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Master of Sex
I'd say though that there should be a "Member's Only" Forum for such specifically operational matters, not open to 'guest readers' because without knowing all the facts of an incident, a coloured view of the treatment of it may be formed and detract from what is essentially the best site in Ireland. welll said maire i agree
the function of the support centre is to investigate problems by an impartial person , a forum for such things will not be happening .Once again folks , if you have an issue where you feel you have mistreated etc please use the contact us at the support centre link and your query will be looked at by admin .
Is the admin the owner of the site? Is there more than one person in the admin team? is there more than one admin team account? How do you become a member of admin? how do you become a mod? I ask these questions out of curiosity, not because I want to be either part of the admin team or a mod. Do you contact the owner and ask to become part of admin? Is admin a payed job? Do admin swing with the rest of us? In terms of becoming a mod do you contact the owner? do you contact admin? Or do the mods put forward names of friends of theirs on the site who they believe would make good mods? How does it all work?
Quote by user=alicolwic
Is the admin the owner of the site?
Is there more than one person in the admin team?
is there more than one admin team account?
How do you become a member of admin?
how do you become a mod?
I ask these questions out of curiosity, not because I want to be either part of the admin team or a mod.
Do you contact the owner and ask to become part of admin?
Is admin a payed job?
Do admin swing with the rest of us?
In terms of becoming a mod do you contact the owner? do you contact admin?
Or do the mods put forward names of friends of theirs on the site who they believe would make good mods?
How does it all work?

in answer to the above .
yes admin owns this site.
yes there are more than one on the admin team
yes there are several admin team accounts
it is not possible to become a member of admin
the inner workings of any job are not for public consumption , same goes for mods
you cant request to be a part of the admin team
obviously the owner of the site pays himself something
this site is owned by a company outside of ireland so naturally you wont be meeting at a meet and greet
the selection process for moderators is not for public consumption
hope that answers your query , as this is a privately owned website just like any venture . happy swinging .:smoke:
Quote by user=alicolwic
Is the admin the owner of the site?
Is there more than one person in the admin team?
is there more than one admin team account?
How do you become a member of admin?
how do you become a mod?
I ask these questions out of curiosity, not because I want to be either part of the admin team or a mod.
Do you contact the owner and ask to become part of admin?
Is admin a payed job?
Do admin swing with the rest of us?
In terms of becoming a mod do you contact the owner? do you contact admin?
Or do the mods put forward names of friends of theirs on the site who they believe would make good mods?
How does it all work?

Ah ha all the same old questions, where have you been all these years ??
Quote by user=avalon
in answer to the above .
yes admin owns this site.
yes there are more than one on the admin team
yes there are several admin team accounts
it is not possible to become a member of admin
the inner workings of any job are not for public consumption , same goes for mods
you cant request to be a part of the admin team
obviously the owner of the site pays himself something
this site is owned by a company outside of ireland so naturally you wont be meeting at a meet and greet
the selection process for moderators is not for public consumption
hope that answers your query , as this is a privately owned website just like any venture . happy swinging .:smoke:

Thanks Avalon, much appreciated
Warming the Bed
Take this as general comment about power not about here please. In my life I've dealt with lot of people given or those who like power and some can handle it with respect and good judgement but a lot seeking power are normally those who abuse normally use sarcasm and patronise those below them. These people normally travel in groups too. They seek each other out. Thats why the lunatics policing the asylum normally doesn't work. I hsve had no bad experiences of such on swing but have read comments and posts thinking maybe that person not suited to authority but its the same everywhere....
Warming the Bed
Mods are people they don't have to like everyone here. What they shouldn't do is treat you any different regardless of personal feelings. I haven't had any bad experiences with the mod team who are as far as I can see trying to do a job that is pretty much thankless. I can only say I've seen them consistently apply the site rules with tact, which is all you can ask of a Mod. If people have a problem about an incident here, there a complaints process. My hubby was a moderator on a different site, so I seen some of the personal abuse hed get from some site members. He gave up after a year because he said he spent more time sorting out other peoples arguments than actually having discussions about the subject he was interested in. Some people think just because its the Internet they can say anything they like to you. However as he often said just because someones an arse hole doesn't make them wrong.
Quote by user=longshot
Take this as general comment about power not about here please. In my life I've dealt with lot of people given or those who like power and some can handle it with respect and good judgement but a lot seeking power are normally those who abuse normally use sarcasm and patronise those below them. These people normally travel in groups too. They seek each other out. Thats why the lunatics policing the asylum normally doesn't work. I hsve had no bad experiences of such on swing but have read comments and posts thinking maybe that person not suited to authority but its the same everywhere....

You are wrong.............
Is he really wrong though Mid? Some people crave authority and once they gain it do believe thay can look down on others below them. Ive seen it, Im not saying Ive seen it here but I have seen it in general. Especially in the working environment. And he's right, they do travel in packs, seeking each other out, because alone, they do not have the backbone to be so bullish, they need the backing and approval of their other authoritarians in order to legitimise their behaviour. This kind of behaviour is usually carried out by people who need strength in numbers. Again, I am not referring to anyone on this site or this site itself. I actually believe this site is well managed, and have had no reason to believe otherwise. These actions of authority figures abusing their position is the reason the Garda Ombudsman Commission was established. If you had a complaint about a Garda, would you trust his/her colleagues to investigate the matter in a non biased fashion? I definitely wouldnt.
Did you read what I highlighted???? He says the person referred to on the post should not have the position. He is wrong............ I won't be posting on this thread again when the information is only half read.
Apologies mid, I thought that highlighted bit was a glitch in the quote. (It does happen from time to time on here with quotations) You are right, sure Ive never doubted your opinion now have I? Yours is one opinion on this site that I honestly respect. Again I'm sorry. I was agreeing that certain people who crave power abuse it, I wasnt agreeing in the sense that the referred person was unsuited to authority. No way was I. Oh and I like the person who was referred to on the post, actually have a great time on here with that person in particular.
Fair enough, I can accept you might read things in a tone or reaching a point other than that the poster intended. I may have seemed reactionary but with good cause, I hate to see these things disintegrate into childish witch-hunts.
To intimate that a person is not suited to the position they are in, without full facts or even basic ones to that matter, to me would be akin to the writing of a red top hack! If anyone has a problem with a mod bring it to admin, produce a coherent rational case and trust that sense will prevail. Do not go whinging that we close ranks just because your complaint is not held as valid. The written word is quite strong in these matters and as such a valid complaint will have records to strengthen it.
Quote by user=midnightchat
Did you read what I highlighted???? He says the person referred to on the post should not have the position. He is wrong............ I won't be posting on this thread again when the information is only half read.

I've read this thread numerous times since it started and i have to admit that until the above post, not once did my nosiness get the better of me to want to know who...if any one mod in particular this thread was about......til now.
I have read and reread this thread and noone can i find anything hinting to a particular mod.....other than the original post, even then I had no idea.......
I had thought this was a good thread as it made people more aware that they have the ability to complain about a mod, regards of if its the the 99.9% of the time the users doing and not the mods.
(side interest.....there is this % obtained? there a statistical analysis done on a monthly or yearly basis for this to be accurately generated from?)
In general this is a great site and their are a lot of fantasitc mods on here. But I genuinely believe that although they may try to be inpartial all the time, that is not always possible.
Just as in, we may all be memebers of the site....but that doesnt mean we have to like and get on with everyone you like everyone in your work?....your football club?......
like those places you try to not let a personality clash interfere with your working/social relationships....but that always possible...whether conciously or subconciously????
I know there are mods as well as members who personally do not like me. I have had mods tell me to my face that they do or did not like me as a person. But regardless of that fact they have done their unpaid job as moderators if ever I was in need of advice of assistance.
Its a thankless task most of the rarely hear about the good that they do. And as many users have said.....without them this place wouldnt survive. Love them or hate them, we couldnt cope without them!
Master of Sex
Personally I think the mods do a great job and any I have encountered I have found to be fair (and really nice people). BUT...mods are just human after all. I for one could not do there job cause if I took agin someone I would find any reason I could to give out to them! Not everyone is goin to like everyone thats just life but a lot of the time I find the ones whining bout unfair treatment from mods have most likely broke rules and not liked being given out to. Just my most humble opinion
Master of Sex
PS. have also carefully reading posts and cant find where it mentions a certain individual!
Sex God
make love not war :doggy: wahoo....
Quote by user=kkgirl
PS. have also carefully reading posts and cant find where it mentions a certain individual!

This thread doesnt mention the person KKgirl, it never did mention who it was that this thread was referring to
Warming the Bed
Quite offended by being told an opinion I have is wrong when I have never mentioned any individual at all and just expressed my opinion but hey thats life.... I can however see that the 'that person bit could be taken as to refer to a person refeerred to somewhere but I meant in general and if as in the person who posted not one referred to by another person.
Warming the Bed
I too, like Desdemona have read this thread and can't for the life of me find anywhere where longshot's post would have referred to a particular mod/person. He quite clearly at the start of his post stated it was his general opinion. Perhaps people should read the full post and not jump to conclusions and go into defensive mode by misinterpreting what was wrote. If i was you longshot, I wouldn't be posting on this thread again if people are only gonna half read your posts!!!!
Warming the Bed
mrhorny ty and those also who read but at the same time I can see where my 'that person' may be understood by someone to refer to them. It was not meant this way and not my style to indvidually target anyone in posting.I'm probably most laid back person you could meet.I suppose mods can take a lot of stick sometimes that is a hard job to take on. I still believe my original opinion to be true to me. Once again ty....
Iv held off this thread for a long time because in fairness the original poster’s question was answered in the third post but iv been reading it as people answer. Iv held off because as a mod myself, I’m caught between a rock and a hard place ,if I answer people will say its because I’m a mod ,if I give an opinion people will say , “oh that’s cos she’s a mod” rather than taking it as my actual opinion, as slightlysexys opionion,but believe it or not I did have opinions about things before I was a mod and still have them. Sometimes as a mod I regret the star, it actually inhibits what you say in the forums, iv often written a post and then taking it down after, because iv thought “oh a mod cant say that” we do after all represent the site to the members ,and as a mod , everything you say in the forums regarding the site and its workings on serious topics will be dissected and analysed ,that’s just the way it is, but I’m going to say my bit anyway. I dislike when someone uses the term, “ a certain mod” or “ mod did this“, its so easy from behind the keyboard to sling mud , why do this?, what difference will it make in the long run it serves no purpose apart from the person with the grudge getting to feel reading these type of posts will often get very heated on behalf of the original poster but what they don’t realise is often when a post like this goes up, the members only see 10% of the story, there will always be more to the story but, because members privacy is important it wont be brought to the thread by moderators nor discussed with any member that its not related to,therefore the thread becomes a one sided discussion with only half the facts available to the members reading the thread. This site has to have some policing (for want of a better word )on it, the older members will talk bout the time before mods were on site, and how the chat rooms were just an all out war zone where people were abused verbally day in and day out. No one could stay in it, If a unfit mod comes along, we the other mods suss them out quick enough, we are not brain dead, and we find arrogance and dictatorship just as annoying as everyone have been removed from people, it has happened before and it will happen again. We the moderators actually want to know when there is a mod who is abusing their powers on site because it reflects on all of us. And as Sean said way back on this thread , take it to admin, a complaint regarding a mod is taking very seriously here, when its put thru the right channels, but this endless discussion bout power and mods doesn’t in my opinion bring anything new to the table and doesn’t serve a purpose only antagonises different members.
Warming the Bed
In fairness Slightlysexy I have seen you on cam and in a room and you can exercise proper and fair control without ever needing a gold star to do it. In fact its one of the pleasures of your room watching some gormless eejit coming out with eloquent statements as "git ur tits ou" and just waiting for the perfectly timed and perfectly appropriate put down and always silences the poor eejit!
Well I think this thread has run its course. I sincerely do not think anymore can be said here. Slightly hit the nail on the head. All over now, maybe this thread should be locked, deleted or relegated to the archives.
ahhhh Alic...only asked a friend today (who happens to be a mod) why the hell this thread is still on going???? Have been reading it and while I agree with some opinions I can see how some are too closely involved and some are just using it to air grievences......Really it doesnt serve any purposes at all at this stage as the original question was answered way back............dunno
Look if anyone has a problem with a mod either complain or ignore it. Now thats the easiest way to answer everyone's gripe. Now someone should just delete or lock this thread. End of.............
i see this discussion has run out of steam . thread locked .