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After reading the comments in letting off steam thread about bad spelling and grammar, I remember on another forum I used, we had a word of the day, or words your like thread, so thought we would give it a bash here. I will start and see how it goes¦ Malapropos adjective 1. inappropriate; out of place; inopportune; untimely: a malapropos remark. adverb 2. inappropriately; inopportunely. Origin: 1660/70; < F mal à propos badly (suited) to the purpose
Assiduous adj. 1. Constant in application or attention; diligent: "An assiduous worker who strove for perfection." 2. Unceasing; persistent: "Assiduous cancer research."
Linguaphile (lnggw-fl)
A lover of languages and words.
One who does not submit to authority.....a PM from a Mod is helpful to reign one in. lol lol.
adoxography good writing on a trivial subject
something which rebounds,ricochets or blows up in one's face
dubhead you now have me adunc to in
hooked but not IN CAPTUS...not captured
captus....what an affreux
all these big words..makes for feel very inane...stupid lol
ignoramus\ig-nuh-RAY-mus\ , noun; ignorant person; a dunce. Not posted to offend
Love this word! Omphaloskepsis...The practice of gazing at one's navel.
• noun (usu. the levirate) a custom of the ancient Hebrews and some other peoples by which a man may be obliged to marry his brother's widow: levirate marriages.
— origin early 18th cent.: from Latin levir ‘brother-in-law’ + -ate.
Sphallolalia- Fliratious talk that leads nowhere .
Not that you'd get any of that here :grin:
A fave of mine from the Encyclopedia Titanicus Gobshite: One that utters nothing but scutter and other such dross from the mouth region.
SERENDIPITY : Searching for a needle in a haystack and finding a farmers daughter lol lol.
a morbid fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth
paronomania: an obsessive interest in word games ; a clinical obsession with word games
paronomania Factitious word derived from a conflation of PARONOMASIA Word-play + MANIA
MulligrubsA state of depression or low spirits
Extractor Fan Person who used to like agricultural machinery but has now switched to other objects rotflmao
..A person who exaggerates their skill , in the art of good oral sex.Conlinguist
:inlove:concupiscence......lust........appetite, passion:inlove:
HONORI­FICABILI­TUDINI­TATIBUS = honorableness.... can be related to alot of people on the site
cunt • noun vulgar slang 1 a woman’s genitals. 2 an unpleasant or stupid person. — ORIGIN Germanic. I was very surprised this was listed in the dictionary
penecontemporaneous pi:nkntmprens • adjective Geology (of a process) occurring immediately after deposition of a particular stratum. — origin early 20th cent.: from Latin paene ‘almost’ + contemporaneous.
Hypocrite (hyp⋅o⋅crite)    –noun 1. a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs. 2. a person who feigns some desirable or publicly approved attitude, esp. one whose private life, opinions, or statements belie his or her public statements.
he was a right little bantling behaving like that.....brat...
CONCUPISCENT a strong sexual desire or lust :devil:
Moderator - Any substance used to slow down Nuetrons in a Nuclear Reactor .
Saxicolous one who lives under a rock