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Hi ppl... We have something on our chest and we like to share with u guys. In swing we all know why we ar here...why?... ok, to fine the right ppl that we r looking for, to have fun and why not maybe one day we will b friends that to much? No So....when we r on this site, what we c? Profile since 2 or 3 years old with no pictures, no validation, no comment and no web cam...picture from few years old, different age, total different ppl in some picture. Couples pretend to b a couple but they ar not, because when we try to establish a contact whit them they failed to do so, and when we wanna go on cam with them, have no cam or have excuse that one of partner is not there 4 some reason. So on the end we all know that if we respect each other we will have what we ar looking four. Don't try to b something that u r not, u will b caught, and then u will lose the game. Life is short, don't waste your time pretending something that u r not.. (OFFENCE TO NO ONE AND ALL HERE IS JUST AN OPINION)
totaly agree with you guys, but this is what we have to put up with which is unfair to people like ourselves trying to make connections with like minded people, i feel that there should be a strickter joining process but this is only my opion too
A stricter sign-up process: it's an unlikely scenario for a site such as this. Who is going to sign up to a site where they are asked to perform identification procedures which are contrary to the ethos of the site....... discretion and a person's right to privacy. I certainly would not have joined if I had been asked to provide photo I.D. at the first stage; I did not have a web cam at that time.
The best thing I can say is......... if it walks like a dog, smells like a dog and acts like a dog....ask it to speak. If it says quack then it's not a dog. Buy a mobile sim card for site use, insist on-web cam early in the interaction. If you don't have a web-cam......... come back to me when you do! Again going back to discretion, I can understand some people do not wish to have photos of themselves on the site. That is perfectly acceptable but for me it is required that they are provided to an off-site email address if no web-cam is available at first. If I'm interested I will still require that web-cam chat so start shopping!
Until this and several other requirements are met I won't be too interested in chatting about meeting; I've learnt it isn't always time well spent.
totaly agree with you midnight but as i said it was only a opion and would do the exact same as you said i perfer to do the text and swap info on text rather than here , but each to there own
This is a good thread and interesting reading for a new member. Having looked through the forums and other parts of the site it does appear that meet and greets and parties are the way to go. Also I would have thought that the €65 euro to join the chat rooms would be enough to get rid of time wasters. On the pictures front my wife and I can't wait to upload them and plan on having a great weekend taking them. We feel that the pictures would give a new member some sort of credibility.
We agree ..............criscalin worship:thumbup: ...We are all here for the same resion so why try to be something ur not ....We are all differnt put we all expect the same thing ,,,,respect , consideration , right to privacy off site , descration , manners , honesty why be here if one is not willing to give that much to start with .... who here can say they are perfect and better one i think ..... that in its self makes us equals so why go to all the bother off joining if you dont want others to know who you are and treat you as you would want them too ??????????
Quote by user=tatts
totaly agree with you midnight but as i said it was only a opion and would do the exact same as you said i perfer to do the text and swap info on text rather than here , but each to there own

Hope you don't pick my responses up the wrong way tatts, I come from a formal writing background and so my posts don't always have the conversational tone they should. It's all a learning curve here, you develop an instinct and a strategy.
Yes photos are good and, in honesty, I am more responsive to a profile with some. But they can also be misleading. One photo on my profile is about 4 years old..... a lot can change in that time. I have recently had a very very funny incident where a person in a photo did not quite look like themselves.............. not to worry it all turned out fantastically though.
I guess what I am saying is be protective of your experience here, do not allow outside factors to take away from it. Develop a 'game-plan' or strategy. Decide how long you are willing to allow for someone to verify themselves; decide how long you are willing to spend chatting about a meet before it actually occurs; and maybe decide how much 'tittilation' you are willing to provide before this meet is arranged. I personally found it dis-heartening to feel like you had been used as entertainment under the guise of an intended meet. My line now......... 'I'm not fluff material; F**k me or forget about it'!
lmfao here mid..............quackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :grin:
As has been said some people don't want to have photos on here for various reasons, some are just very private and don't want to upload photos but then you can always send photos on your e-mail outside here to exchange photos, back when i was looking to meet people i would always want a photo or at least for them to have a photo on their profile before meeting anyone but i never considered seeing someone on webcam as a requirement but that was my view on thing. If you could upload photos from your desktop rather than having to have them on your gallery that might make things easier for some people.
Quote by user=irishlass37
lmfao here mid..............quackkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk :grin:

It's those mexican penguins again..... who left the door open?
My line now......... 'I'm not fluff material; F**k me or forget about it'!

how could any red blooded male think Midnight was just fluff material ... a little titilation before bed ... what is the sit coming to :doh:...
but I do agree I can't be bothered with email/text tennis, after a bit of chat & a mail or 2 you will generally know if you want to meet the person for a face-to-face ... and then the decisions can be made ... that said my gut instinct to meet or not to meet has never let me down.
So yes ask the questions, read the answers but remember it is no 100 questions ...if you don't like the replies just move on :thumbup:
a picture tells a thousand words ..... sadly they not always true words but you develop a nack of spotting fakes. a 1 min phone conversation with all parties drives it on even more. there always going to be fakes and time wasters, that's life sadly, but if you accept the fact that it happens you deal with it better and get over it quicker. and if you do find a fake, let the mods / admin know. Sean xx