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Over 90 days ago
Female, 48
0 km · Mayo


Quote by user=Eden

I as chair of the committee have taken the liberty of overruling your rejection of mid and lass. Mid you can now refer to as ironing girl (by the way she’d like to know if you like creases in your sleeves?)

I've come out in a rash......... I'm genuinely nauseous!
Saw paranormal activity 2 the other night. I enjoyed it. Wolf-Creek is a recent film set in Australia about 2 female 1 male tourist who come across this nomad type aussie guy who used to travel across the country working on sheep farms etc. He helps them out with car trouble and brings them to an old yard type place in the middle of nowhere........ Thing is it is based on a true story, 3 tourists who do go missing; and imagines what happened to them. Because it is so close to reality it is scary. Texas Chainsaw Massacre gets me too!
Cat I have no doubt we can all learn a bit more to make us better swing people. My observations were only made with regard to a particular type of member and not the site as a whole. I have met some fantastic men here which is why I have no hesitation in recommending them to others. It's just frustrating to watch people shoot themselves in the foot over the most basic of things, or people belittling the site as being full of wasters when in fact they might need to amend their own attitudes to be a little more successful.
Quote by user=dragonstar
The film that terrifies me the most is Wolf Creek. I have watched a lot of horror but that movie gives me nightmares......ooooooo you cant beat the classics like phsyco and the shining

Agree with Wolf-Creek, I had to keep switching channels during the bits I couldn't watch. I'm a genuine horror fan and not much scares me but I think the fact Wolf-Creek has such potential to actually happen is what is the most scary. The more far-fetched a horror the less effect it has on me, but show me a film that could actually happen me driving down a country road some time and colour me petrified! Hills have eyes remake also a good one.
Not understand the need to whisper a greeting, sure everyone knows how perilous it is to say hi to a lady on open chat.
Get annoyed when you ask them their A.S.L. Sure who has time to be reading profiles.
Again get annoyed when you say hi, where are you from, how old are you, then ask what are you into. Sure it’s a swing site, no need for the prolonged chat ups.
Refuse to show the private pics. Sure what’s the point in having them up when you aren’t willing to show them to tom, dick and horny.
Refuse to go into a private room for some ‘cam to cam’. sure it’s a swing site, get them off ya!
Get pissy when you realise that you have only been providing fluff material. That there was never any genuine intention to meet. Sure what’s the point, I can get all the stimulation I need spending countless nights on here just talking about it!
Get pissy when, after countless nights talking about meeting, someone else catches my eye on chat and I blank you while they are there. Aren’t ya lucky that an hour later when they leave chat I come and say ‘hi how are you’.
Query why I need to change my profile name as often as my underwear, or why I need to have so many different profiles. What business is it of yours what I have done on one profile that I need to disassociate myself from it so quickly. I can have a profile for each of my personalities if I want!
Congrats guys.... it's true good things do happen to good people. Best wishes to ye and your very lucky little girl.
Quote by user=Titan79
wonders what wayer sports are ......and where I can get such a big mirror always wanted one on me ceiling.

Office Player. A person who flirts with all the girls in the office. Also, a person who has more than one office wife.
Coworker - Were you just flirting with KK?
Other Coworker - Yeah, she's hot!
Coworker - Dawg, how many office wives you got?
Other Coworker - Five, I think.
Coworker - You are such a wayer.
This wayersports must be a convening of several wayers........ I would imagine the goal would be to have 'wayed' the most women once the referree blew his whistle. Discreet has chosen to avoid the high paid wayer-league pro. route as he needs to hold on to his amateur status to represent Ireland in the next olympics.
I have no idea where one might attain such a large mirror, but if you need it in a hurry might I suggest a roll of industrial sized tin foil and some pritt stick!
It's only one of the ever more revealing and ever more desperate portfolio you have sent me................ I'm sorry, I'm sure you will recover. The 12 month restraining order will give you time to heal and recover, some day you might meet a nice wee girlie and fingers crossed she will say yes.
Jaysus......... fulla beans aren't ya discreet! I'm sure you'd agree that your mirror holds the 8th wonder of the world. :angel:
I would have fucked until I saw his post in letsmeetup, now it's a slap for sure
Hmmmmmmmmmm I think if I was to go 'lesbionic' I'd be inclined to stay that way for the night considering the alternative, I'd have more fun driving fast over a speed bump!
Havesome I assure you if I thought Sexbomb was getting a hard time I'd step in........ fact is he's a cheeky chappie and is well able for the leg pulling. Shame it's not his leg he wants pulled though! Watch the brat in chat, he always starts it and then gives as good as he gets.
When I called you a septic cankerous oozing mound of filth, I was making reference more to your state of 'filthness' than to my desire to be filthy with ya. I'm sorry I will try to be clearer in future!!!!
Biggles I'm sorry you have been tarred with the same brush as many other less diligent dads and labelled a part-time daddy. I personally take offence that a man may claim tax credits for a child who does not reside with him on a regular basis. As far as I recollect a man may claim tax credit worth approximately €30 pw for a child residing with him part-time. What qualifies as 'residing part-time'???? One night per year!!!! Now I don't resent this credit being granted when the claim is actually valid, but ONE NIGHT PER ANNUM..... I would imagine the credit granted would be amended if the mother was also least I hope it would.
I am not understanding why you are paying for a play school, due to the retraction of our right to the Early Childcare Supplement all pre-schoolers are entitled to one year's free attendance.
Bumping this in the hope Jason provides an update,,,,,,, was there any county he found more 'welcoming', did he find any county particularly 'barren'?
Fantastic twinkly smile that suggests she is about to launch into random naughty giddiness.............
Fair enough, I can accept you might read things in a tone or reaching a point other than that the poster intended. I may have seemed reactionary but with good cause, I hate to see these things disintegrate into childish witch-hunts.
To intimate that a person is not suited to the position they are in, without full facts or even basic ones to that matter, to me would be akin to the writing of a red top hack! If anyone has a problem with a mod bring it to admin, produce a coherent rational case and trust that sense will prevail. Do not go whinging that we close ranks just because your complaint is not held as valid. The written word is quite strong in these matters and as such a valid complaint will have records to strengthen it.
Did you read what I highlighted???? He says the person referred to on the post should not have the position. He is wrong............ I won't be posting on this thread again when the information is only half read.
Quote by user=longshot
Take this as general comment about power not about here please. In my life I've dealt with lot of people given or those who like power and some can handle it with respect and good judgement but a lot seeking power are normally those who abuse normally use sarcasm and patronise those below them. These people normally travel in groups too. They seek each other out. Thats why the lunatics policing the asylum normally doesn't work. I hsve had no bad experiences of such on swing but have read comments and posts thinking maybe that person not suited to authority but its the same everywhere....

You are wrong.............
Hats off to admin for managing to bite his tongue and I for one appreciate him showing a quality we all seek on this site DISCRETION. He has my full backing on this one, and all other mods too. This is not given blindly. I would ask if you have even just one mod on this site that you respect, bare in mind the support we are giving 1000000%
Quote by user=shycock
Hey just wondered are there any genuine swingers in Wicklow or just people who think they are.

No reference to manners in the original post, he merely asked were there swingers in that area or people who were still considering the lifestyle. I don't mean to seem like I am attacking you for responding. But posts like this have been seen here many times, genuine established well known swingers on this site have posted similar threads. Perhaps you might avoid taking offence to a post unless you are actually named in it, it can only enhance your enjoyment of the site.
Col ........ i seem to remember ye were here for quite some time before any comments/ verifications were posted to your profile, they are quite recent are they not? I have no interest in doing etiquette patrols on the forums but as you say you won't meet anyone without verifications or comments. Fair enough, move along and let other users be.
Good luck with it fun4, this might get more views if posted in the lets meet up forum.
I'm single because the judge and the behavioural analysts made it a condition.......
:crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Best of luck guys, wishing ye a speedy and full recovery. The wonderful thing about swing is that; you may leave for any number of reasons, but you can always come back.
You might find the following of interest: it is not directly related to the thread topic but it does go a little towards discussing why there is a shortage of genuine swinger venues. The article itself was written in a comparative form between the perceived tolerance of gay sex venues and the heterosexual alternative in the UK. Please do not misinterpret the intention of the article, it is simply showing the tolerance of two minorities, homosexuals and swingers, and should never be read in a homophobic tone.
The proprietor of a swingers’ club in Nevern, Pembrokeshire – a former major in the Army – was convicted and fined £2000 for keeping a brothel and living off immoral earnings because he allowed ordinary swingers activities. There was no suggestion of prostitution. He pleaded guilty “because he had not wanted to embarrass friends by asking them to give evidence”.
The chairman of the magistrates had said
“We regard this as a very serious case”
but took into consideration that he had co-operated. The victim closed the business and went elsewhere. Dyfed-Powys Police had succeeded in running swingers off their patch. Meanwhile, FI*T (venue name with-held, an event aimed towards the homosexual demographic) was enjoying its 5th year of same sex orgies.
‘Living off immoral earnings’ is a particularly cruel charge to use in suppressing swingers. The imputation of actual prostitution is particularly humiliating especially for female swingers, who tend to be respectable married or professional women. It was the charge used to pass a nine month sentence on the husband of Liverpudlian porn actress Sabrina Johnson in 1996 (even though her films were made in the USA). Mrs Johnson commented
“It’s illegal for my husband to live off my earnings, because technically, if I do films, I’m classed as a prostitute, and my husband is a pimp…I can live off my work, but if I bought Graham a drink in a pub, he could be done again for living off immoral 
In June 2003 a photographer’s model in Warrington was raided and her husband cautioned for living off immoral earnings because the police considered his wife’s adult modelling to be prostitution. After the case the police handed back commercial porn videos taken in raids but the victim’s videos of his wife were never returned. It appears that in the UK it is legal for a husband to possess videos of other people having sex but not his own wife.
The government is obliged by the European Convention on Human rights not only to respect the privacy of women’s and swingers private lives but also to grant women and swingers the same rights as gays (Article 14). The practice is that swingers clubs get busted but none of the thousands of UK gay pubs and clubs ever do, despite the same activities that swingers practice being undertaken on a higher scale in gay establishments. In consequence there is a huge gay leisure industry but the swingers scene is forced to remain underground.
A defence could be that the police live and let live and are only forced to take action when complaints are made. This would be disingenuous and would not fit the facts. The police act on complaints against swingers but do not and would not act on complaints against gays because after centuries of brutal discrimination they are now a politically favoured minority.
When a complaint was made about FI*T (after nine years of events) the result was a gentle word of advice more in sorrow than in anger and no talk of charges. And rightly so – how could someone visit such a place without knowing what to expect? The idea that the unwary would have their sensibilities shocked is ludicrous.
Compare this with what happened at the G*** of E*** swingers club in Nevern. A woman, having heard tales of orgies, decided to visit the club after enquiring and being told that ‘anything goes’ with couples, lesbians, homosexuals and transvestites meeting there. She and her sister were collected from their home 60 miles away by a driver employed by the club. However, she was supposedly so shocked at finding 20 people having group sex in the swimming pool that she reported the matter to police and the owner was fined £2000. The difference between what happened to the G*** of E*** and what happened to FI*T when complaints were made is the measure of how swingers are oppressed in Britain.
It may be true that gay sex clubs could in theory function simply as saunas. But to see them as such requires considerable disingenuity. Firstly as regards the way they are designed (“giant communal cruise room” “40 man steam room” “Cinema room”); the way they are advertised (in gay magazines illustrated with pictures of naked and attractive men using ambiguous adjectives such as ‘friendly’ ’steamy’ etc); the way they are operated (condoms and lubricating creams are often available free; disposal bins are provided in ‘rest rooms’); and of course what happens in them. Officialdom has to pretend to be blind to general social knowledge as well as to easily available print and Internet media to maintain these are not sex clubs. It may be argued that men require less frills, less aesthetic surroundings to function sexually to fulfilment.
The contrast with the preferred environment of the female swinger could not be more pronounced. Female swingers demand uplifting premises with soft and inviting play spaces, flattering lighting and proper beds instead of clinical couches, mattresses or empty rooms. In short, something approximating to the standard continental swingers club.
So the current state of the law, approving sex clubs configured as sauna clubs while prohibiting sex clubs configured as swinging clubs, amounts in reality to sexist discrimination against women. The legal ’sauna’ format is close to ideal for most gay sex club clientele while the illegal ’swinger club’ format is close to necessary for most female and heterosexual sex club clientele. It is a clear case of discrimination whether intended or not and a violation of the human rights of women.
Swinging is a safe, international, middle class and increasingly popular leisure choice for married and courting couples.
Research has shown clear benefits in terms of personal happiness and relationship stability among regular swingers and suggests that the rate of relationship failure in swinging is several orders less than for monogamous relationships.
Current criticism of swinging appears to be based on religious prejudice rather than study. The law as regards swingers is an utter disgrace. Though not applied severely enough to suppress all swinging activity, it is repressive enough to keep swinging underground and prevent businesses meeting the growing demand for swingers’ facilities. The implications of the Human Rights Act 1998, with its requirements for respect and equal treatment for women and sexual minorities, have not been realised for swingers. The government’s similar but higher obligations under the European Convention on Human Rights are ignored.