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midlands meets

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would you like to see more of these dublin meets held in a more central ireland venue???

just as i see it most meets are in dublin and im just throwing it out there to see if people would like to see if these would be better suited and fairer to people on the west and south west side if they were held in the midlands area
You can always start up your own meets.
ya it a great idea in theory but just doesnt seem to work when ppl try to organise,,,personally i would love to go as it would be much closer for me,,,but we alwasy seem to end up in dublin and you cant beat a night out in dublin,,,,but if you do decide to organise one ,,,we will defff attend drinkies:bounce:
You only end up in dublin,because it's people in dublin end up sorting the meets. Hence,why,,if someone outside of dublin were to start one,,,you'll end up at your chosen spot. Only a suggestion!
Keep us updated if you intend organising anything Trevor, midlands would make life easier.
ya am going to organise one at xmas or newyear. i just started this to see what people taught of the idea. ppl travel from all ireland to meets in taught it be handier in the middle!! and the poll agrees!!!
yeah a meet in the midlands is a good idea bit far to be travelling to dublin all the time
mrcork,,hun i am in mayo and have tried sorting something for closer but dub always seems to be a better option,,,there was a meet in mayo sometime last year and it was a disaster so from experience dublin always seems a better option,,,,all that said i would deff be interested in a midlands meet xxxxxx
Quote by user=lucylovesit
mrcork,,hun i am in mayo and have tried sorting something for closer but dub always seems to be a better option,,,there was a meet in mayo sometime last year and it was a disaster so from experience dublin always seems a better option,,,,all that said i would deff be interested in a midlands meet xxxxxx

Lucy I think the fact that 16 people actually voted speaks volumes. Shame though! sad
Marieandu4121 has a party running at the end of Jan,,up in Carlow... I'll bet she get's a good few to that...She always does.. If Marie can do it,,I don't see why anyone else can't.....