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Swing... and the needy..

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From a few comments passed in the main chatroom this morning and a great discussion about, nut-jobs, stalkers ect.. I think that Swing Sites do attract a certain personality type, people who are in some way emotionaly needy perhaps? who seem to spend their time on sites causing havoc for other members.. It seems that a fair number of people have fallen victim to the women/guys who become too attached to the people they meet, and create some sort of fantasy world around themselves and others. I have no doubt that many people have felt the need to actualy leave sites , due to stalking, harassment ect........ Now this thread is not a tell your story thread, but how do other members, feel about the subject and how did they deal with problems if and when they occured?
The best way to deal with stalkers we have found is just ignore them, we have had our fair share of them and we are sure it will happen again but we dont get stressed about it, just ignore them and if like us they keep texting, change your number. After all we are all here for sex not to meet Mr or Miss Right.
Raven, that mean you wont be a bolt anymore?
Happy xx
"Jingle Balls & Naughty Angels"
Quote by user=ravenfire
The best way to deal with stalkers we have found is just ignore them, we have had our fair share of them and we are sure it will happen again but we dont get stressed about it, just ignore them and if like us they keep texting, change your number. After all we are all here for sex not to meet Mr or Miss Right.
I had that expeirenene on here made the foolish mistake of giving a guy my number, i then told him i didnt want to txt anymore an he started to txt me my real name an details about my personal life,turns out he was listening to my phone mesgs on my mobile an he gathered a lot of information on me,so now im really carefull of who i give my number to.
Playfull, get yourself a swing phone. Also known as a fuck phone.
Quote by user=midnightchat
Playfull, get yourself a swing phone. Also known as a fuck phone.

I would highly advise it too mrs Play.
On the Ball Midnite..
Oh no Happy i will still bolt a durty boy around the forums:giggle:
Wohooooo x
Quote by user=ravenfire
Oh no Happy i will still bolt a durty boy around the forums:giggle:
Well put Midnight..:clap: I had a Thread somewhere else on the site..In which I urge people if they are going to give out numbers,,have a "spare" sim,,away from their main number! That way if you get a stalker/bunnyBoiler..etc...It's just so simple to dump that sim card,,and get a new one for the sake of €20. Safety Has to be the name of the game on these sites,,and I'm amazed how many people give out their main phone number! Trust Me peeps,,It's worth the effort!!
I hightlighted this on a blog elsewhere basically stating that 'no' really means 'NO'. I feel very strongly about this as I have had it happened to me before and also a good friend of mine had their world turned upside down because of it!! Not only are there stalkers on the web but also cyber bullies, the likes of these people are unstable and not to be messed with. They don't need your phone number to harass you if they want to find you they will and they will go to any lengths to do so. You can ignore them for a certain amount of time but if they are persistant you know they are'nt just in it for a piss take and you need to take matters into your own hands! Sounds scary and maybe OTT but it's a fact...... we all need to watch out for each other in this little village of ours! kiss So basically if you feel you have one in the making report them asap, don't let it get to a stage where you may find them on your doorstep as I know has happened before!! And for those who get off on bullying or stalking, get help you need it and remember 'NO' really means 'NO'!!! Sorry for the lengthy post but as I said I feel very strongly about it! :kiss:
yes ive got a new phone for swinging ,just wanted to warn people not to give out there numbers to just anyone ,ohh an i need to point out i was new to the site at the time so a bit silly .
Excellent post Amber!! We all need to be more careful about our privacy, who we give personal details to, swing is not all about fun it has it's dark moments as well.. I am disgusted that Playfull's privacy was invaded, in such a dispicable manner.. Personaly as a result of being to lax with my own details and trusting someone, I have had my private and mail ad hacked into, gives me the creeps thinking that someone was sitting reading my mails ect.. But it happens, and I have now cut all contact with those involved and ignore them, and changed my details ect.. On the point of Cyber Bullies, they come in mnay shapes and forms, and are best ignored, but sadly on any web forum they cause havoc for other users..
Another thing we need to be aware of is the use of our M._.N. address. I know I’m not supposed to mention it on this site but it is a security matter.
For those of us who use our standard messenger address on here, myself included, I was concerned to find that our personal information is so readily available.
I don’t want to go into too much detail on what I found, no point in letting anyone know how to do it………. But let’s just say that totally by accident I found that I was able to access people’s social networking profiles. For those that were not private I was able to see their real names, locations and even family pictures.
I would suggest that for off-site chats, any chat forum we use is accessed from an email address solely for site use and which cannot be related to our everyday lives. Sorry if I have been vague.