Eden.....Was your original thread set up with the view to be a genuine help to the single men of swing....or as a lighthearted piece for pure amusement but with no factual benefits ????
I took both these threads as being serious. Aiming to help people...both male and female get along on this site. Hence why i believe, if i am correct... is the resaon they have been stickied.
QUOTE EDEN: the reason for my post was that there are heaps of guys for every girl and hence it is tough for a guy to meet a girl. I wrote my post for guys to get a bit of insight into the way we girls think and to instruct/help them in this competitive (for guys) world of swing.
Mona, while I applaud you for some aspects of your posts, Eden clearly states at the beginning of this thread the reason for her original post.
Posts from all members here make interesting reading, no matter what the topic is. Thread contents are the opinion of the OP and subsequent posters and they should merely be taken as that.
Eden's post was intended to offer a guide to all male site members when engaging with their female counterparts......with a little light hearted banter thrown in. Take from it what you want, leave it if you so wish.
I totally agree with you......RESPECT.....is what it's all about at the end of the day and that goes for all members, both male and female......and those brave enough to offer an opinion and to post it on these forums.....
This thread has got way too serious for me.....enough said.
I am permitted to disagree with someones opinion.....and also along with many others, to find it a little confusing when someone mixes serious opinions with ones they dont believe in or stand by.
Originally starting the original thread to be a serious helpful topic...then changing it at will, to a joking one...back to serious....and so forth.
Never said you werent Mona. Just as you are free to agree or disagree with posts on here, so am I, and I agree with Edens last post. I cant understand why you are so defensive to the point that you feel I am trying to take away your rights of opinion.
If we laugh as we learn we will learn a whole lot more.
"If we laugh as we learn, we will learn a whole lot more"
Alicol, love it, that's my new mantra :thumbup:
Ali....I agree with some points..disagree with others....
I totally agree with light hearted banter and having a giggle while learning.....it all depends on whether it is done in a correct manner without ambiguity.
My reply wasnt done becuase of anything you said....I have no problem if you agree with eden one minute....me the next....there are many valid points in these threads no matter who says them. This is not about taking sides or being against individuals...its about a personal opinion on a thread someone brought up...expecting replies, wanting the replies to keep coming.
Some may feel my points/opinions are not valid.....some might/do.
Same way as I felt some points had merit...some didnt.
I just have a different opinion is all.
Aww Christ,
Mona, you posted earlier in the thread and I applauded you for it, why? because I agreed with your opinion. Later in the thread I agree with Eden's opinion, and within one minuteyou had posted a reply to me stating that you have an opinion too? Are you watching the thread that closely? Does it really mean that much to you?
Why are you so defensive when someone(Me)is of the opinion that a little lighthearted banter is no harm. I believe you are taking Eden's initial post, and subsequent posts thereof way out of context. It was, from my understanding, written as a guide to men who wish to attract a woman on here for some fun. The key word here being "Fun".
I dont wish to debate the thread with you, as you seem to be dead set in your opinions (again to which you are wholly entitled to), and I am quite tired at this late hour, and have to get to work very early tomorrow. However, for your information, and to try to make it as clear to you as it was so obviously clear to me, the following points which you found discerning were posted in jest: (I have copied and pasted from your earlier post)
You stated:
From reading and re-reading this threads all I can make out is that a guy needs to.
a) be in awe of the wonder of the single female in here...be glad and honoured that she might show interest in him as she has so many many others to grace with her time, let alone her precious presence.
b) come armed with some well thought out gift....but to also be careful not to over indulge in anything he might be offered.
c) optional....but could be a good thing seemingly....but offer to help change the sheets and put them in the washing machine afterwards.
d)be gracious...be strong...be manly....be tough and turn the other cheek when the single fem says....Am I bovvered??? do i look bovvered??? (might help to think of the little britain character here)
e) form a man group in here....looking to the wise and successful single males for guidance....they are best placed to tell you the secrets they possesss.
I sincerely hope I have been enlightening, as Eden does not deserve to have her posts so clinically dissected to the point to which they already clearly have been.
"Will someone please think of the children?"
this topic has changed its format somewhat from its original intentions, but like all walks of life there are two sides to every coin, there are those that lead, those that follow, those that set trends and those that follow them, optomists/pessimists, negative/positive people (no need continue with examples), and occasionally the anarchists get their say in, such is the ethnic and moral minorities that have appeared over the years, but hey, if you don't agree with something then why indulge in it?
Its great to be a realist, take life for what it is, enjoy it, if something don't float your boat, ignore it (as long as it's not life threatening).
Enjoy what makes you happy, and those things that don't try to avoid them.
Its your life, no matter how hard you try, you're not gonna get out of it alive ;)
The lover in me isn't liking that this thread is getting waaaaaay too serious.
Everyone has made very valid points all through this thread as well as Eden's original post. We're all grown up enough to make decisions on what we like, dislike, agree or disagree with and totally allowed to share our views with others.
I think it's time we knocked this one on the head as I have a feeling we could go on for weeks, even months.
people people....i have one opinion.....you have another.....will i fall out with anyone over it.....no.
Did I say what I did with the intention of falling out with anyone....no.
I may disagree with someone over one thing and completely agree with something else they say......i dont have to either agree with everything....or disagree with everything......things arent that black and white.
It doesn't inherently bother me if someone has a vastly different opinion or way or doing things to me......the world would be a boring place if we all thought the same, did the same, said the same and acted the same.
To get this thread back on track. Here is a list of ways to annoy a single guy on swing!
1) not replying to emails - I sent you a mail saying "wanna fuck?" and a picture of my cock. What more do you ladies want!!!! Trust me, you send me a mail saying "let's fuck!!!" and a picture of your vagina I promise I will reply!!
2) no single males - oooooh you've gone all bi and don't want men, trust me give 5 minutes alone with ya I'll bring ya back to my side of the force!!!
3) I don't like cock pics - say what now???? Cock pics are awesome. Their like the perfect combination of gigers alien design and the space shuttle. What's not to love???? Granted some peoples (ie mine) are more photogenic than others but they all need love
4) let's say we've been whispering for 2 minutes. By this time the lady should have given out her mobile number, invite to private pics and offered to meet in an alleyway for sex within the next hour. It's common courtesy ladies.
5) going on cam with a nice but shy rack. Don't do it ladies. We love your boobies which is why we whisper you unconscionable filth telling you to get them out. Do it for all the one handed typists out there.
6) not having any pics - this is a no no. We don't expect everyone to have pictures of them laying on their back with their legs spread, just most of you. Btw those of you who don't do this, we expect boob pics.
There's more but I don't want to overload ye ladies
:happy: A bit of humour at long last, even if it did come from a man.....ooops did I say that out loud :-o
Discreet, Fair play to you. Love it. ::clap::
Eh......., I'm deadly serious there!!!
Is here for the sexxxxxxxxxxxxxx , Is this the place where i sign up for genital stimulation , or other sexual preferences ????? huh ??? wha ???? what ya mean this post is only for airing problems , ppl will read this ??? omg !!! ffs !!!! scarlet !!!!!!!!
Found this on the net just couldnt help meself i had to put it up lmao.
Contrary to popular belief among females, being male does have advantages to being female. Life is a bit simpler, making more time to enjoy the finer points in life. From the earliest of years, we have learned from the mistakes of females, and found improved ways to make life a little happier.
We don't worry about how "big" we look in 33 different pairs of pants.
We don't have to own 53 different outfits, 35 of which we will only wear once.
We can get dressed for any occasion in 20 minutes.
It is not a devastating blow to our character when our clothes don't fit anymore.
When we go out in public, we don't have to say, "do you think he's more handsome than me", or "why can't I look like him."
We can eat an entire dinner without having to powder anything.
We don't have to look good dancing, but it is incredibly attractive if we do.
Buying shoes is easy, not an Olympic sport.
We only have to shave our face.
We don't have to hide gray hair.
We don't have to have flawless bubble handwriting andour i's with hearts in school.
We can go to the bathroom without having to wait in line or hovering.
We can go to the bathroom by ourselves.
We don't have to worry about getting plastic/cosmetic surgery.
We don't have to worry about our plastic/cosmetic surgery failing, or popping, or sagging, or forming abnormally as time goes by.
Wrinkles are not a curse to end all.
We don't have to layer expensive cosmetic material over acne.
Our emotions don't go into periodic and unexpected fits, during which the world is a happy-happy place and crashing to an end all at once.
We don't have to paint, adorn, or decorate every part of our body with polish, jewelry, lotion, glitter, or makeup.
We have the keen ability to look at our reflections in the mirror and be able to tell if we are fat or not without consulting anyone.
We have no desire to own so many possessions that they could never be arranged in any semblance of order.
We know that Tetris is basically playing with blocks... and we finished that long ago.
Women get drunk quicker and cheaper. They offer less expensive entertainment than us getting drunk ourselves, and it is much easier than waking up with a hangover ourselves.
I think we need to lighten up. Some people are taking this way too seriously. Peace.
lads its like mona said its all about respect from both genders.
It is a swing site and we ae all on here for 1 thing and 1 thing only OR are we. When I first joined all i had on me mind was sex YES ive said the word sex. but as time went by I realised that friendship was more important than the sex that was just the bonus of s4i. So lads b god to the girls and girls b good to the boys and ya will find u can have the craic and banter in the chat room and the bonus will come to ya.
thanks for the thread stig thanks for the thread eden BUT i think both threads should have been 1 thread not 2 that in itself can cause conflict lol
Ally aka clyde