We' just wanted to know what peoples interest is in DIY, on may other forums on other Sites DIY is a popular one, we beieve it should also be here, so on the DIY front any suggestions?
Excellent, we've been observing you Amber and figured you'd def need flooring redone.. good good.. but is DIY on here a little more personell?
Very good idea Aontacht. There must be a few of every trade and profession on here...it would be a real recession beater:thumbup:
Thanks Jon, I can imagine all the trades men in dungaries now walking around the house.. it would be a x sexual trades alliance... one could take a service and get a service?
Confused now......... so when someone offered to do my splash-back; was it not the sink region they were thinking of? Did I waste my time buying Laura Ashley tiles?
me confused also midnight.
not good at DIY prefer 2some or 3some.
OMG My pipe outside the one that lets bath water away is frozen, it is up high, don't have a ladder, any suggestions as to how I unfreeze the bloody thing?
Virgo..try tying a hairdryer to a piece of timber or a brush handle, or better still use tape, and work it along the pipe...believe it or not it will soften it...the ice I mean lol...and I need not say to be careful not to get either the plug or wire wet.
:giggle: Now I know all this goes against normal thinking... pipe getting soft...dry plug ..dry wire :giggle:
:giggle: oh yeah..sure i was forgetting th pennys knickers with the bad elastic :thrilled:
Virgo maybe if you tried getting someone to go up a ladder and spraying the pipe with de-icer, then putting some insultaion around it? Or run boiling hot water down the plug hole slowly so it doesnt back up, it should melt the ice, but if your very unlucky it could burst the pipe and if that happens...we didnt tell you to do it lol
Well I need some painting done, plastering done, shelves hung, etc etc etc...........lol lol lol lol lol xxxxxxxanny
Put hose on hot tap and spray it.
You know for a pcak of penminded swingers your very informatiove on the DIY front?
i am a hairdresser if any one needs a trim as in a trim any where lol
Oh yes we are all very good at DIY but i think we would all prefer Do It To Someone Else lol
:haha:Raven do you know where you can do an apprentiship for D.I.T.S.E or is it a college course :bounce:
Long we do evening classes. It is a very intense course which will challenge the students mental, physical and sexual abilities.
Shall we put your name on the list for the full intercourse lol??
:grin:Yes please Raven, and if it is a masters course maybe Hornyonea should join too.
Now I hope this is a practical course because I cant read.:giggle:
Tried the hairdrier, deicer and the hose-pipe nothing worked, so I prayed and weyyyyyyyy heyyyyyyyyyyyy it worked:grin::grin:
Oh yes long its a hands on course lol
Virgo has that priest been around playing with your pipes lol
hubby will get ur engine purrin an dip ur box for oil