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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 60
0 km · Galway


Oh dear..... The last time I put up an ad like this on swing4 which was in fairness 3 years ago I got 100's of viewings and dozens of replies. This time the ad got 45 viewings and 1 enquiry.... We actually got sorted last night off a different site. Similiar ad, posted same time. We got about 20 replies and several serious offers before finding pretty much exactly what we were looking for. What does that say about swing4ireland. Hundreds of Thousands of members, but little or no result
Myself and a female pal are looking for a meet tomorrow night in North Galway or south Mayo. Girls or couples preferred but males will be considered. You MUST be able to accomodate. Phone contact will be be made by the girl to prove its a genuine offer. Thinking about a few hours fun at yours. Anybody interested WHO CAN ACCOMODATE let me know
As always its not just the bouys who can be messers. Eejits come in all three sexes. Years ago I met a woman from the South east. Drove for hours to meet her (this was pre motorway) and checked into hotel. We had chatted for months so was really looking forward to it. She arrived and gave me the wet fish handshake and said you are not like your photograph. Which was odd cos this was pre picture phones and I hadnt sent her a photo. Bought her a drink, and her body language was so bad other people in the bar were staring at her. I sat looking at her backbone sitting across from me for an excrutiating five minutes, before she said she was leaving. She got up and walked out. I was stunned. Finished my drink, actually checked out of the hotel and drove home (took me hours). Wondered what had I done to deserve that reaction. few weeks later spoke to another girl on the same site. Told her the story (embarrased as I was teling it.) Oh she said thats X, she does that to every guy she meets. Turns out her hubby left her for a girl he met online and this is her little revenge. So the pillocks can be male or female, you dont need a willy to be a messer folks....
I wonder as the European Court has ruled that men cant be charged lower insurance premiums than women, can we bring a case saying swing clubs cant charge single men larger entry fees -0)
Mmm the age old subject. Problem is there are so many men compared to women on the site, and I suspect the same number of gobshites in both sexes, so it appears many many more male gobshites. I agree with everyones comments (which for me is some achievement). The only grumpy thing is the effect all the guys have on the women. Some girls take the Oh you are gorgeous to theirs and become fierce prima donnas altogether, some have a kinda DONT CONTACT ME IF YOU HAVE A PENIS, grrr grrr grrr, and some are just plain mad. But hey, such is life. An open non judgemental attitude leads to enjoying probing (har har) nice conversation, and yes, perhaps a really rewarding encounter (or 2)
drinkiesdrinkiesWell looking at new members this week, several are inactive, one is 18 married and bored (really?) and another is a couple looking for another couple for a threesome (altogether now, 1 and 1 is 2, 2 and 2 is.......) banghead
i agree Marie, I assume you have a full and complete dossier there?
It occurs to me that there is a reason why a threat like this stays up at the top of the list even though there are a lot of contributors saying they wish it would go away. The reason this thread hasnt died a death is, I suggest, because the issue hasnt been answered. The only answer has been that things are done for a reason, you are not to discuss them, not to criticise them, you are to accept them. That is a very hard thing to convince an audience, particularly an Irish audience of. The issue that remains unanswered is, why are threads locked for no apparent reason. Ok if someone is on the forums saying Tom4 is a gobshite or whatever, then I would be the first to deny that I am (ahem no comments please) and want it taken down and the Perpetator shot at dawn. But when a patently benign thread is locked, people get pissed off. Whats worse is when the same thread once locked is then reopened so a particular group of members can comment on it, and then relocked! Sorry kids, but you can criticise, tell people like we are boring the arses off ya, and would we just shurrup all you like. You just wont get some people to accept the reasons things are is "because things is what they is"
I think its an excellent thread, and I am very sorry to hear the member left the site. Still, you cant keep a good member down!
A guy on a site used to call himself Bloodfart... any improvements on that?
Amber, The reasons that a member is banned may be confidential, but Im sorry, the reason this particular member was banned rings out loud and clear!
Lucky you Titan, being able to respond to the one open thread that remained on the topic. At least you, unlike another mod, didnt unlock a thread, post your tuppenceworth and then lock it down again so no-one could have their say. That was the ONLY point Lovebird was complaining about. I know LB and know you and indeed you know me. Are we conspiring against Mods? I think not. The point being made is its unfair to lock threads and reopen them so one person can get their view across without challenge.
LB The two locked threads could not be better statements of how right you are in what you said. I am just amazed how silent other people are in response to yours. Interesting indeedy!
Lovebird, You have more standing on the site than you think. There was a thread on this exact topic earlier in the week. I know cos I made the same point on it as you so eloquently put in your post. The thread vanished without trace, like the Marie Celeste, which makes your point in spades. There are very few new people in the chat rooms. Worship, you are looking at it from your point of view. You are part of the estabished group. And no,I am not saying you are a clic or anything, its just a fact. When one of the group come into the room, there is an abundance of air kissing and welcoming from the other members of a group. It actually on occasion drowns any conversation going on while they all say hello to each other. If there are five or six of the group, thats ten or twelve lines of air kisses. You can be also damn sure there is lots of whispering going on with the group, and lots of that whispering will be commenting on new people or people that dont normally chat. So think of it from that angle. Think how intimidating that is to get a word in. Think how annoying it is if you do actually take the courage to chat and suddenly find yourself buried under air kisses and wasnt last night so funny, and wasnt X so much fun.... And then think again why the rooms are otherwise silent!
Edens comment reminds me of why dogs lick their own they can -0)
Hmm, interesting, is an attractive characteristic of a potential date the fact that he packed in his job cos he couldnt be arsed? I doubt it but would love to hear what people think!
Does One ever get the feeling Ones leg is being pulled Gentlemen?
Macaroon bars the ones in the paper wrappers, the plastic wrappers ones are shite, nuff said
Its very scary when the swinging world and the real world collide. Personally I would jump a mile if someone, even if they were as yummie as Kitten were to tap me on the shoulder and say "Hello dawling" (James Bond moment there). Anyway, if the eejit hasnt copped by now it was you and messaged ya, that tells its own story lol
Interesting comments and thanks for them. I take the point about why would I bother my ass sending her a voicemail and why did the girl want me to do the same. The reason we ended up having drinks and then going to bed was BECAUSE we both had been stood up by people who decided that they couldnt be arsed leaving the house and really didnt care if I had arranged a hotel or she had gone to the trouble of getting dressed up etc etc . You can imagine at some stage in the wee hours of the morning, the words do ya know what we should do now.....
Not sure if this is best as a thread or a story but here goes. I was supposed to be meeting a girl in Dublin last night. Had met her once before. She was being a bit iffy few days before the meet and I was checking with her if she wanted to meet or not. And yes she did, defo. at 7 pm last night she texted me "sorry something came up, cant meet 2nite, cya next time". At this stage i am sitting the hotel room, just getting dressed.... I head off into town for a pint and to watch the match (aka drowning sorrows). While there start chatting to a girl who it turns out was also stood up by her date, so the conversation starts, and you can guess the rest... The revenge bit? We both left voicemails for our respective dates at 1 am in the morning telling them that its ok, their friend got sorted -0)...... I know I know she probably had a million reasons and so did he, butYES
Before you ask your wife would she like to swing, invest in a new garden shed with a electricity connection, lighting, a fold up bed, and a four seasons sleeping bag, just in case.......
Is it just me or are there a lot more new members accounts marked as inactive than there used to be?
A swingers club in clare or indeed any other Irish county? You would meet three first cousins, four auntys and ten second cousins, and thats just on your mothers side..........
I have to say a lot of the comments in this thread are were little short of degrading and insulting to men. For gods sake people get a grip and some perspective. There are lots more men than women on here and therefore lots more gobshite men than gobshite women. If you read many of the points you would swear the women are all saints and the guys all idiots. Thats the insulting point. The degrading point is the "I have lots of nice male friends here". Its a bit like saying "I like black people I think everyone should own one". There are morons and there are decent sorts on here and the fact that one has a cock and balls on them isnt the reason they are one or the other!
Eden on your point that you could score 10 times any night on swing, then you are a minority among the women friends I have on this site and others. Their experience is that there are loads of guys onto them when they are on site, and dozens when they are on cam. But in most cases, these guys just want to talk, or more usually comment and criticise. When it comes to an actual meet, the numbers dwindle and peter out. Fact is there are lots of messers, male female and hempradite on here, and very few genuine people of either sex who give a toss about the others. The skill is in trying to find the genuine folk, and not get too carried away either by too few replies (if you are a guy) or too many (if you are a girl)
In fairness Slightlysexy I have seen you on cam and in a room and you can exercise proper and fair control without ever needing a gold star to do it. In fact its one of the pleasures of your room watching some gormless eejit coming out with eloquent statements as "git ur tits ou" and just waiting for the perfectly timed and perfectly appropriate put down and always silences the poor eejit!
Midlands or Dublin, st8 male 45 and bi fem 34, would like to meet a bi fem for an evening of fun. Early phone contact with the fem will be organised so you know we are not messing about. Chat to you soon I hope!