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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 51
0 km · Dublin


Different Strokes for Different Folks and to each their own. smile There is a group of swingers who blatantly go and invite friends around me (including my swinging partner) to their own parties and they don't invite me because I do not conform to their "body shape" standard... fair play to them. Good thing that the fem party organiser body shape does not conform to my swinging partner standards! *haha* I have to confess that she conforms to mine but she doesn't fancy me... *heartbroken* Not to worry, there are many other parties around there... for that party that I don't get an invite, I get six others. ;) Too bad I am kind of taking a break from parties now, but beware when I come back! hehe :) It's their party. They can invite whomever they wish, at the end of the day.
I find it amusing how people are only thinking about weekends and plans, etc... I have never liked weekends. Not even as a child... I have always liked routine and somehow weekends broke that routine. Now, obviously, I don't like weekends because they imply more work for me - having the kids all day long, including a 36-year-old one (hubster) who can't even go and pour himself a glass of water.. :P Sending the kids off to grandparents isn't an option unfortunately - one set is about 500km away and the other one is 10,500km away so.. sad Ah well. Roll on Monday biggrin
:notes:Guess what Ding Ding - am moving to your part of the world sometime soonish so I may visit ... the teagirl. LOL
Padds, it's actually "per se", not "per say" smile Bullboo - I think I love you. :) I have found my mirror image :rose:
Where I come from cunnilingus is a complete NO-NO... men hate giving it, and they consider it as dirty etc (so ladies, think twice before having sex with a Mexican man, lol) so I got very little of it and of course craved it like crazy ... smile Now I kind of face the other side of the coin. I just see toooooooo much oral sex going on. Kind of taking centre stage. It's like the guys want to make you cum like 4-5 times from oral sex before moving on to penetration ... Thing is that I get many and very strong orgasms from cunnilingus (when done properly of course) and in some ways I am like a guy - once I've cummed 7,8, 9 times I just want to roll over and him to bugger off. LOL. So after cumming once I just move the guy away and get him started on something else. :) I like giving head and been told I am not bad at it, but then again, I don't want to spend the whole time doing that - though having a guy lose his mind and cum in my mouth is something extremely sexy. :smile2: Ah shoot am feeling horny. hahahahahhahaha:thrilled:
I am v. much with fabbie on this one ... Have kind of tried it several times and hated it. smile It's also become overrated methinks ... Definite no-no for me. *shudders*
The very first guy I met in a "swinging" environment .. not on this site, btw, but something similar ...OMG did he go bunny boiler on me!! He was someone I really connected on an intellectual level. Sex was good as in he was very good at what he did and with the aforementioned intellectual connection things were good, but he was someone I was not very attracted to (I know, I know,but I was naive and inexperienced back then!! haha :violin: ) After meeting a couple of times he wanted "exclusivitiy". I really liked him so I said I would think about it :crazy: but then I realised that I was not on here for a relationship (I already have one!) but to have fun and meet people.. so we had a talk about it and he went really bunny boiler on it ... he called me all sorts of names, criticised my lifestyle... the works. We kept out of touch for a few months and then he mailed back asking if we could meet again. You can imagine where I told him he could bugger off ...flipa :wank: And following Titan's post - I hold my hands up and I do admit that I have felt pangs of jealousy whenever someone I have met and really liked is seeing another person. I have felt them, but I cannot and will not act on them ... nothing I can do about it. :sparring: :sparring: or is there? hahahahahaa just joking. :thrilled: Can you tell I am loving the smilies? :thrilled:
I mostly go with #3 as most meets I are daytime for me ... everything going well then we would arrange for another meet in more adequate surroundings for the purpose in mind. :evil2: When I can get away in the evening then a couple of drinks and take it from there has always worked out a treat. :wave2: And I have done the going up the hotel room and let's get down to it .... only twice. And have been very lucky lol smile no psychos rotflmao *apart from me that is* Something I have never done (or will do) is meeting in my house. I would if I lived alone but I don't ... it cracks me up that for many guys it is the first option - haha flipa
Hi there, I've also found it very, very cliquey ... but what I do is that I go to smaller rooms or open one of my own and that way I get chatting ... But yeah, at some times of day you're blatantly ignored. biggrin fair enough, it happens anywhere... smile So it's a bit hard for girls too. :)