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chat down

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hello why oh why is chat down again this happened last nite too
SITE NOTICE …. The site is experiencing a few technical difficulties … PLEASE be aware that the technical lads are working to resolve these issues asap ……………………..
desiree i miss the chat i know notmany in room but i try again later xxxxxx
everyone seems to have been booted hun later i hope smile
ooopsy guess ill talk to myself or maybe play hassle these things happen
So chat is down, at least now I have time to view my box set of Little House On The Prairie rotflmao If its down at this time I reckon it could be tomorrow before its back up. Techies dont usually work so late.
SITE NOTICE …. The site is experiencing a few technical difficulties … PLEASE be aware that the technical lads are working to resolve these issues asap ……………………..
FFS Des, pass me that whip lol
I'd like to apologise, we only just found out and have now resolved the issue. The site was running on the failover servers in preparartion for moving the main servers to another location, unfortunately we have to move data centers as the current one has issues, the move will be in around a weeks time and we hope to carry it out without any more outages.
Hi Admin, chat is still down. Its still not loading
Apologies again, it is back up now, the outage was unacceptable, unfortunately its not possible for us to extend subscriptions across the board for those that were inconvenienced, but if you were and have been paying please put in a support ticket with the title Upgrade, for those paying anually we will extend your upgrade for one week, we can't do this for monthly subscriptions, but we can add extras or extend extras for a month as our way of saying sorry for the issues.
The feedback here is good..We got caught in chat a cpl of times over the last few days and stayed because if we left wouldnt get back in...But hay we got to chat to a fewer number of ppl...I (F) hv worked in a job where we upgraded and had a lot of teething problems and I got blasted on the phone etc cos I couldnt access the account of the client...We live in the world of the internet now in all walks of life...but the trick one is working against us..we are just trying to improve and with that certain problems will arise...Deep breaths and
Quote by admin
Apologies again, it is back up now, the outage was unacceptable, unfortunately its not possible for us to extend subscriptions across the board for those that were inconvenienced, but if you were and have been paying please put in a support ticket with the title Upgrade, for those paying anually we will extend your upgrade for one week, we can't do this for monthly subscriptions, but we can add extras or extend extras for a month as our way of saying sorry for the issues.
If only we had extras wed have gotten a free month of it. Dont suppose we could still get it do you Admin? Maybe a week or three days of extras just to see the difference? If we like it we promise we'll take out the extras option for the year.
Maybe Im being cheeky or chancing my arm, but if you dont ask you dont receive right?
Quote by admin
Apologies again, it is back up now, the outage was unacceptable, unfortunately its not possible for us to extend subscriptions across the board for those that were inconvenienced, but if you were and have been paying please put in a support ticket with the title Upgrade, for those paying anually we will extend your upgrade for one week, we can't do this for monthly subscriptions, but we can add extras or extend extras for a month as our way of saying sorry for the issues.
Is Chat still down folks ?!? sad :( Apparently I've a Bad Gateway. lol Fec those cattle anyway! :giggle:
Hi, Normal service on the site should now be all back to normal. Sincere apologies for the inconvenience.