....with a gasp of relief that he had not offended his creative compadre, rgb interrupts the girls. The assembled guys groan at the audacity of the man! Did he have no respec'? "Yeh! Respec' fer de fam'ly!" grunts the ghost of Brando as he pops his spectral head through the wall. "No fig rolls for you!" smiles newbie and rgb joins Padds in the naughty corner. "As we were saying", Newbie continues, "Our party will be".........
hola...hola....hola......but was he too late???....
.....was it?.....Yes, it was clyde jerking off again! How many times does he have to be told about pointing that thing somewhere else? Anyway, the gang were being called together to discuss this party....many of them still in a bit of a daze after that Island Hallucination. "I want a pigeon chasing, medal polishing themed party!" exclaims Padds. "What about my puggings, then?" shouts alan but noone really hears him on account of his mouth being stuffed with fig rolls. Bonns & newbie are giggling with eachother. "we've got an idea" they both say in unison...........
lancelot was indeed lost in a bush, too busy to be plotting anything. In the midst of his non-plotting he paused in his ministrations and asked himself "...who's bush am I lost in?".......
......was my drink you just spilt!", one of the lads shouts, "Clyde, ya fecker, don't ya know how expensive cocktails are on this boat?". With that the bell is rung for dinner service........
....."have you stolen my physics book again Padds?". rgb climbs in. Padds and rgb begin correcting Hawkings again when they hear a quiet whisper nearby. Someone was in here with them.......
he was, in fact, huddled under the duvet with his torch and a much dog-eared copy of Stephen Hawking's Brief History of Time. He was chuckling to himself as he crossed out Stevo's logical errors with a big red marker."Wrong...!.....Wrong!....." Padds muttered with a slightly worrying giggle. Had he finally cracked under the pressure?
...."which is shit!"...exclaims Gordon Ramsay as he bursts in the door. "Cilla, you called me just in time....". "Bloody hell, not another one" the assembled group groan."Now," continues Gordo, unperturbed,"here's what we do....."
....the lads were indeed drinking with Cilla, and boy can she knock 'em back! Padds is seeing double already and rgb has curled up in the corner (alas, no longer have the stamina). Suddenly Cilla grips her chin and rips of another rubber mask. "FFS Byrne" Padds screeches "piss off will ya?". The mask drops to the floor revealing.....
ripped the rubber face mask from him. At that, Jason Byrne burst into the room and announced that the Anonymous celeb was none other than newsreader Anne Doyle......
"Worra Lorra...." Cilla began with her usual flourish, but her eyes suddenly adjusted to the gloom, "Bloody 'Ell!", she exclaimed, "Wot the 'ell is that?!".....
However, while the huge device was being so expertly used, the speed selector switch became jammed in the "super fast" posutuion. Poor Shaggs' eyes widened "Oooops!....ah, help?". The assembled onlookers sprang into action......
Yes, it was hugely discounted but also hugely huge....It made her forget the gardner, bishop, padds et-al.....now, where were her double A's?.....
Can anyone accommodate in cork city tomorrow afternoon?
Really want sex.
Still looking fore my first gay sex!
I'll be in Mallow next monday (and possibly other days) around 8pm. I want to meet a good looking guy with a good looking cock to have my first gay sex - no relationship, no drinks etc, just sex.
what about a meet for a mutual car-blowjob?
Or maybe someone out there might be interested in having anonymous sex?
Does anyone know the best place (or any other advice) to have anonymous sex in Cork city?