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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
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Quote by user=cpeire
Another great system would be a gold verification where members would talk briefly to a mod on cam.

Not everyone is here to meet; e.g. some are here for phone fun, some simply to chat. Why would they subject themselves to a camera interview for this purpose? What you are looking for is already there....... search for established people. Anyone you are interested in can just as simply verify themselves to you on cam as to a mod.
Quote by user=officer
From a guys point of view, if a woman said this to me i would ditch her straight away......

Tell the truth, you'd bash her over the head with your club and run back to your cave!!!!
Provide whatever information you have to a mod or raise an abuse report detailing where you found the pics that have caused your suspicion.
Quote by user=bigbruva
genuine couples respect manners and effort smile

So do us singles! Mark I find I am more interested in communicating with someone who has a face pic available on their profile to determine if there might be an initial attraction. After that I would expect to see them on cam at some point to ensure the picture was real before discussing a meet. The only time this would not be necessary is if the person has met people I know and they can vouch for them.
If each message was duplicated only once it would seem possible that there are in fact couples using two different profiles (as some couples do to allow both parties to chat individually). However if the you received three different mails around the same time, all of which have been duplicated, this is unlikely.
You could consider providing the profile names to a mod on a private email (not on this forum) and we would look into it further.
Lass, you have kept it vague and that is appreciated. Anyone responding to this post please bear in mind this user retains a right to privacy and discretion; as do his family. His passing is very sad and he shall be missed. I personally am unwilling to pass on his username or the circumstances of his death if asked.
Quote by user=limoswing
Can new memebers even upload photos, etc??
Funny how the comments are going... Though the poll has THREE people saying NO to limited access for newbies????

LIMO the three people say no to limited access for newbies. Again I say it might be beneficial if you amended the wording of your poll. Newbies are no different to you or I. Unsubscribed profile holders are. While the terminology is unclear any result is unsupported.
As a moderator I can see the benefit of not allowing unsubscribed members carte blanche to the site. One scenario you may wish to consider is that by seeking a payment to access the chat room we avoid a flood of under age users logging in and treating the site like a play ground. What regular user is going to continue using a chat room function that is regularly disrupted by people who should not even be there. You might want to consider what the chat room would be like after closing time on a Saturday night if random users could log in and gain full access.
Another is that fake profiles are less likely to make a payment. I am not about to go into the ins and outs of how this raises a flag but it does assist in weeding them out.
At the end of the day this site is a business......... not a social networking site. It is at the discretion of the owners to determine how the site is best served in its day to day running. Your opinion is valued and has been recognised but I am unclear as to how not allowing unsubscribed members access to the chat room or to respond to mail is affecting any individual user. The membership fee is not extortionate and payment may be staggered over monthly instalments.
Quote by user=midnightchat
New members are not limited in any form! Unsubscribed members are limited in access which is only logical.
Quote by user=limoswing
New Members cannot actually do Anything on this site?? I find it a bit pointless, don't you?!

New members are not limited in any form! Unsubscribed members are limited in access which is only logical. If you want to play then put your money where your mouth is. As Jevid said, they are genuinely interested in the site/lifestyle and so were happy to make that monetary commitment. You might want to reword your poll to avoid antagonising fully subscribed new members.
Quote by user=deebis
What Im trying to say is dont knock one type to the expense of another just for reassurance purposes.

So glad someone said it Dee. For a while now it's been on my mind...... sorry squirts for moving away from your topic for a moment. I have seen it said on here that skinny girls are just bags of bones with faces. Rude, hurtful comment which would not have been tolerated if the same sort of attitude had been applied to another body type.
Dee hun you have a stunning figure, perfectly proportioned to suit your frame. And you know it, you don't need to come on a forum to be told.
Quote by user=irishlass37
lmfao here mid..............quackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :grin:

It's those mexican penguins again..... who left the door open?
****Please do not post venue details on this forum. It will be deleted, possibly without the forum generator seeing it. All suggestions should be mailed directly to Lisa. Thanks****
Quote by user=tatts
totaly agree with you midnight but as i said it was only a opion and would do the exact same as you said i perfer to do the text and swap info on text rather than here , but each to there own

Hope you don't pick my responses up the wrong way tatts, I come from a formal writing background and so my posts don't always have the conversational tone they should. It's all a learning curve here, you develop an instinct and a strategy.
Yes photos are good and, in honesty, I am more responsive to a profile with some. But they can also be misleading. One photo on my profile is about 4 years old..... a lot can change in that time. I have recently had a very very funny incident where a person in a photo did not quite look like themselves.............. not to worry it all turned out fantastically though.
I guess what I am saying is be protective of your experience here, do not allow outside factors to take away from it. Develop a 'game-plan' or strategy. Decide how long you are willing to allow for someone to verify themselves; decide how long you are willing to spend chatting about a meet before it actually occurs; and maybe decide how much 'tittilation' you are willing to provide before this meet is arranged. I personally found it dis-heartening to feel like you had been used as entertainment under the guise of an intended meet. My line now......... 'I'm not fluff material; F**k me or forget about it'!
A stricter sign-up process: it's an unlikely scenario for a site such as this. Who is going to sign up to a site where they are asked to perform identification procedures which are contrary to the ethos of the site....... discretion and a person's right to privacy. I certainly would not have joined if I had been asked to provide photo I.D. at the first stage; I did not have a web cam at that time.
The best thing I can say is......... if it walks like a dog, smells like a dog and acts like a dog....ask it to speak. If it says quack then it's not a dog. Buy a mobile sim card for site use, insist on-web cam early in the interaction. If you don't have a web-cam......... come back to me when you do! Again going back to discretion, I can understand some people do not wish to have photos of themselves on the site. That is perfectly acceptable but for me it is required that they are provided to an off-site email address if no web-cam is available at first. If I'm interested I will still require that web-cam chat so start shopping!
Until this and several other requirements are met I won't be too interested in chatting about meeting; I've learnt it isn't always time well spent.
Quote by user=dora
well im going to be serious... i actually taped the comments...and a mod had heard it but yes a radio station read thru what they could here forums and gallery etc and made a mockery of swinging. i was disgusted as i know the radio dj .. so yes a lot can get in and have a look around..
Knowing the D.J. Dora you might want to point out the following:
The Irish government is obliged by the European Convention on Human rights not only to respect and defend swingers' private lives but also to bestow to swingers the same rights as gay people. Would this person (wanna-be-shock-jock) have behaved the same if it had been a gay interaction site he (I assume it was 'he') had accessed. I would imagine not; professional suicide to antagonise such a demographic of his listeners. Let him mock Dora; it's an uninspiring form of repression. Any person who felt they had a valid dispute against swinging and had the ability to air this on a public forum would not abuse this situation and provide a one-sided, uneducated perspective. It's Tuesday afternoon and I'm still smiling from my weekend fun, is he?
Quote by user=sean0001
Maybe they looking for their Irish Roots !!!

I prefer to think they were looking for an Irish Root! (Think root is more of an Aussie word though)
Bomb I hope you get some replies; so far you seem like good craic. Best of luck and I'll be seeing ya at the singles meet with my retractable measuring tape!
Quote by user=mrhornydubcpl4
Sporty .......... obvious question but it has to be asked. Why ask us....... why not ask the lady in question? No one better suited to answer it!

Sporty:"Excuse me love did you just piss yourself, or squirt?"
Female (After going purple in the face after you just asked her that question)"Squirted!!!"
Knowing LK im sure he'd have been a lot more subtle than that............. woulda been more like 'what the f*** was that?!!!!':bounce:
Sporty .......... obvious question but it has to be asked. Why ask us....... why not ask the lady in question? No one better suited to answer it!
She squirted........... how many women have you met who P*** themselves just cus you enter them???? :lol2: Women in porn are practiced, it's an action they have cultivated to provide the best camera action i.e high volume secreted at high force. It's something that can vary each time sometimes with a shooting flow and sometimes with a splashy element to it. Women who have been doing it longer probably can control it better and so it would appear like it does in porn
I do believe I have seen 1mac on cam.......... does live cam feed not supercede photos? Maybe it might be nice if we went to profiles and instead of looking at/for pics straight away we checked the date a member joined in order that unecessary embarassment is not yet another reason we end up losing members before they have even settled in.
1mac welcome to the site. Fair play to you, straight into chat and putting your face on cam. I wish you many many successes.
You are correct Mrhornydub there are no dibs on names that may be used on this site, apart from the permanent site rooms . This may room may have been set up innocently with no sinsiter motives by a person perfectly entitled to use any name they wished once it abided by site guidelines.
As already stated it may also have been the result of a system glitch. However, should someone have set the room up to imitate another it was a pointless act and not very well thought through. Should the intention have been to imitate the usual Suzie of Suzieschat then it would have been necessary to have the actual profile owner present in the room to make the ruse effective. I fail to see how any person could have thought this would prove successful and so would suggest it was one of the first two options. I agree with Amber that should it seem someone is being deceptive in their portrayal of themselves or the theme of a room then it should in fact be highlighted ........ and I do not mean people claiming to be six foot tall when they are in fact only five foot ten, I mean a blatantly false portrayal which may have a negative impact on the chat room/ site atmosphere. To use this incident as an example surely it's logic that naming a room suzies chat would suggest there would in fact be a suzie to chat to at some point.
No worries Eden, would be horrific to think someone who didnt want to do it was attempting it! Would not go well. SHE :laughabove: says the trick is to breath out at that critical point as it involuntarily relaxes your muscles, take a deep breath and suffer the consequences!
But in saying that SHEvery rarely does it and only with certain men.
I have a friend (ha ha ha ha) who doesn't use lube. SHE far prefers the natural sensation without it being softened by third party substances :laughabove:
Dragon.......... hurt people cause hurt, damaged people try to cause damage and bad people try to turn things bad. Luckily your upset is transient, it will pass. Some people surely must have a hard time living with themselves. You're a lady; deep breath, head high and happy chatting.
Quote by user=sherri
I would truly love to see just for once, the single guys outnumber the fems at a M&G,but honestly, to get that your gonna have to invite every man and his dog and a few undesirables for good measure...but would love to be proved wrong, and I'm hoping amber is the wan to do it for me,cos then I give her a whole crunchie all for herself, not just a bit of one :giggle:

Wouldn't we all like those numbers Sherri, would be like swing Christmas!
Quote by user=tommyb-2001ie
midnight really!!..dont belive ya..must be sometihng wrong with men out your way loon..if i met you in regular life id :doggy: the sexy ass off ya:Pbolt:eeek:.

You're scaring me now........ Who are you and what have you done with the real tommy?