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Over 90 days ago
Bisexual Female, 34


Further TOSH from a plonker
1 I opend a room called

2 All that was meant by that was a room for people commuenicate FREE of your nasty little PREJUDICES
3 I seen other mods look in & then leave us & eventually when u logged in i allowed u to look in & se that we were not talking about your own SAD SELF or breaking any rules A TOUCH OF PARANOIA IS IT !
4 Plenty of the men who were sharing that WESTSIDE OUT room with me seen & know what happend & have contacted me since wondering why I was kicked
5 Rules are to be obayed by all who use the forum that even means any & all moderators that ticked the declaration on signing up to the forum
6 You seem to be claiming that I was also breaking the rules by kicking people out of my room So what is the purpose of having such a facility if the MODERATORS dont want us to use it Just take it away or disable it ITS NOT ROCKET SCIENCE OR is it
rolleyes :roll: :roll:
WETSIDE what a PLONKER, are u frightend of your own shadow or just a Homophobe , FREIGHTEND" bodybuilder into martial arts or is that evidence of more BULLSHIT
you wouldnt need to be bent over to take anything up your chuff
JOG ON BOY JOG ON rolleyes
Oi, bin there done that rolleyes i opend a room westside out i called it
all of us in the room was having a good chat & laugh till WESTSIDE showes up i say oi WESTSIDE cant u read clear off get out etc & booted him
So back he came i said oi Westside boy JOG ON BOY JOG ON result i get banned from the live chat 4 abusive behaviour
if thats abuse then i say its porkpies
OI WESTSIDE U READ THIS BOY Claret & Blue is ******* u
may be lots should open up anti WESTSIDE ROOM on the same day :roll: :roll:But no they will get banned i expect biggrin
Well conflict is life theres good & bad & then the SAD
Yes he lacks some Davina Mc Calls he just hides behind the kick button perhaps hes a tuch of Doris Days about him
Just see his profile u gota laugh is he trying to take the micky bliss or what rolleyes
If he was a fraction of what he would like to be he would not run & hide & constantly pull the plug
OI, OI WETSIDES rolleyes smile :) :)
If this is the TRUE thread for this moderator I want my moneys worth
Last week when I got kicked for singing to me self
I posted a message asking why etc then STONE ME who answers but this Wetsider even though it was Ella that did all the kicking & enforcing ,
What right do you get to make such judgemental statements? Especially in your OFFICIAL role of MODERATOR
Surely your personal views should be expressed only through your member type identity .
Moderating is not easy for people on any types of forum & they will never be popular but a Moderator needs to be unbiased to all regardless
I feel if what has been said of you is true then you are abusing your position & power
Only 3 id's for an ego so BIG :laugh:
Go on BIG yourself UP some more ;)
OI. try weight x speed = propulsion OI. OI. is it coz i am black? :shock: I'M WEST HAM TIL I DIE!
rolleyes :roll: swing 4 ireland is basically a adultsite 4 making contact with like minded people with a view 2 taking things further if u wish. (is that right?) SO how come members that the site relies on 4 its existence cannot pass on any mains of further contact without it being deleted by the site hierachy. how the flip r u supposed 2 make any contact except on the cyber world. they r private messages 2 individuals so what is the problem or what purpose does this private mail option serve? :laugh: :-?
So im singing [using some capital letters ] to me self, IM WEST HAM TILL I DIE & i get kicked by the moderator who used capitals i meen cum on i was singing to my self you sad O :-?