.............. Made it existent!
:thrilled: my last received text was.........
very hot and hopefully very long!
I heard a delicious rumour that Lucy's bringing her pink paddle......... I'M SO THERE!!!!!
Oh and Lucy..... don't be gentle xxx
Curious, I highly recommend you attend the meet n greets regardless of what you are hoping to find on the site. Yes single females attend and yes some are bi. As you probably suspect it is your most viable way of making a connection apart from the chat rooms.
Nothing is expected of you it is just genuinely like a standard social event held in a public forum. People definitely would not be insulted by you not wanting to join in, quite a few couples on this site are only here to meet the single females.
Hope to see ye in future, keep an eye on the letsmeetup forum and get your name down straight away xxx
On my way too Amber, this I gotta see!:moon:
Alan many happy returns, hope the next 70 years are as kind to ya as the last 70 have been
NOOOOOOOO they're my favourites too!
I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back, I wanna go back,
Thank you sooooo much guys I had a brilliant time. It's genuinely appreciated you are without a doubt star party organisers xxx
Hi and welcome, if you need any help just shout!
Welcome to the site, hope you enjoy it
Agree with Epon here. Whilst Marie and Mona are correct, whisperers do need to seek permission, what seems to be over looked is that on occassion the reaction to the whispers is far more rude than the whisper itself. I have seen whisperers here villified and publicly humiliated and then found that their whisper was in fact a simple 'hi'. I guess what I'm trying to put across here is surely it's all relative. The hi whispers can be ignored and let the mods deal with the persistent offenders. I'm sorry if anyone thinks I'm advocating uninvited whispers but I do think that sometimes the reaction far exceeds the crime.
Flip the coin, is it acceptable to be aggressive and insulting on open chat when the rest of the chatters do not have the benefit of seeing the causing statement. An impression of the whisperer is created that they have no defence against. As stated previously, this has now caused me to have to issue a personal apology to a whisperer put down in the wrong. I am happy to say he was rational and courteous, accepting my apology.
I'll close in saying......... be careful of crying wolf.
NECPL this is a never ending saga so I'm not even going to touch on the 'should people turn off their whispers' debate.
One thing I do want to put out there however, is that if you grant permission to someone to whisper accept that they may feel this is an openended invitation. Accept that they may come back into the room 4 hours later and commence whispering again. If you do not want these whispers just say, please don't whisper now.
Whilst unsolicited whispers are frowned upon it is not unreasonable that a person would feel permission, once granted, was not retracted. Common sense should prevail and setting the person straight should resolve the issue. While I will not discuss individual incidents on the chat room, an occurence this week has led to me having to make a personal apology to a member for pulling him up on whispering when the initial complaint turned out to be less cut and dried than it first appeared.
Do not take the assistance mods give for granted, while we assist in enforcing the chat etiquette it does not mean we will blindly dole out punishments.
I am a swinging single........ I enjoy the lifestyle and happen not to be in a current relationship that facilitates this. As such,,,,,,,, I am a single. Never once has someone suggested to my face that I am not a swinger as I am solo.... so likewise a solo male cannot be told he is not a swinger. We all have something to offer the site, regardless if it is one to one meets, threesomes or party attendance. Let's worry less about 'labels' and more about fullfilling our own personal purpose for being here.
I hope you have a fantastic experience, regardless if you remain a solo player or if you decide to partner up to widen the opportunities available to you. Take from this site what you want, at the end of the day it's supposed to be fun!
Marie , I mailed you :thrilled:
I've shared this already on an older post, heaven forbid I'd seem repetitive.........:lol2:
When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in movies
When I grow up I wanna see the world, drive nice cars, I wanna have boobies
When I grow up,I wanna see me, me on TV, people know me, be on magazines
When I grow up, freshly cleaned, number one chick, wanna step out on the scene
But be careful what you wish for cause
you just might get it...................
Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr everytime I see this thread I've that song in my head for hours after!
Ha Ha it's the self-employed income I'd be getting ............ I could doctor the books!
Can you get paid for cumming quick, fook me can i get it back-dated????
bite at the back of the neck and shoulders............ shhhhhhhh now im daydreaming :lick:
Siva, NOOOOOOO it is not wrong. In fact if I am on camera that is exactly what I'm looking for. A little ego boost and some titilation can make you smile for days on end. I'm not on cam for the good of my health....... but it does wonders for the libido.
Hi Mark, Sherri is right. Cold adverts leave me........ cold! Come into chat, accept it's going to take time to make a few connections and persevere with it. So far you've done one thing right anyway, you have a distinctive name, you will stand out that bit more. Maybe watch the chat for a while and pick a few people who seem the most approachable. Try to strike up a conversation with them and take it from there. People will notice you chatting and form an opinion from there........ it's your time to shine so enjoy it! If you see me there be sure and say hi.