Sadomasochism, better know as S&M, is pleasure in the infliction of pain or humiliation upon another person. A step too far maybe? or is it a trust thing? Can you understand it?
Obviously your pain barrier shoots through the roof when highly stimulated and wouldn't be un-normal not to feel someone nails down your back or nibbling other areas. So is S&M just a more intense side of the pain barrier thingy? Is enjoying pain and sex together pushing it too far and maybe opening doors in your head that's better off left well closed?..............What would i know sure im just a silly man.
Ye its deffo a trust and communication thing alright. A slight bit of pain during sex can be great (nails, nibbles, scratching, squeezing, pulling) but when you get into the harder stuff, it can only be done in a controlled environment i suppose with a trained eye and hand. Personally i belief that S&M is a fantasy for a lot but only some act on it. I think in many cases with the untrained eye or hand its better off been left as a fantasy and not acted upon.
Hmm, it's simple really. The more aware you are of 'the moment' the better you appreciate it. The mind is the the most important organ... Nothing focusses the mind on physical stimuli better than pain. Hence a deeper understanding of one's bodily reactions and so on &c you get what I'm saying I trust
This one time in booth camp lol......
Yes i had a very bad experience with S%M and i'm willing to share with my new best of bestest friends on swing.
I met a girl one wet dark miserable evening (sorry nor relevant), went back to her place (at this stage i knew very little about S%M)I just thought it was short and backwards for Marks % Spencer's (stop laughing).
Anyways entered her house (not sexually), she poured me a drink with a little fizzy tablet in it (she said they were magical beans) sure i couldn't be rude and refuse it.
I was then introduced to Ruffos he said he would mind my money and credit cards, Ruffos was a 7 foot, skin head mentalist looking person (her Gay nanny she told me but she hadn't got any kids, i was starting to wonder to myself "Rufoos that's a weird name"). Went upstairs and long behold (long-behold is her dog) was lying there licking he's nuts with as miniature S&M costume on (something wasn't adding up). Into the bedroom we went (decorated spaciously and therapeutically) She tied my hands, feet and stuffed a juicy galla apple (sorry not relevant) in my gob and tied a leather strap around my head.
I was quick enough to ask her for a safe word though (i aint no thicko) yes she said, your safe word is SuperCalifragilisTicexpialiDocious, then say it backwards. Ok but is that SuperCalifragilisTicexpialiDocious with an I or an E..............Actually that didn't happen... sorry...My babbling alarm is broke.
Seven i`m lost for words:gagged:
Lol what can one say to such a magnificent opus................
" Personally i belief that S&M is a fantasy for a lot but only some act on it. I think in many cases with the untrained eye or hand its better off been left as a fantasy and not acted upon."
Yeah Agree totally Numberseven - light slapping hair pulling sometimes very sexy but dont think I would like the feeling of losing control to someone else though. Now where would you like me to slap you Numberseven?? :smoke:
lol lol seven did u take a fizzy tablet wen u wrote tat lol lol :cheers::smoke::P
Ye i should of really thought this thread through.
Sweet feckin jesus ive just run out of smokes, aaarrrrggggggg. Me head is lifting for one
yes id like to no wher u got those tablets to n can we share them lol
Its horrific running out of smokes, i would actually take a hard kick in the nuts for just one smoke. I'm eating a stupid galla apple now, hoping that having my mouth full will take away the craves lol
Are you trying to give up??? If not get to the shops and get some lol.
I would sell me grannie for them...but she is a bit mouldy now..still might get a good price for her lol
Lol.........ah no shops open around now. Feck it i could go to the petrol station.......Ah fook it, ill go to bed nite x
Sweet dreams about those lovely smokes lol
Foook off lol....That's the last time ill ever run out of them fantastic cool and sophisticated lengths of scrumptious nicotine, you'd nearly think they were addictive. Love smoking. I look pretty dame cool as well when i've got a fag in my mouth. Nothing like it...........Nite Nite.
Love this short quote.
By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is infinite, undying -
Lady, make note of this: One of you is lying.
By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is infinite, undying -
Lady, make note of this: One of you is lying.
never a truer word spoken ........
To get involved with power exchange a person must be really sure its something they want to explore. It definitely is a process of the mind and involves major trust. Ideally first timers should find someone with experience as an inexperienced person may not be able to read body language and by pass boundaries set in place. Its not just about control of the sub but about the Dom/Domme controlling themselves also. It’s a slow process and not for the faint hearted, but with the right person it can be an awesome experience and an addictive one :evil2:
Your dead rite Sherri you've hit the nail firmly on the head. Trust, time, respect, control and of course experience is needed. Even with all these factors in some cases Fantasies are better left as Fantasies.
its on my list of things to do .................
yep i agree with sherri ....if you trust the person enuf an ye both no the boundaries it can be awsome.
There are a lot of sites on the internet about how to perform s & m. Personaly i didnt think they explain the need for safety enough. S & M is not something that should be entered into lightly and safety is a BIG must.