Join the most popular community of Irish swingers now
Over 90 days ago
Straight Male, 55
Straight Female, 55


I hope this is the problem page. Well here goes... I too am addicted to sex. I could ride for Ireland. Every woman I see I imagine them naked (i mean every woman)I dream of rubbing custard all over there bodies and eating every last bit...yummm, but thats not the problem-It's my brother-He's a Man United fan =It's soo embarassing-how can I form a relationship with a woman with a brother like that...The Shame
Dora says the idea is to have a bath or shower every day or two and shave everytime...its hygenic and you are always smooth ... and no pain...yippee Unless you nick youself shaving.......
My wife waxes me -SORE!!. but well worth it -and hygenic too. sorry for caps but you will understand when you get it done. Shaving sucks cause after 2 weeks your back to your hairy self...
In "the famous five go camping" timmy the dog got his head stuck in a rabbits hole and Julian (the dodgy one)got behind the dog and steadied himself behind the dog on his knees and after a lot of huffing and puffing freed the dog. (sick B******)
Hi All, Does anybody have there own sign lanuage they use with their partners when then are feeling HORNEY. I told my missus that if shes feeling horney pull my Dick once. If shes not in the humour pull it 400 times......
I was drinking in a field with 7 of my mates when this guy approached us with an Asian bird We all shagged her -Aagh I cant't do this .This story is pure shit..
Hi all, Can somebody help me out please. Does anybody know where I can go to get waxed. I had a Polish women who did it (very professional) but she's gone back to Poland. I've tried to ring different salons but they either hang up on slam the phone down...Can anybody help.
Quote by user=damoedge
my oh my the scammer is back, get this, they changed there name from goodness1 to goodness2, very bright i must say, admin you know what to do!!

Don't ban her -we need the money.....
Quote by user=76newexperience
can you all help out here. can the administrator or some genius from here maybe set up a survey to see how many people actually swing from this site. i think 99% of users are fake.
perhaps a fee would get rid of the fakers lol

Yes there is a lot of fakes on this look at the gallery any you will seen some pics off free porn sites.
A lot of men claim to be women-for kicks and I guess alot are teenage kids looking 4 cheap thrills. But after a while you will see the regulars and genuine people!!
Hi all. As part of joining this site why don't we all submit a pic of yourselves with face covered so we can tell if it is fake or not. We've been living in UK and most sites have genuine people.