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5 hours ago
Bi-curious Male, 66
0 km · Dublin


Wolf and riding hood went in and she slid up and down all the poles she could find. But granny heard all the moaning and rushed saying 'I'll huff and I'll puf and.....'
What big teeth you have...what big eyes you have....What big ears you have...I hope to shit that your cock is in proportion!
Don't really understand this. Why a woman with a strap-on rather than a guy with a hard-on....does it make you feel more hetro? Can understand the interest in getting your ass cherry popped but not overly worried about the sex of the popper :-)
Wot's RMP Raven? cos soon as Iknow I'll buy the uniform and send you a pic.
My Tuppence worth! It is not my businees to tell people how to arrange their meets or who should or should not be in the house when they meet. Nor is it my business to say who they should have looking after their kids when they go out to meets. But I can have an opinion on what we say to each should not make judgemental comments about each other when we don't, and can't, know the circumstances surrounding each individual's lives. Rant over
Ribbons? pn your hair, around your neck on your thigh....what could be sexier?
so all I need to do is join the fire service and get the uniform design changed to snickers. no problem then!
..'Granny what big teets you have', 'All the better to rub you with' She said. 'But granny what a big mouth you have', 'All the better to suck you with' she said. 'But Granny what a hot drippy cunt you have' said the wolf and then he thought'Hold it a sec there's something seriously wrong with this fairy tale'....but before he got a chance to do anything, Granny lept on him and.......
I will never look at a chili dog in quite the same way again. Brilliant!
so daisy got the picture!she was the daisy chain with a wolf riding a hood at one end and a wolf riding her at the other end..and daisy? she was in the middle of course, you can't have a daisy chain without a daisy in it. All was going fine until....
'hmmm' thought riding hood 'I wonder if those two fine wolfies know how to make daisy chains?' 'But how can we link the chain together?' said Daisy. The wolves had an idea...and, not surprisingly, so had riding hood....
but wait! It can't be the postman, she only heard one knock on the door and everyone knows the postman always rings twice. So who is that in the postman's uniform? what has he done with the real postman? and what the hell is that large throbbing thing on his sack?
'Ahhh no my dear...' said Granny ''re thinking of a completely different fairytale, what you're looking for is a gobble'in'. Riding hood sighed and thought....
ahh ha thought the young man jumping out of his very obviously fake wolf suit, which he only wore because granny liked to pretend she was into interspecies sex...and...
and granny thought 'he was big ok but he wasn't all that bad, I've had a lot worse'.Just then.....
...'good day' sir he said 'could I have 15 yards of silk, a litrejar of honey, 15 grams of iron filings, 4 feather dusters, a pomegranite and.....'
and the wolf thought....'fuck the woodsman's axe, I'm gonna get me some of that!'...and....
...that, wolves weren't the only creatures in the woods with wild appetites.
on the other hand, there are bi-curious out there who haven't quite come to terms with where they are going and may indeed be protective of their asses. Sometimes a little groundwork pays off...if you see what I mean.
and hislong tongue slipped between his sharp teeth licking his lips. 'All the more for you my dear' he thought
In the deepest dark woods goldilocks wanders without knowing the dangers that lurk around her
even in the deepest darket woods......chips will keep you safe Dora! Wolf