Amazing what a difference two letters make, let me demostrate......
'It came up in a conversation recently that the reason someone wouldnt invite single WOmen to their parties was because....if they were so hot and decent.....then surely they wouldnt be single!!!!
As if they were decent.....then they would be able to keep a man...or a man would want to keep them. That they must have something wrong with them to still be single!!'
I understand that it is felt a solo male at a party does not always behave in a respectful manner and may seem to view the access he has to other men's wives as a meat party. Experience has shown this is not an absolute, there are some FANTASTIC single guys here. I also refuse to believe a band of gold automatically renders a man the epitome of chivalry and respect. People have the right to set their own parameters and choose who attends their parties. I would never suggest otherwise but I just want to say on this matter........ there are solo males on this site who have shown themselves to be outstanding human beings and I would be hard pressed to find their match amongst the general social scene.
'What was on your feet?'
(Guess where I left foot-prints hee hee :-o)
'DISCREET'BUDDY: Now if ever a name was a perfect misnomer ......... :evil2:
Maturejim, naming and shaming is not allowed and may result in your membership being reviewed. Alicol....... anyone is entitled to post on this thread without needing to justify it to you.
The best advice is to ignore the uninvited whispers or the taunts. Take a record of the profile name, the chat room and the time and log an official complaint. Maintain a dignified silence and let admin or the mods deal with it behind the scenes and deny these attention seekers the outcome they are seeking...... uproar on the chat room. I understand that it is hard to bite your tongue or allow the incident to continue, but my attitude is 'give them enough rope and let them hang themselves'.
It's soooo frustrating to have to deal with an incident retrospectively, obtain the chat logs and find that someone has come into a chat room to be deliberately antagonistic. 9 times out of 10 you will find they get a reaction and they are centre stage in a verbal sparring match...... people please you are just playing into their hands. You have given attention to someone who otherwise would have been ignored in the chat room and in this case would seem to feel any reaction is an interaction.
Also to those who choose to react, just because you did not start it does not mean you are free to retort by any means. Digs and jibes are counter productive and evidence would suggest it only escalates the matter and prolongs it.
Glad ye got sorted and welcome to the site, happy swinging!
Nice post young, welcome and I wish you every success!
I got that mail too then I got a second mail from the same person on a totally different tone (read below). I wouldn't normally post private mails on a forum but this left me stunned and is an example of why I very rarely answer mail. To any males sending mail please be advised: two such differing emails suggest schizophrenia and will land you on the ignore list.
'hi im from dublin, im 34 and single no kids or wife. i own my own house and have a steady job. im ready to settle down with a single person such as yourself. if you have any interest in marriage and such things, then contact me. im at the stage where the years are rolling on and i havent met somebody like you yet. you are very sexy and appear to like to have fun. which i believe is paramount in keeping a relationship solvent and fresh '
I agree Slightly, but the statement says more about the mentality and demeanour of the person saying it than Mona's personal life. Trust me Mona I can understand why the comment cut you but you know what....... let him mind his own business!
It would be interesting to determine if the person making the comment would turn down the chance to be the friend leaving five minutes before home time due to 'moral concerns'.
Anyone who wishes to recommend a parlour may do so by mailing the member directly; please do not post business names on the main forum.
Mona's right this topic was raised before and it became quite heated. I would suggest that it is borne in mind that despite our opinions on the matter people here arrange meets with children in the house at the time. I am sure it is done with great consideration and it is kept in mind at all times that there are children in the house.
I had issue with the post last time as it took on a judgemental tone and almost attacked those who chose to meet with children present. I would not hold myself as being so without reproach that I was eligible to judge any one else's morals or parenting skills. Please bear in mind when posting that you are in fact discussing the actions of other members on this site, members who may be known to us who should not have to defend their parenting choices on a swing site.
I always had a strong belief that it is vital your kids see you get up each morning and go to work; that staying home just was not an option. Like yourself my job is no longer there for me but I have had a fantastic summer. I have not had to do the drill sergeant bit in the morning when we are running late.........'move it, move it, move it'!.
While I still believe it is important that you instill a work ethic in your children, at these young ages other actions have a greater effect. Being there for them more than they are used to, taking relaxed unhurried time with them, actually being relaxed but not exhausted after a weeks work is something they are going to derive more security and enjoyment from.
Yes you feel like this because you actually have a will to work, but rght now life has handed us lemons and I'm loving the long cool drinks of lemonade. Take this time to reinforce the bond you have with your son, you certainly wouldn't be doing this whilst in another country.
Ya shoulda brought the dog, you coulda blamed him!
he'd have a cheek (2 rosy red ones by all accounts) .......what about the poor fookers he suffocated himself!!!!!
Amber you're an uncommon woman!
From all of us thank you so so so so so much for the time, effort and consideration you put into arranging this meet n greet. I had a fantastic time and would have no hesitation in recommending any event you might organise. Oh and kudos on the size of the beds!!!!!!!!!! MASSIVE .....
Unsubstantiated reports of seismic activity in Dublin....
Lucylovesit, AmberX, Sexysandra and Midnightchat were distraught on Sunday to discover that they had been slap bang in the middle of some uncharacteristic earth shifts. It would seem that the force of this shift was severe enough to rattle the windows but not cause a full blow out!
The local council are now investigating the possibility that there is damage to the sewer pipes as there were reports of an intolerable smell; so pungent that it almost clung to your clothes (if you were wearing any).
It has been suggested that one couple in particular are so traumatised by the sheer force of this earth tremor and their proximity to it that they have now relocated to another swing site.
As yet admin have not confirmed whether there is any need for alarm on the swing community's part but the story is quickly gaining momentum, with the tremor now being known as ...................
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Any angle huh Eden lol let me know how you get on with this one.......... I will type my thanks later when my vocabulary returns to its pre-drinks state.
Because I have been named on the poll I will stay neutral on this..... I will let the other mods decide when it comes to their attention.
Mona I think I recall the post you mean.... but if I do I think it was more along the lines of best profile name or best profile. I think this post can be taken in the same spirit as the other acceptable posts such as 'Who would you like to fuck' and 'Fuck, suck or slap'.
I'd SLAP the measuring tape out and satisfy my....... curiosity! Once photoshop had been 'ruled' out I'd then consider other options.
PLEASE do not post links to other sites!
'Im on this 2 meet women and fuck dem. Very discreet. Lifes to short'.......... I have never wanted a man more!:lol2:
You may wish to reconsider your profile approach. While blatant honesty is refreshing; you will never make a Mills & Boon writer!
LEE, Amber's got curves to spare! You should see her in a corset.... Definitely one to put on your mailing list.
Ger, happy birthday darlin and I hope it's a swingtastic one! xxx