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Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 49


I have a 12" tongue and can breath through my ears if that's any use dunno What happens if the good lady cums more than 5 times have we failed the quest :dunno:
I have a 12" tongue and can breath through my ears if that's any use dunno What happens if the good lady cums more than 5 times have we failed the quest :dunno:
I can see your landing Gear approaching Lick Lower Gently you can get sun burnt at night out here lol
Ginger if anything if there is a bit of moisture in the air I can last even longer xxx Hope your good and seriously well misbehaved wink
Shy non-experienced not remotely appealing to either sex but I am Returning Home for a Week escaping the Desert and was wanting to show off me Freckles to any women or couples with no to low morals lol Genuinely not been "about" for a while if there was any misbehaving going on be happy to fill in an application form :eeek: Maybe see all of you soon wink
Hi I'm Ding I'm new wave and was wondering ....dunno Due to my location I have gathered a considerable amount of new freckles ... I am happy to De-robe for these to be checked and Inspected in close detail Obviously this isn't a job for [b:68b840d775][u:68b840d775]any[/u:68b840d775][/b:68b840d775] Lady from Swing4Ireland but the more discerning, detailed types, preferably with low to no morals but the tendency to laugh a lot and misbehave in equal amounts Limited time in freezing Ireland so don't be shy like me Tanks
I typed in Garden Furnature into google and ended up here dunno:eeek: Seems there are a fair few versions of "swings" to choose from Can any Females of low to no morals please give me a push :swingingchair:
Back to the drawing board for me so !!!! ... but tanks for the impeccable advice u had me at Wash and Personal Hygiene :rose:
(can see this turning into a Womens Mini Marathon lol )
Whats the "best" thing you shouldn't have done ? (please don't list fellow Swing4Ireland female profile names in Public response PM them to me instead boink )
You'd either get rid of the Knickers altogether :eeek:.......or have ones that stop ya reaching round to adjust :moon: .......... whilst everyone else watching :boo: ya has to adjust their boxers accordingly :wanker: HAPPY BIRTHDAY UPPPIDY !!!! :happy:
But have to say sexy fookers at the same time :happy:drinkies
A closer Look at Wuppidy's Link may reveal a Much younger Wup with Hair :eeek:
Old enough to Know Better Young Enough not to give a Fook wink
Dearest Eden,
Its great to see you back, even in these tough times for us all, your on the sick ,on the dole and double jobbing like any good Northside Girl would wink
My problem is this ........ How we were brought up and what are our Sexpectations ....
I recently met a lovely lady of low to no morals from the site, we had met before and I was looking forward to knocking the dust off the Ding Gym so to speak ....
Anyway, I arrived and before we knew it (all proper problem pages have that in it) were naked, its steamy, and all bits are in proper mechanical order. A good 2 and a half minutes later the crushendo is reached (by both parties of course) and if I smoked I'd have gladly puffed on a Cuban .... then as is "normally" the case with me my Ding Gym Apparatus remains in the vertical position, happy to be utilised if so wished i'm used to and as I was brought up to expect .... but much to my disappointment I was told in no uncertain terms
"Your not putting that yoke inside me again for at least 15mins" then to add injury to insult i was asked "... and are you sure you didnt pop a pill before u came here?" ,,, I mean if a third party was in the room they'd have seen my absolute horror at the thought of a Southsider taking drugs, especially drugs from the Internet .....
Me being a trained councilor decided to broach the subject with said lAdy of low to no morals ..... So I nestled in and did all the snuggly buggly stuff and was told to "stop prodding me with the tripod - I need a break" ..... I have never felt so at a loose end ...
I tried making the Duvet into a two man tent was told to stop.... It was wet outside, so I hung some of the damp clothes off the end of it, but it looked like a flag pole....I started flicking channels on telly with it, was told to stop ...... that 15mins was like FOREVER...I eventually got the green light to get on board again and made sure it lasted about 4 mins this time...
So my point ...Is it normal for a Male Sex ORgan to remain Erect beyound the Crucendo?
Does everyone need a break? ..... Are there Any good tips on the use of an Erect MAle sex Organ awaiting permission to re-enter the Lady GArden...
Deflated in Dalkey
Joshandholly if you keep up this good work and travelling you be Gold Card Swingers with Air Miles !!!
Love Many Trust Few & You'll Always Paddle your Own Canoe wink
100% a true Gent ..... Good luck in Civilianville Mr. Bongo
100% a true Gent ..... Good luck in Civilianville Mr. Bongo
I'd be curious about having sex or attending a party in a "PROPER" Igloo 69position
Personally i Prefer the Women i meet to be FILTHY 69position Each to his own
Jasus your qware Good Lookin for an Awl Wan Sweets Belated Happy Birthday xxxxxxxx
sometimes its been that long you think u might forget how but........then you see a deadly bike and u just ride it !!!
Dearest Eden
First of all a heartfelt welcome return, you were indeed seriously missed. boink
I feel a bit inadequate in my following theory on the Situation Helen in Howth is currently suffering, ( considering Kittens comprehensive and all encompassing reply) but I am compelled enough to feel I must offer a Male perspective on the scenario .....
In order to arrive at my perspective I need to make a couple of observations and indeed assumptions to arrive at my hypothesis ...
Firstly I note Helen is from Howth... nothing what so ever wrong with this as I am sure the "Honking" playmates she has encountered to-date are from far and wide.
Secondly I have an Inkling I may know Helen (in a social capacity only) and I am aware of her ponchant for "Men Hung Like Donkeys" ... To put a crude but well used phrase on it .....
Finally I notice her desire to "train" the Honking Playmates to Stop this indeed bizzare act....
Bearing the three points above in mind my Theory is this .....
The men are sufferring from a rare but mainly stateside phenomenom known as " The Honky Donkey" .... This does have a musical conitation and Helens Breasts may somehow reflect a musical instrument ...
Now where my theory gets interesting is the possibility that the "Hung Like Donkey" playmates may have defects(again I must assume there are some).......... I know of a male memeber of the site who has possibly played with Helen who has a false leg who in this instance
would be refered to a " Wonky Honky Donkey " as indded the member with the Glass Eye who suffers from the "Winky Honky Donkey"syndrone...
So back to Helen ..... If I am correct she could easily change her preference to men hung like "My little Pony" and the honking may stop. She could indeed bring Old Style Car Horns to future Meets but assuming she likes the Guys she has met to-date I suggest sugar lumps, carrots a walking frame and shades to cover all bases.
I hope this is of help if a little long winded.
Safe on the Southside
Jack and Jill is a truly all giving service outstanding Have a link with Lukemia research too .... Whatever you can do for whomever is always worthwhile :clap:
Desdemona , TheStig and Ravenfire thank you for your extremely informative contributions where would this thread be without them .....