doesn't stop me trying boinkinnocent

just to clarify I too am single and have never implied not intended to imply that there is no place for singles in swinging.
swinging is NSA sex between consenting adults outside of the "established couple"
how does that imply that it is for couple only?
apoligise for going of the thread topic but just felt I had to clarify that point.
Ah Cutie - I wasn't taking any offence or anything wave Just loved your definitions and was actually complimenting you. Whatever it is I am, I'm enjoying it lol xxx c'mere ya fine thing passionkiss
c'mere to me Knock passionkiss
swinging is NSA sex between consenting adults outside of the "established couple"
how does that imply that it is for couple only?

Cutie you can't deny that for many years the norm amongst swingers was a couple pursuing sex with other couples outside of their relationship..
Hence the difficulty for many swingers to accept singles only on sites, remember the horrible old term 'wife swapping', the old throw the car keys in a bowl scenario?
Thankfuly as time progressed attitudes changed, and now singles in the main, are accepted, but if you look at the many swinging clubs, single guys are still excluded from many, which is totaly unfair as single fems are fully encouraged to join.