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Weirdest sexual request?

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What is the weirdest sexual request you have ever had? I must live a very quiet sheltered life as I am still waiting! Or is the problem my definition of weird?
blink I cant say , everytime i start telling ppl bout strange stuff thats happened to me in the sexual arena, they always think im making it up bolt
Weirdest . Young guy asked me to turn up to an hotel dressed in a twin set, and wearing a peral necklace, he wanted to call me mummy and I was to slap his buttiebolt
Quote by user=Virgogirl
Weirdest .
Young guy asked me to turn up to an hotel dressed in a twin set, and wearing a peral necklace, he wanted to call me mummy and I was to slap his buttiebolt

His surname wasn,t freud was it
I didn't take the oppurtunity to find out:grin:
Did you have to tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote by user=muldernTcell
Did you have to tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mammy always said 'better out than in':giggle:
Once was asked by a girl to imagine she was an ex of mine and imagine I was having a revenge fuck...was bit odd but we had fun anyway.
Quote by user=Virgogirl
Did you have to tell everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mammy always said 'better out than in':giggle:
Then IN again
A girl I used to talk to on another site, was once asked to cover a guys willy with foil and burn it with a lighter:eeek::eeek:
There is no such thing as weird when i comes to sexboink
I am still waiting for a request to discover my weird tolerence
Quote by user=alan-ball
I am still waiting for a request to discover my weird tolerence

It's in the mail:giggle::giggle:
Quote by user=slightlysexy
blink I cant say , everytime i start telling ppl bout strange stuff thats happened to me in the sexual arena, they always think im making it up bolt

I'll believe ya I swear, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on, go on!
Quote by user=Virgogirl
A girl I used to talk to on another site, was once asked to cover a guys willy with foil and burn it with a lighter:eeek::eeek:

Sounds hot, but painful.
Quote by user=ravenfire
There is no such thing as weird when i comes to sexboink

Love your use of "I" instead of "it" lol...... hmmmmmmmmmmmm............ such imagery Raven haha :boink:
Quote by user=rhinoguy
A girl I used to talk to on another site, was once asked to cover a guys willy with foil and burn it with a lighter:eeek::eeek:

Sounds hot, but painful.
Must be a fetish:smoke:
more like a case for the burns unit unles you like your penis well done of course.
Mail not arrived yet...perhaps it is being censored by An Post
Quote by user=Virgogirl
I am still waiting for a request to discover my weird tolerence

It's in the mail:giggle::giggle:
Quote by user=muldernTcell
more like a case for the burns unit unles you like your penis well done of course.

You could always ask for a peeny extension:smoke:
Quote by user=alan-ball
Mail not arrived yet...perhaps it is being censored by An Post
I am still waiting for a request to discover my weird tolerence

Nah the border bandits:giggle:
It's in the mail:giggle::giggle:
Quote by user=Virgogirl
more like a case for the burns unit unles you like your penis well done of course.

You could always ask for a peeny extension:smoke:
mrs m here. no need for that peeny extension .........i call his peeny he,ll be embarrased now....... he he he
:giggle:But Mrs M, he had it done before he met you, I know, I was the doctor
ah now now longjohn i dont believe you. when i met him the wrapper was still on it and the seal was unbroken..........must have been some other mans penis you were handling
:gigglebiggrinont believe him. I'm a real good surgeon, I steam open the seal and carefully remove the wrapping, and put it away for next christmas
ah babes you cant do that wit a cock ..........once you pop you cant stop
:giggle:True Mrs M, And it doesnt smell great cum november
so it takes you from christmas to november to cum................ no wonder theres a
:giggle: Nope, I keep it in jam jars, I have 1 freezer full now
would you not defrost it and sell it as a conditioned for the skin..........i hearits very good for the skin