Alquigs it's just like a great big social where everyone is so much friendlier and people mix more than they would at a wedding for example. While people can be quite excited and the flirt level can be at overdrive, it would always hopefully be borne in mind that it is better for us as a group if any civilians or venue employees in the vicinity would remain unaware of what we are there for, hence a certain level of decorum is expected.
It is the PERFECT opportunity to make connections with a view to future meets etc. Plus it is ideal for getting yourself known which makes life easier on the chat rooms.
Hmmmmmmmmmm joined January 30th 2011 and now crying about cliques and lack of response......... I know someone who buys a book, goes home and turns to the last chapter and reads that to see how it ends first, I'm unsure if he ever actually reads it in its entirety. Not exactly the kinda guy I'd invite to come meet me at the library!
Your friends should have checked the site updates section. Slightly's post details how to enable comments:
Naughty darlin' sorry you're not enjoying youre time and feel as if it is a personal response to you or the fact you are 'new'. Believe it or not it's something we all experienced, it's a test of your mettle if you make it through........ ha ha only joking. It's like entering earth's atmosphere from space, you might orbit for a wee while but when you find your window you shoot straight through.
Yes it seems like there are clicks, and others are quick to jump on this bandwagon, but don't get caught up in this. There are groups of friends who know each other, meet regularly and always enjoy each others company. Now if that's what you are looking for then you are definitely in the right place. I have been very lucky here in that I was quite shy when I first joined. I only whispered and met single guys, but then I got chatting to a female member of a couple and had a blast. Eventually we all met up and things just took off from there, it's the best thing I ever did. It's through this friendship..........oh excuse me, it's from joining this click...... that I met so many more lovely members on this site and had the opportunity to attend parties and meet n greets, cus this couple let me tag along. I have had the best laughs on nights out through this place and have made some fantastic memories, but I was on site for about 18 months before this happened. You're doing fine so far, stick with it and don't let your outlook become jaded prematurely.
Of Course! hang on til I get the peg for my nose......
Outdoorsins, please accept this response is not aimed at you or any material you have posted, nor any other posters on this forum. It is just a good post for some of us to air our own feelings on the matter and our observations. The 'this site is shite, no one is shagging' attitude is wearisome. As Titan has said, some have no problem gaining what they seek and plan on continuing this enjoyment for as long as possible. In this case I must say it seems you get out of it what you put into it. Numerous threads have been posted on why there is no response, why no meets etc. The response is always an overwhelming 'become active in chat, use the forums to familiarise other people with you, contribute in some way'. Time and time again you see the response to this....'oh I don't have time to dedicate to that' ...... well in that case stop your whinging, you wouldn't take up horticulturalism if you lived in a high rise flat and worked 12 hours a day now would ya......
As for those who seem eager to move forward, to actually meet and enjoy the site for what it was intended, I'm afraid we all learn at some point that some are just fantasists. Some like the idea of meeting, the thrill, the anticipation, the talk and build-up. While they may say to themselves they will meet, I'm unsure that they ever will. Some over-sell themselves, they discuss what they imagine themselves doing but have never done, but nerves or lack of confidence means they won't. They stress the 'performance anxiety' and bottle it then. To avoid admitting this they get bitchy or just straight out blank you... Without doubt some who have to cancel have genuine reasons, but their behaviour and how they handle this should sort the fantasists from the 'real swingers'.
It is partly due to this that people form their unofficial groups. I hate the 'C' word. They have met, they know that they will all contribute to a meet and have proven their demeanour. Or they have been mentioned by other friends. Time, effort, money and a lot of other factors go into a meet usually, to have it spoilt is shameful and as such people have every right to be defensive and protective of their enjoyment. After a while, and some disappointments, you develop your own trigger points, that make you say hmmmmmm not sure about this one, not gonna depend on it.
Icer there is some work going on with the photos, we are manually working on each one. Can you give it a bit of time please and come back to us in about a week if it's not rectified. Image verification is not vital for you anyway, since you have comments.
A quick reminder that any avatar you might wish to use for your forum posts should not be of an adult nature. Avatars should not contain any adult material,no erections, no penetration, etc. etc. etc. As a rule of thumb if you're unsure just ask 'am I happy that my child, niece, nephew, neighbour's kid could access this site as a visitor and see this picture'. If the answer is no, then it's not suitable.
Also forum avatars should be uploaded using the AVATAR function and not the photo album route. Any charicatures etc uploaded as photos shall be declined as you the account holder must feature in any 'photo' you might submit. Your picture of Mickey Mouse added to your album will be deleted.
Touch of the neophobia myself, I'm sure if you come back here in 6 months time very few will actually be able to describe what the old site looked like, especially when the new chat format comes in.
Go view your profile, towards the bottom of the page it's under a section called something like 'quick comments' you view your profile by selecting the third tab on your profile page.
I think people join this site full of optimism and fantasies running rampant. When the response isn't what was hoped for it is always the site that is at fault...... countless forum posts advising on how to make progress here, established and active members sharing their take on how they managed to be successful and pro-active members arranging meet n greets for us all to meet and make connections suggest the site is real and perhaps members need to respond to the site, not the site respond to members. Time and effort are needed to develop this approach so unfortunately, despite outward appearances, this is seldom the place to find instant gratification.
Ha Ha Ha Ha my little ones say 'Mummy I bumped' when they cause their own earth shifts.
hmmmmmmm stepping away from my earlier post cus I have no idea what this thread is about it seems. If anyone reading this feels I have commented on something they did in a covert way I apologise, I haven't a clue. Dunno about the rest of you but sometimes I am in no hurry to shower after sex, I like to keep the feel of it on me for a while...... as my avatar shows, I'm obviously durrrrrty!
Perhaps it's just a shyness on the person's part, I know I have no problem going to a party and doing whatever is done but I feel SOOOOOO cheeky asking do you mind if I use your facilities, when all the fun is over. Unless they turn around and say 'use the shower whenever you want' it takes some procrastinating on my part to actually come out with it and ask. I know I have driven 2 hours home and sank into a bath immediately rather than come out and ask..... but I'm just odd. So maybe the hosts might bear this in mind and just say it after the fun is over. :-o Oh and I don't sweat ha ha.
Very well done, readers can be in no doubt what you are looking for. Perhaps one thought,,,, I would worry I might be a disappointment if I said all I wanted a straight up fu**.......
Again I answered yes sometimes, for same reason, it helps to have an image of the person in your mind.
I answered yes sometimes, it helps to have a mental image of the guy doing it.
I agree, I was actually tired of all the canvassing and collections and the guilty feelings when I had to say 'sorry, no money'. I decided to nominate one charity each year and set up a standing order to them each month. My last one saw me sending €15 euro per month to Oxfam, and it allowed me to say to the countless collection people I would encounter each month, sorry but I contribute each month to my own nominated charity. I am now looking at this year's charity and am more inclined to support an Irish based, having supported a global one last year.
There are the normal ( . )( . ), the silicone ( + )( + ), the perfect (o)(o) Some are cold (^)(^) & some belong to grandmothers (./(./ And let’s not forget the very large (o Y o), the very small (.)(.) and the asymmetrical (•)(.) We love them all! say ┌Пâ”(â—‰_â—‰)┌П┠to Breast Cancer!
If you are picking a charity to support this year, perhaps this is one that might appeal to you. Please other members list your charity choices and why you might feel they are a worthy cause. Regrettably not all of us are in a position to support these causes as much as we would like, but any contribution is a good contribution.