These guidelines are a working document that may change and evolve until we have a set of guidance notes suited to allowing commercial party threads in this forum category.
It should be noted:
- Swing4Ireland has no involvement in any events or club events.
- Swing4Ireland takes no share of any profit made from an event, and the service is provided free for the use of registered site members only.
- Members should make up their own mind whether an event offers good value for money. Swing4Ireland makes no representation regarding the quality of the event or venue.
- Members should make their own enquiries if the venue they may be attending, holds the relevant commercial insurance, fire, electrical, food hygiene and other such certificates. Swing4Ireland makes no representation regarding this matter.
- If you are listing a Party / Club party, from which you are going to make a profit for yourself or business, then this is the section for you.
Its Friday whooo hooo and what better way to celebrate than with a giggle.
This week i would love to know your best and worst chat up lines and if any of them were ever effective, Please do not hold back.
I recently caught my friend using the following chat up line - If you were a burger at McDonalds, you'd be McGorgeous. and it got me thinking Do ladies also use chat up lines and are they just as effective as when a man uses them?
Sarah xxx
The problem with the old whisper rule was that it caused more problems than it solved so we decided to ditch it, even back in the ask to whisper days people would still be bombarded with whispers so we decided to empower everyone with the new block features, those that whisper uninvited should be blocked, with time if they repeat behaviour like that they'll end up with a fair few blocks, surely a good incentive to be more courteous.
I'm not sure how we would be able to implement what you're suggesting Randypeeps, but the concept of members with Extras being able to do something that results in newbies getting some sort of trial isn't a bad one, we still have a few other enhancements to sort out before we can consider anything like that though and how it would work, at one point we wanted allow those that image verify and hadn't upgraded to have better access to other parts of the site such as bits of chat, replying to more pm's, we trialled that for a bit but it didn't get that take up that we'd expected.
I don't believe that our mods are over zealous, its true that there are times when people have to be pulled up and this can cause some bad feeling, but it is necessary, if anyone ever feels that they've been victimised they should submit a support ticket, we do investigate all of them and check logs to ensure that things have been handled correctly, if they haven't we take further action.
Messers need reporting, its the only way to identify them in many cases, you'd be surprised at the number of verification requests that we send out based on these reports, many of those on the receiving end have no problem in verifying as they see the site being proactive, however those with fake accounts don't like it one bit.
I agree, the outages etc were unacceptable, unfortunately in trying to make the place better some things went wrong, a message on the home page would have helped at the time, something for us to bear in mind.
As for the members number, it is correct, that is how many members have joined, its true that not all are active at the same time though, some disappear and return years later, some don't, there's no real way to differentiate, hence the options to search by last active etc across the site, people are here using the site and its important that other members are able to seek out those that are currently active.
We don't tend to give critical comments or stick for feedback, its all good to know at the end of the day. Getting this place to
be busier is always in the hands of the members, getting the older members back and new ones is mostly down to word of mouth, so spread the word and we will keep trying to make the site better from our end.
It's Friday its time for some fun and giggles.
If you could describe your sex life in a movie title what would it be....
My favourites so far are Free Willy and Deep impact :grin:
We have set up a page for this site on Facebook
Many people have Facebook accounts, in fact many into this lifestyle have one for family and friends and another for swinging, hitting the Like here is just a vote for this site on Facebook and has nothing to do with privacy, photos or similar and the Like/share bits don't appear in places on profile pages or similar, those that don't wish to click on Like do not have to, but there will be those that do and that will help the site.
Its actually no different to having a link back to here from another site, of course only those with a private facebook account would be likely to click on Like.
We have had links like this on our Australian site for years and nobody has had any issues with them at all.
The fact of the matter is that having Facebook/G+ likes helps the site to rank better as it provides social signals to the Google and other search engines.
Its not that Facebook is on swing4ireland, its more a case that those who want to can spread swing4ireland to their mates on Facebook if they wish and for those that do use Facebook a lot can keep up to date with things that we post on the Facebook page we have.
I thought the mods had done a pretty good job of clarifying the limitations of what the new members can see, we changed what they were able to do some time back, this was in response to suggestions from members here, it seemed like a good idea so we thought we would give it a try, I can't see any reason to change it back as when I way out the pro's and con's there are more reasons for it to remain as is, however I think your point about saying something before the change is valid.
As to the future, I know some time back we told you that changes are coming, that is still the case, however even with our full team of developers working on the new framework it has taken a lot longer than we would have liked, the good news is that its all ready and is being rolled out, the first deployment was in Canada ( ), a whole lot of testing was carried out and the site is pretty much as we want it now, feel free to go over and join to have a look if you're curious, it is all free at the moment.
Were currently converting our New Zealand site, we decided to do that one before swing4ireland as its quieter and should there be any areas that need fixing we can pick them up there rather than have anything untoward happening here, I can't give time scales for when the changes get rolled out here as we haven't finished converting ready to update the kiwi site yet, but as soon as that's done I'll be able to give target date, my best guess would be 6 to 8 weeks for here.
I don't really see a problem with those that pay having something shown on their profile either, provided that its done in a positive way, but there may be those here that think otherwise, so perhaps if anyone does they'd share their thoughts before we make any changes. On our UK site those with Extras have an Extras badge on their profile, we could do something similar if the feedback is positive, although it would make sense for any changes like that to be rolled out at the same time as the new framework to prevent things slipping further to the right.
It is what is says, membership of the site is 125,496, people come, go and come back, we have seen members return after years away, one of the reasons that the figure is the way it is, it doesn't say 'active members' just members.
As stated in
"The Meets&Greets and Personal Meets that appear on this forum, are private meets arranged by private members of this site and the site plays no part in these. "
Its is ok to organise an event for a charity and list them on our site provided that you are not making a profit either directly or indirectly, receipts etc must be made available if requested.
Its unacceptable for contributions to be mandatory, so if an event has a charity element included, then all contributions should be voluntary and not form an integral part of the cost for the night. To avoid confusion, this needs to be made clear at the time of posting, together with the exact costs (if any).
Recently we had a thread "If you owned this site" it prompted some good suggestions about site features, I've locked the thread for now as I think its run its course, also some of the suggestions were for features that we either already have in place elsewhere or are currently building and with the work were doing at the moment it would be better to look for these ideas further down the line.
An issue that we have had for some time is that every site that we run is developed independently, they all started off with a similar code base but have ended up being modified to death to cope with the different requirements of each territory, for example when we built S4i we weren't able to use Post Codes, so, much of the code had to be re-written, this makes integration with other new features harder to integrate.
So a while back we started work on a new framework to replace the code on every site, most of the office has been working on it for months and it will be many months before it will be completed, tested here, tested elsewhere and then rolled out one site at a time.
When we have it in place here you should see a number of new features, after that we can start putting together a new wish list.
We are happy with the current selection process, its not a popularity contest at all, we carry out own checks, we monitor and we get feedback, it works although not quite as you say, so we see no need to change it, as you say though, this is what you would do if you owned the site and your welcome to your opinion, thanks for the feedback on the party message.
It appears that the organiser was unable to secure the venue and has had to cancel, he has had to refund all deposits, obviously a set back and I believe the reason that the site was taken down, I've removed the party listing.
In Ireland there doesn't appear to be any clubs, whilst in the UK there are a lot and most are popular with some, the experience would be different to socials organised here and I suspect that the people that come along here form time to time are trying to get a club of sorts going, so whilst its a more commercial type of event there may be those that would be enjoy going, hence the reason we allow them, at the end of the day its up to everyone to look at whats around and make their own choice.
We are aware that there are issues with people being disconnected from the chatroom at the moment, we are investigating the problem and hope to have a solution soon.
We are just switching back to the production servers in the new data center, Lee is sorting out the chat issue, it should be up again soon.
Apologies for the down time.
Apologies again, it is back up now, the outage was unacceptable, unfortunately its not possible for us to extend subscriptions across the board for those that were inconvenienced, but if you were and have been paying please put in a support ticket with the title Upgrade, for those paying anually we will extend your upgrade for one week, we can't do this for monthly subscriptions, but we can add extras or extend extras for a month as our way of saying sorry for the issues.
I'd like to apologise, we only just found out and have now resolved the issue.
The site was running on the failover servers in preparartion for moving the main servers to another location, unfortunately we have to move data centers as the current one has issues, the move will be in around a weeks time and we hope to carry it out without any more outages.
I've been made aware about a 'couple' using profiles on other adult sites to set up meets with single guys that are not as kosher as it seems.
All goes well at the beginning, with regular text/e-mail/phone contact during the lead up to the meet. Things go very wrong however, once the guy is en-route [usually a long-distance commute involved] when the female, who uses the name 'Lillia' contacts them requesting a 'gift' be given. In the cases I've heard of this is from 150 to 250 yoyos, and is covered by a story of the lady needing a pair of shoes. This starts the alarm bells for the guys who are genuine and regular around the scene.
Needless to say most of the guys have turned around and gone straight home again rather than be caught out in this way - but still, they've taken time off work and done long round trips for no reason. I'm sure some would have gone further but I'm not aware of any at this stage.
So far as we know this hasn't happened here, but if it does happen to you let us know so that we can keep an eye on the suspect.
Thanks to marieandu4121 for bringing this to our attention.
If chat opens in a tab its down to how you have your browser set up, but if you right click you will get an option to open in a new window, hope that helps.
Some of the gallery images are still be transferred over, also we need to tag the images which is why only the newest tab is working at the moment
The issue has been debated to death and the reasons/explanations you have had already are all you will get, I suspect you know that already.
Its a fact of life that on any forum there will be threads that get locked from time to time, some members will not like that, but that is just the way it is and there are far more interesting things to be getting on with here.