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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


Hi Tommy, it looks like Roslare might be taking shape....... maybe you might find her at that.
That's it Virgo, and I hope that newbie understands that if your conversation is moving fast on main chat and you are whispering a few people at the same time the room text literally flies up the page sometimes. It's so easy to miss a greeting or say to yourself I'll answer in one second and then remember 10 minutes later that you didn't. Someone going to the trouble of saying hello is never unwelcome and I'd find it hard to believe this would be deliberately ignored. Also a simple post of hi I probably wouldn't answer as I would be unsure if it was directed at the room or someone in particular.
Agree Latina, and I also feel that a word that might be used in relation to the chat room is excluded. Not in a bad or deliberate way but sometimes a person could get so caught up in conversation, both main and whispered, that it would be easy to overlook someone trying to break into chat.
Quote by user=Amberx
Ah yes and here was I under the impression that any member could post in the letsmeet forum if they are arranging a meet rolleyes

Curiosity must be satisfied........lets just hope the couple seeking the meet end up the same way. :thumbup:
Quote by user=morby
Hi all, joined up to site a couple years back but never got into anything. I decided recently to come back on and check it out. Seems a lot more activity these days. I have never gone to parties or anything so still no experience of this.
I am quite interested to get into parties etc. though as I am bored with the usual social scene in my life at the moment. I am quite shy however but think I could get into some activities. Anyone wanna talk to me give me a message, even just some friendly advice smile thanks!

HI morby and welcome back. Hope you get what you want and it is a wonderful experience for you.
:upset: I WISH!!!! That's one seriously hot night. Ladies/ couples if you pass this up you are mad. Fantastic couple and the guy is an extreme hottie. Turn up or miss out.........
Can think of no circumstance where a rating system would be acceptable never mind tolerated.
Last text sent to son...........
'Fill the cock bucket'...... bloody predictive text
Suzie just delete that entry from your established list or have a mod do it for you. It's at your discretion to allow such an entry on your profile.
Quote by user=iluvlamp
maybe has already happened alot of females who dont like 'wank cam' will stop clicking on cams altogether thus ignoring genuine guys.

Who are these maybe females who don't turn on cams at all now? Or is this hypothetical. I think that us females would sometimes be credited with being a little more sensitive than we actually are...........
I chat on main room chat, I am a chatter who also whispers, I watch the wank cameras. Please tell me which room you would rather I went to since I am not supposed to be on Newbies or the Beach?
Hi goodguy, nice to see you in chat today. Sorry I was quiet but be sure and chat next time.........
:giggle: I'm your first hee hee. You might consider putting a picture up and engaging in some serious chatting!
Quote by user=hotdogs
I just think if a guy can't get a girl himself then why does he think he can have somebody's Else's I can tell you is the main thing with single males as I have spoken to other guys who like me are part of a couple.

Are you serious???? So you can play with the single fem but your other half can't with the single male. Or you will attend a party with a single fem but not a single male. Interesting thought process........It's not for me to question people's choices or their rules of play but as a single female here I take offence to that. If I can't get a man why should I expect to play with someone else's.
Hi CJ don't worry about sounding pervy it's usually just a term applied to horny people. And we are all horny! Come into chat and say hello, the more the merrier
I heard through the sometimes vicious grape-vine that married friends of mine were swingers. I was intrigued but couldn’t approach them to discuss it without causing great upset. I genuinely wanted to because the idea appealed to me. I couldn’t shake the curiosity and in the end I used a search engine and looked up swinging in Ireland. One of the options was Swing4Ireland and I looked at this reference.
Of course to have a proper look around you need to have a profile so I registered. I was so naive I genuinely expected to look up profiles from my county and find pictures of my friends; needless to say I was disappointed. But I continued looking around the site, the first few times I ventured into the chat room I was just being nosey, getting a feel for it. With a big paranoid head on me I legged it any time anyone said hello to me. I eventually started chatting, I eventually made friends, and I eventually started to meet............. my biggest regret? how long I spent procrastinating and the wasted time and opportunities as a result. For anyone just browsing; just do it, jump in with both feet. You know what you want, you know what you are comfortable with, and no one else is going to find it for you......... just do it. As far as I am concerned finding my fun in here is far more satisfactory than a random hook-up from a night-club. Why swing (or use a swing site), for the greater discretion and choice it provides me.
Quote by user=letme
OMG 4 sleeps :doh: grrrrrrrrrr i swear i thought it was Wedsenday today grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Saturday cant cum soon enough sillyhwoar: :doggy::doggy::doggy:

Just got this horrible deflated feeling.................
I've not seen one on that site Alan but there is another site which has a tutorial on how to create a 'gushing' reaction. I highly recommend it to all men of Swing.......... or maybe a certain lady who has posted might consider having her hubbie do some work-shops innocent
Quote by user=ravenfire
There is nothing worse than an ex smoker:haha: they give us poor addicted lesser mortal hell

Meet you in the smoking area Raven ...........
I love The Secretary too. Speaks volumes that none of my friends have seen it but people on this site recognise it immediately.........
Quote by user=lucylovesit
youl be nice and horny for me tonight so!!!!!

That was supposed to be private you know .........:-o