So I'll get the ball rolling
Best Male Profile (Pics & Text)(Text Only - Lighthearted)
Best Female Profile (Pics & Text)Sparks28, Naughtygirl1, Mynx - Sparks28
Best Couple Profile (Pics & Text) Playfull, Twohotcpl, Derry2010 - Playfull
Most Entertaining Forum Poster Deceasedbuddy,The Wup,Eden EDEN
Most Entertaining Chatroom Male : Lickirish, Hisholiness,Kirishlad Kirishlad
Most Entertaining Chatroom Female: Anna77, Amberx, Eden Amberx
Most Entertaining Chatroom Couple: Twohotcpl,Dublincpl09, Kittylicker Twohotcpl
Controversial but necessary ----
Best MODERATOR - Amberx, Baileys, Bongo - Baileys
Results of the Ding Jury
As a bit of craic and as a way of appreciation for our more active site members, I am proposing an Oscar's style awards ceremony kinda black lingerie event ....... The SWINGSTERS
Everybody is welcome to nominate or just vote a winner straight up under the categories below.... All I ask is you keep your nominations to no more than three and if possible identify the winner of each category...
Vote as often as you like for some or all the awards and if you dont appear on the list dont take offence its meant as a laugh.....
Best Male Profile (Pics & Text)
Best Female Profile (Pics & Text)
Best Couple Profile (Pics & Text)
Most Entertaining ForumPoster
Most Entertaining Chatroom Male
Most Entertaining Chatroom Female
Most Entertaining Chatroom Couple
Controversial but necessary ----
So get voting and lets give praise to those that make this place a really cracking site to be part of
Whats with you and Pigs or wildlife in general oh wise one ?
Well the first party was a roaring success
Mohamed Ali boxed the head off Hitler
Jeremey Clarkson sang with Elvis after six Irish Coffees was some laugh
Next Week
Angelina Jollie
Kelly Brook
Cesc Fabregas
Mimi Roberts definitely :awe:
Me as a young lad the Milky Bar Kid :whistle:
:laughabove: Become knackers sorry travlers Busty ... Jasus :grin:
Sometimes near death experiences (like PROPER man flu) make you thankful us men are such warriors ....
Your Hosting a Dinner Party for you plus four guests
Only criteria for your guest invitations is that they are perceived to be famous (dead or alive)
Who would you invite.....?
Sitting at the table with Ding Would be
Muhammad Ali
Jeromy Clarkson
sometimes stiff in the morning isn't Always Good (post first serious exercise of 2011).... :hunk:
Lady Ga Ga ..... Poke Her Face :karaoke:
Sometimes there is meant to be two extra pieces
Somehow Eden my reference to Right Said Fred .... Deeply Dippy seems irrelevant now :-o
Guns are you still carrying Your Weapon Of Mass Destruction around under the influence?
Happy Birthday
Hidden Meaning
With the recent success of the Rubber Bandits(the name in its self open to interpertation) certain lines in the song got me thinking .... Coincidence or is there a potential Swingers Undercurrent to it
The Line in Question sang by the fit Bridesmaid .... " grab me by the ponytail and ride me like a horse ...." Riding like a Horse isnt obviously exclusive to swingers but sexual none the less .... and
Not a lot of people know but when George Michael was arrested in the public loo in LA he actually had a chocolate bar up his bum and hence with a slight tweak Careless Wispa became Careless Whisper ...(may not be the exact truth)
So the quest folks find lines contained within well know songs which may lead you to consider the singer/group/band to be potential Swingers ?
The mattress is that hard even you couldn't get a squeak out of it ....
Strategic Rib Removal Eden and a 500 euro Duffy Circus Voucher for Bendy training should have ya lickin like lassie by end of January .... Another job lost tothe recession
Sometimes you just know there is a snow cloud out there with a dump waiting for u !!!