1.. Bi-Sexuals are easy about their sexuality...
2..We are actualy gay but can't make our minds up.
3.. We will sleep with anyone, anywhere and anytime..
4.. We are not capable of commitment..
5..We are sexualy attracted to everyone we meet..
6.. We can not be trusted in a group situation, lest we touch someone who is not interested..
7.. We are only attracted to members of our same sex..
All of the above are are common misunderstandings about Bi-Sexuals, all are are untrue, but sadly this is what we have to deal with....
I am tired of trying to explain this to people so could this post be stickied please so!!!!!
Virgo a broader view of that point would not be that some people just judge bi people; but that they have an innate need to judge full stop. These people who would apply 'a stereo-type' to a bi person invariably apply stero-types to most individuals they meet..........e.g. married men who indulge outside the marital bed are just morally corrupt men, single mothers are just out to trap a baby daddy or are an easy mark, a teenager in a hoody is a yob, a gay person has made a choice to follow that path.
I find the best way to deal with them is to turn it on them..... what is their issue that they need to worry about stuff that has no effect on them whatsoever. I understand that culture and age may play a part in some people's perceptions but this is not always a sufficient excuse for small mindedness.
fuck de lot of em, lifes hard enough without worrying about people judging you or what people think or peoples narrow mindedness, thats their problem
virgogirl midnightchat you got it in one i say it is just pure ignorance and people who are norrow minded