:clap: Slightly, I knew it was worth asking!
Tom, first of all you would have to be clear on your definition of a time-waster:
a) someone here to chat only and indulge in solely on-site contact.
b) someone here to chat only but creating the impression they would be interested in a meet.
c) someone you have engaged in hours of contact with only to be told sorry not going to meet.
d) someone who arranges a meet and then backs out, whether at the last minute or even with no notice.
e) any other definition you could apply……….
Definitions a to d are par for the course. At no point during sign up is any individual asked to sign an agreement that they will be genuine in how they represent themselves. There is a limited scope wherein admin can govern how people represent themselves i.e. couples are in fact couples, females are in fact females etc. If you placed an ad on an online service advertising your car for sale, you do not have the option of calling that service provider and saying ‘Joe Bloggs contacted me about the car, I engaged in contact with him and discussed the car and its features. I sent him photos. Turns out he is just a tyre kicking You as an adult made a conscious decision to use the service, the provider allows you to formulate an advert and provide a contact medium. The provider bears no responsibility as to what happens beyond this. The same principle applies here.
Definition d and e fall beyond the scope of responsibility of the site. Any activity arranged off-site is not associated with the site nor will it be monitored by the site. I’m sorry that this seems unsympathetic, I do actually empathise. I have experienced spending countless hours of my valuable time establishing a connection with individuals here, only to have it totally back fire on me. I would also say I have engaged in prolonged contact with individuals, and only after hours of chat have I been able to determine that they are in fact people I do not want to meet. Perhaps at the start of this contact I may have created the impression there was a possible meet to be had. However, there is no onus on me to follow through on this.
The end point here is that it will not be allowed that comments relating to negative experiences with a profile shall be recorded and available to view. This topic is raised regularly, the answer has always been no.
Virgo a broader view of that point would not be that some people just judge bi people; but that they have an innate need to judge full stop. These people who would apply 'a stereo-type' to a bi person invariably apply stero-types to most individuals they meet..........e.g. married men who indulge outside the marital bed are just morally corrupt men, single mothers are just out to trap a baby daddy or are an easy mark, a teenager in a hoody is a yob, a gay person has made a choice to follow that path.
I find the best way to deal with them is to turn it on them..... what is their issue that they need to worry about stuff that has no effect on them whatsoever. I understand that culture and age may play a part in some people's perceptions but this is not always a sufficient excuse for small mindedness.
Surely the fact a mod responded on the post would suggest notice being taken. Whether the outcome is to the satisfaction of the original poster or not, all suggestions are taken on board and recognised. A response will be given when available and negativity at such an early stage is counter-productive.
You can ask for a comment to be removed if you don't want it on your profile.
I'm sure I could have come up with a far more interesting name but I now think my name was meant to be.............. all my interesting chats seem to start around midnight!:lick:
Please do not name individuals on the forum. We have no way of knowing if this is acceptable to them. Perhaps people might like to say why they might now feel their name does not suit them and what they would change it to.
I know what you mean Slightly I call them the 'Action Man Doll Bit'
I understand why that would seem the logical suggestion Raven but the status is a reflection of how they participate here on the site, not day to day life. A married man who is on the site alone is a solo male, a couple profile on here should have both parties participating. If it is unacceptable for a male to represent himself as being in a couple if he is the only active member here, likewise with women I believe.
Another lady on here recommended a film to me but I can't remember if she said it was the original version L'Histoire d'O or is it the History of O. Maybe if she sees this she might let you know, or even supply some more suggestions. Would be interesting.........
Never heard of it, but it wouldn't be allowed if admin became aware. It's no different than a man posing as a couple. Genuine profiles are what are wanted here.
Loved the film , good luck..........
For me it's eyes and smile. While personality is not immediately evident, you can get a good indicator from the eyes and smile. Gotta love a cheeky smile and a twinkle in an eye. If the twinkle is in both eyes......... happy days
Murdos the invites don't come to you, the onus is on you to watch out for meet n greet notices and then apply. I would suggest you monitor the letsmeetup forum and speak to marieandu4121 about joining one of her groups.
Ya divil, if i can't find your fancy to tickle will ya settle for some slap and tickle?
I accept all favourite requests, they do me no harm. If someone sends me a gallery invite, I look. These contacts are not solicited by me and so I am not obliged to make any kind of response or acknowledgement. At the end of the day this is a site designed for human interaction, for people to make contact online with a potential for more. So to those that added me to their favourites, thanks I'm glad I tickled your fancy a bit. Thanks for the gallery invites too, but I tend to make a better connection with people in the chat rooms.
Ah I see, best to dip your toe first. Girls Answer is on cam here now and he has gorgeous arms. No harm in thinking about it..........
Good luck answer, hope you have a great time. Seeing as it's a Monday you might increase your chances if you were to maybe consider a couple.....
Oh no Titan none of your pre-packaged crap for me. Freshly made at the local shop........... Some advice for the ladies, do not eat crumbly sausage rolls while wearing a low cut top. The crumbs are a bugger, same goes for toast!
Sausage roll crumbs...........
feeling your pain raven, I'm nearly 35 and I'm teething. Now people have decided to start telling me their horror stories of when their wisdom teeth came up. grrrrrrrrrrr
Curious if you are on here seeking play without your partner participating you are in fact a solo male. Regardless of your day to day status as an attached male, here you are solo. I agree if your partner is not actively participating on the site i.e chatting or meeting, you should be on a solo male profile that shows you as being in a relationship.
Any arrangements made off site, whether fulfilled or not, are at the discretion of the members. This unfortunate incident has nothing to do admin and there is no point in thinking that any intervention will be made. Perhaps it is a lesson learnt; arrangements take time to make. Chat and communicate as much as you can, eventually you will develop a radar for these things. Do not agree to a meet without first speaking to both parties on the phone and also seeing them on a web-cam. In this day and age there is no excuse for not going on cam, a well known supermarket is now selling a budget range which should be affordable to any person.
In realistic terms naming and shaming or keeping record of non-site related activities is an unlikely scenario. Make use of what's available to you on the site. If you are new, chat to the long-term members you know meet successfully, if they reckon something is too good to be true; chances are it is. I personally have Extras on my account. My reason for having this is not to see who has looked at my profile but for the greater information it gives me. If I am chatting to someone I look at their profile and am given a list of recent activities. If I note that they have added 10 different people to their favourites recently, but no one has reciprocated, this gives me cause to be cautious..... Essentially nice what I'm saying is that it's a learning curve. Take it on board and develop a strategy for future.
Don't bare it if you're not willing to share it................