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Mods - Are They Needed?

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I had the pleasure of Moderating on this site for over a year and it gave me the oppertunity to experience the hard work involved and the work and efford put in by all the moderators both on the site and in the background ,the site would not survive without MODERATORS...keep up the good work guys.
Forum Virgin
Mods are needed ... The rules are there for everyone to see before they join up , If the world was perfect and everyone read those rules and followed them , then there would be no need for moderation , but it isn't .For example : There are people on site who think that just because they are not face to face with someone that they have the right to hurl abuse .. While on site you may be dealing with people behind computers but those people still have rights and feelings , if you chatted up a person in a club and were refused most civilised people accept that and walk away but on site some people seem to think that a refusal gives them the right to verbally attack the other person .. you do that in the real world and your thrown out on your ass .. why should it be any different here ?? Yes there are some rules on site I think a bit harsh at times but there needed , simple as that , and with rules come moderators , Ive seen it from both sides of the fence and trust me you need to have the patience of a saint to be a mod .. when you have some ass that decides to pick at every little rule while at the same time calling you and half the room every name under the sun and all you can do is quote rules to him when you really want to tell him what a fucking wanker he is .. it isn't easy .. these sort of threads have been going around since mods were first here .. user names may change , views may be slightly different but bottom line is like it or lump it .. mods are needed and are here to stay . And no I'm not kissing ass (b4 anyone jumps to that conclusion ) . I don't always agree with the mods but hey Id gladly run over my dentist with my car .. buts shes needed and overall does a good job !!!
Quote by user=TheStig11
Think this site is a bit over moderated really.

Ive noticed many of your posts have been very pessimistic Stig. Chip on shoulder syndrome maybe?
Over moderated? The mods arent an extension of the Gestapo or the SS. They are hear to keep the place fun and friendly and to stop it from turning into a warzone. When we joined back in 2006, there were no mods, and the chatroom was little more than a place to hurl abuse at people. We didnt sign in for nearly 3 years only to find that there were mods, and this place had a lot more civility, and it was being well managed.
I just witnessed a member abuse another member in chat two nights ago. In the tirade of abuse she was called a "c#unt". Now if that isnt a necessity for mods I really dont know what is.
Quote by user=alicolwic
Think this site is a bit over moderated really.

Ive noticed many of your posts have been very pessimistic Stig. Chip on shoulder syndrome maybe?
Over moderated? The mods arent an extension of the Gestapo or the SS. They are hear to keep the place fun and friendly and to stop it from turning into a warzone. When we joined back in 2006, there were no mods, and the chatroom was little more than a place to hurl abuse at people. We didnt sign in for nearly 3 years only to find that there were mods, and this place had a lot more civility, and it was being well managed.
I just witnessed a member abuse another member in chat two nights ago. In the tirade of abuse she was called a "c#unt". Now if that isnt a necessity for mods I really dont know what is.
Chip on shoulder syndrome, i like that very funny LOL. You're as entitled to your opinion on the Mods here on the site as i am to mine.
:eeek: boys i hope we are not going to have a repeat duel like we did with some woman a few days ago :eeek:
now everyone is entitiled to their own opinion BUT Stig biggrin I am RIGHT in saying that mods are needed :smile2:
Quote by user=worshipme
:eeek: boys i hope we are not going to have a repeat duel like we did with some woman a few days ago :eeek:
now everyone is entitiled to their own opinion BUT Stig biggrin I am RIGHT in saying that mods are needed :smile2:

Ahhhh i'll not fight ya on that worship, besides i know you'd beat me anyways LOL