At a forum, someone entrusted by the administrator to help discussions stay productive and within the guidelines.
Good moderators are essential for good forums; great moderators are essential for great forums... and the absence of moderators typically leads to ghost towns inhabited only by spam bots.
Basic moderator duties include deleting or modifying inappropriate posts, educating newcomers about forum guidelines, and possibly deleting accounts of repeat offenders. Additionally, moderators may be experts in their field who can help minimize unanswered questions.
Most moderator openings are volunteer positions.
addendum: Some are led to the post in the interest of harbouring the best interests of the site and holding them dear. Some hope to encourage a positive attitude and allow such a site to show its full potential. There is no kudos to a gold star beside a name, I personally had plenty of them in my copy books in primary school. I love the forums; the banter, intelligence and wit of some posts are fantastic. As a forum reader it would be horrible to find the atmosphere destroyed and it to degenerate into a space we all avoid.
To flash quickly.
Latin - fulgar : lightening
one who drinks much wine
Is mise a winebibber :lol2:
n. - the belief in life before death, not after it
n. - a fondness for female nurses
Can this thread please not turn into another cat fight/mod bashing.
Ok we may all have times when we would love to tell mods/members where to go but at the end of the day we are all here voluntary and we are all entilted to our own opinions, but it doesn't help any of us on the site to enjoy the reason we are here. All personal insults and snide remarks lead to are ill feelings and a pretty shit site, and lets face it if you where to make such remarks in a pub you would properly end up been banned from the pub or worse still, having a pint glass smashed in your face. Please lets all be adult and enjoy an adult site for adults to engage in adult pursuits.
I could be a nasty bitch to the mods and admin here, i applied to be a mod but wasn't accepted, but what would be the point in holding ill feeling, i`m still a member of the site just as they are and am still trying to enjoy the site as well.
Just to clear up the meaning of Moderator
modâ‹…erâ‹…aâ‹…tor  /ˈmÉ'dəˌreɪtÉ™r/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA
–noun 1. a person or thing that moderates.
2. a person who presides over a panel discussion on radio or television.
3. a presiding officer, as at a public forum, a legislative body, or an ecclesiastical body in the Presbyterian Church.
4. Physics. a substance, as graphite or heavy water, used to slow neutrons to speeds at which they are more efficient in causing fission.
A mod to me is the people on this site who take time out of their lifes to try to make this site run smoother and do their best to help out if needed.
Well said Midnight.
Moderators have been very helpful to me and I know that they operate in a manner which helps this site to run smoothly and makes it enjoyable and fun. They could spend their time chatting without the distraction of supervising the rooms and the forums. This particular thread was started by a moderator vith a view to being educational and informative. It would be a shame to see it being used for any other purpose. Happy while I know your definition is technically correct....I think in this case the primary defination is best :
MODERATOR - One who moderates.
Lets all move forward with continued good posting and continued good moderating.
CALLIPYGIAN - having shapely buttocks :lick:
fel⋅la⋅ti⋅o  /fəˈleɪʃiˌoʊ, -ˈlɑtiˌoʊ, fɛ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fuh-ley-shee-oh, -lah-tee-oh, fe-] Show IPA
–noun oral stimulation of the penis, esp. to orgasm.
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Also, fel⋅la⋅tion  /fəˈleɪʃən, fɛ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation [fuh-ley-shuhn, fe-] Show IPA .
1885–90; < NL fellÄtiÅ, equiv. to L fel(l)Ät(us) (ptp. of fel(l)Äre to suck) + -iÅ -ion
raven after fellatio with me you would be TREMOLO Your voice would be fluctuating in a high pitch!!!!!
Use fellatio in a Sentence
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Also, fel⋅la⋅tion  /fəˈleɪʃən, fɛ-/ Show Spelled Pronunciation Show IPA .
Tell the truth Raven, you looked up the images, didn't you. Go on I know ya did. :rascal:
Me??? Oh goodness no....i was the one doing the sucking:haha:
aeolistA pompous windy bore who pretends to have inspiration
quick,quick, quick,
definition needed for caught with your pants down!!!!!!!!
Raven is attacking!!!!!!!
grapholagnia The urge to stare at obscene picture
help amber on one sidechecking for CALLIPYGIANISM and rave on the other ready for fellatio
help - me caught in the middle with pants lol lol
Medical Dictionary
hypospadias hy·po·spa·di·as (hÄ«'pÅ-spÄ'dÄ“-É™s) or hy·po·spa·di·a (-dÄ“-É™)
A developmental anomaly of the urethra in which a part of the urethral canal is open on the undersurface of the penis or on the perineum.
A similar anomaly in which the urethra opens into the vagina.
A word for dubs situation????
Rightly fucked:haha::doggy:
Being in a state of great innocence.
I always knew I was.
Midnight i know about that problem only too well, living with a bloke i know all about it. Durty men lol
Dub do you think you can run with your trousers down? Mr Raven and i are on your heels
• noun a person contemptibly lacking in courage.
— DERIVATIVES cowardice noun cowardliness noun cowardly adjective.
— ORIGIN Old French couard, from Latin cauda ‘tail’, perhaps with reference to an animal with its tail between its legs.
Ha ha raven it would be a case of trying to FESTINA LENTE
Making haste slowly.
happy adj (-pier, -piest)
1. feeling or expressing joy,
2. causing joy or gladness, the happiest day of my life,
3. fortunate or lucky, it was a happy coincidence,
4. satisfied or content, he seems happy to let things go on as they are,
5. willing, I’ll be happy to arrange a loan for you, Old Norse happ chance, good luck ◇ adv happily ◇ n happiness
Quite the opposite sometimes here...