In response to the post by Eden on the opposite subject i was looking for somethings from the guys perspective. Not having a dig at anyone but there should be room for equal opportunities on this website and a sense of balance. Any ideas / comment welcome. Firstly from my own humble experience
1. Arranging a meet and then not showing up with no prior communication beforehand. Firstly a text doesn't cost much (webtexts are free) and an e-mail doesn't cost anything so no reason not to get in touch.
P.S. i know this happens to everyone on the site but it's still annoying.
2. Not reading profiles / e-mails
3. Kind of related to the second point but. After exchanging several e-mails or chatting on instant messenger finding a reason not to chat anymore or not to meet which if the profile had been read properly would have been immediately apparent.
For example being told "you're too old / young" well the age i am is in the profile and /or in the initial e-mail sent & we don't have the ability to suddenly age or grow several years younger in the space of a few days or weeks, "you're too far away" have to say in a sense of balance this is true enough but again this is stated on the profile but if you think someone is too far away why respond to their e-mail in the first place.
I think I'll probably get thrashed for this and seriously I'm not saying it to be smart, but... the reason for my post was that there are heaps of guys for every girl and hence it is tough for a guy to meet a girl. I wrote my post for guys to get a bit of insight into the way we girls think and to instruct/help them in this competitive (for guys) world of swing. Do you know even one girl on the site who needs help on that front? I don't fool myself. I am a distinctly average looking girl and I could score ten times over every night on this site. Why? because I'm a girl; a minority.
Your points are universal - I don't think they only apply to women. And while, I wouldn't intentionally want to annoy anyone, and I definitely wouldn't want to hurt anyone or be in any way mean, I wouldn't be too bothered about annoying a guy on here. Plenty more shoals of fish and all that. So my tuppence worth is guys don't complain or moan - man up, suck it up, and concentrate on impressing/charming us rather than telling us what annoys :violin: you because quite frankly "am I bovvered?"
oh and regarding point 3: in my own case that would be a little white lie. If I tell a guy something like that, it is a diplomatic way of saying you've said something along the way that was a turn off but it would be bitchy or personal to tell you that and therefore I am making up a little white lie to save your feelings. I can only speak for myself on that front though.
Eden on your point that you could score 10 times any night on swing, then you are a minority among the women friends I have on this site and others.
Their experience is that there are loads of guys onto them when they are on site, and dozens when they are on cam. But in most cases, these guys just want to talk, or more usually comment and criticise.
When it comes to an actual meet, the numbers dwindle and peter out.
Fact is there are lots of messers, male female and hempradite on here, and very few genuine people of either sex who give a toss about the others. The skill is in trying to find the genuine folk, and not get too carried away either by too few replies (if you are a guy) or too many (if you are a girl)
Eden could score 10 times a day if she wished, that I dont doubt. And as for being an average looking girl? When did that happen? Last I saw you, you were well above average.
But it wouldnt just be her looks that I would find attractive, Eden is very sharp and witty, and has a way with words that would put a barrister to shame. Nothing like intelligence to turn a man on.
Eden's post was informative, was not judgemental to anyone in particular and basically it was a guide to all men who really want to impress. Yes a lot of guys on here are very handsome, but substance is also required if you wish to catch a lady's eye and keep her interested. Remember, most ladies wish to go for a drink, maybe dinner and then on to the fun times. If you cant hold your own in conversation, all the good looks in the world aint gona help you.
Im no Don Juan here, but I do believe I know the importance of respect towards women, regardless if I want to sleep with them or not. Ive read Eden's initial post and all of the subsequent posts on that thread and I would advise any guys on here who think they are god's gift to give it the once over before trying to impress. You never know, you may just pick up the best piece of advice on ladies that you may have previously overlooked.
The Guy: Girl ratio in the swing lifestyle has a huge difference, so I would imagine that all of the single guys are in competition with each other, and only the strongest will survive. The ladies on here can pick and choose who they would like to meet. And that is just a fact of life.
Not understand the need to whisper a greeting, sure everyone knows how perilous it is to say hi to a lady on open chat.
Get annoyed when you ask them their A.S.L. Sure who has time to be reading profiles.
Again get annoyed when you say hi, where are you from, how old are you, then ask what are you into. Sure it’s a swing site, no need for the prolonged chat ups.
Refuse to show the private pics. Sure what’s the point in having them up when you aren’t willing to show them to tom, dick and horny.
Refuse to go into a private room for some ‘cam to cam’. sure it’s a swing site, get them off ya!
Get pissy when you realise that you have only been providing fluff material. That there was never any genuine intention to meet. Sure what’s the point, I can get all the stimulation I need spending countless nights on here just talking about it!
Get pissy when, after countless nights talking about meeting, someone else catches my eye on chat and I blank you while they are there. Aren’t ya lucky that an hour later when they leave chat I come and say ‘hi how are you’.
Query why I need to change my profile name as often as my underwear, or why I need to have so many different profiles. What business is it of yours what I have done on one profile that I need to disassociate myself from it so quickly. I can have a profile for each of my personalities if I want!
ways to annoy a bloke lmao, my take on this is there are a lot of women that are all talk and yes the same for men but its the ones that keep plugging away and putting the work in to become noticed i know as i had to do it and the women have there which is good for them and fair play to them that they can but it is not that hard to reply saying thanks but no thanks , i know the ladies can get a bucket load of post in there inbox but a little reply, its nice to be nice, it works both ways ladies and gents, but the ladies that do a no show is a big pev!! of mine but the most that are genuine are the salt of the earth good friends and there for words of encouragement also
Cat I have no doubt we can all learn a bit more to make us better swing people. My observations were only made with regard to a particular type of member and not the site as a whole. I have met some fantastic men here which is why I have no hesitation in recommending them to others. It's just frustrating to watch people shoot themselves in the foot over the most basic of things, or people belittling the site as being full of wasters when in fact they might need to amend their own attitudes to be a little more successful.
Interesting and good thread, ive also have followed Edens thread and in all fairness most of what she pointed out should be common sense to us men folk. I also know from speaking to the many great people on here that alot of single guys do shoot themselves in the foot by no shows etc.
I think a little respect goes along way in having fun on here. We are all here for the same thing but good friendships can be built here also.
The fact that the ratio of men to women is enormous does give the ladies the upper hand when coming to meets etc, im sure their mail boxes are full of requests etc. From my own experience (which isn't alot) i have found that the ladies need to feel we are not time wasters and messers as most of us lead busy lives and dont have time to be dealing with time wasters. So thats all i have to add on this matter....happy swinging :thumbup:
I have followed Eden's thread...indeed I have posted on it and now I have read this one.
In my view there is only one thing men and women for that matter need to do to not annoy each other. And its a word we all know......RESPECT.
I could start by women on here arent wank material...but in truth....some like the fact the when they are on cam or have photos up in the gallery that they know other are actually using it as masterbatory aids. If we didnt want to be seen as appealing...then in my opinion all photos would be private and all camming done fully dressed without hint of flirting or suggestiveness.
Indeed there are vastly more men than women on this site and as tom4 said...many of those are here just to watch the cams....look at the the stories. Some also will never have the courage or indeed the inclination to approach a female on here whether it be because of lack of esteem or that the fantasy is more appealing that the reality.
What I do believe from reading most of the posts in these threads is that......and I hasten to add it is only my own opinion which I am entitled to that some of the women in here seem to beliueve that they are owed something.....they deserve does everyone.....but just because they are favourably outnumbered does by no means mean that they need to be put on the pedestal.....nor should they expect to be.
As I have said above....its more about respect than anything else.
Now dont get me wrong...there are also guys on here that think they are gods gift and should have women falling at their feet with little or no effort on their part.
In defense of the guys on here......I personally believe that they put up with some serious shite on here to. Time and time again it is mentioned about the verbal abuse and insults flung at the female cammers. But.....what is rarely mentioned in the the abuse that single men get in the chat rooms.
Midnight mentioned that woe-be-tide the unknown single man who whispers an hello to a female....or who says that he is interested in someone.
I have witnessed those guys be belittled and verbally abused. Told they havent a chance and ridiculed in main chat for the amusement of the female chatters. Little is ever said to those fems who walk along that line. ALthough if a male chatter said...."hun....i am;d never have a chance with me".....he'd be instantly linched. Why are the women not for the same offence??????? end...treat the women in here with respect, honesty and friendliness and you hopefully will receive the same back.
There are some lovely ladies in here and there are many lovely men too.
Well said Mona, totally unbiased and pointing out flaws in both arguments. Such a well written piece altogether. Take a bow my dear, you deserve it.
Old fashioned manners, respect and the ability to accept that some people even if they have naked pics of themselves on profile might not find you to their taste .... Are genderless basics... After that enjoy the site !!!
I have to say a lot of the comments in this thread are were little short of degrading and insulting to men. For gods sake people get a grip and some perspective. There are lots more men than women on here and therefore lots more gobshite men than gobshite women. If you read many of the points you would swear the women are all saints and the guys all idiots. Thats the insulting point. The degrading point is the "I have lots of nice male friends here". Its a bit like saying "I like black people I think everyone should own one".
There are morons and there are decent sorts on here and the fact that one has a cock and balls on them isnt the reason they are one or the other!
I see valid points from both sides here, so all things being equal, and to maintain a balance it's now stickied!
Ok....I think it has to be said....even if it is only my opinion and not another soul on here....but I think this thread and the one about annoying a woman on here are almost pointless at this stage.
From reading and re-reading this threads all I can make out is that a guy needs to.
a) be in awe of the wonder of the single female in glad and honoured that she might show interest in him as she has so many many others to grace with her time, let alone her precious presence.
b) come armed with some well thought out gift....but to also be careful not to over indulge in anything he might be offered.
c) optional....but could be a good thing seemingly....but offer to help change the sheets and put them in the washing machine afterwards.
d)be tough and turn the other cheek when the single fem says....Am I bovvered??? do i look bovvered??? (might help to think of the little britain character here)
e) form a man group in here....looking to the wise and successful single males for guidance....they are best placed to tell you the secrets they possesss.
but the ones I think might help.
f) be honest about yourself, what you are looking for and about your curcumstances. if you are attached, say so, yes it might limited your chances, but trust me, lying is thought of worse.
g) be respectful, read profiles, be friendly in your dealings in the chatrooms and also in yours mails.
h) remember this is a swing site...not a sex site.
i) if you do use the chatroom, have a read of the AUP rules before you go in next time
j) manners cost nothing, if you dont like what you see on cam....turn it off. If someone doesnt want to meet you....move in life everyone you take a liking to will not feel the same. If you cant make a meet....give as much notice as you can.
k) if you are finding it hard to be seen in the chatrooms as you feel as if everyone knows each other....start off chatting for a few mins in a quieter room some time...get a feel for they flow of things. Once a few people know you to chat to...the larger rooms are not as daunting. Or post replies to threads in the forums....get your name and personality known that way.
As I have said time and time again..... but the single MOST important thing EVERYONE needs to learn and put into action in here is RESPECT apologies for hijacking your thread again....x x x x x
I think we need to lighten up. Some people are taking this way too seriously. Peace.