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older women look after your kids

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Warming the Bed
having sex is deifnitely good but please. please! better make sure that hte woman is sexy...mostly women here in this site they just wan tto hook up with younger guys like me which is indisgraceful,,,,i want sexy women.....lads be careful in choosing a girl on your next sex party...and invite meif you found
Quote by user=biggerstick
having sex is deifnitely good but please. please! better make sure that hte woman is sexy...mostly women here in this site they just wan tto hook up with younger guys like me which is indisgraceful,,,,i want sexy women.....lads be careful in choosing a girl on your next sex party...and invite meif you found

Because as we all know, swinging's all about what you have on the outside and avoiding any kind of intimacy. If only all swingers are arrogant, shallow little douchebags who've barely started shaving, make up self-aggrandising lies about what "mostly women in this site they just wan" and think "indisgraceful" is a word. How unwonderfulous that would be.
Go back to the playground, little boy. You can't handle grown-up women yet.
Excuse me while i just pick myself up off the floor from laughing and actually , u will find most of the , "older ladies" usually set age limits , so they wont be hassled by little boys like you :laugh: :laugh:
Sex God

Because as we all know, swinging's all about what you have on the outside and avoiding any kind of intimacy. If only all swingers are arrogant, shallow little douchebags who've barely started shaving, make up self-aggrandising lies about what "mostly women in this site they just wan" and think "indisgraceful" is a word. How unwonderfulous that would be.
Go back to the playground, little boy. You can't handle grown-up women yet.
Best response I have seen on these boards thus far. Bravo.
Sex God
Quote by user=biggerstick
having sex is deifnitely good but please. please! better make sure that hte woman is sexy...mostly women here in this site they just wan tto hook up with younger guys like me which is indisgraceful,,,,i want sexy women.....lads be careful in choosing a girl on your next sex party...and invite meif you found

OMG........what are you doing on this site ye tosser...i also note on yer profile very good looking....Gag gag....sayes it all really.... get yer head outta yer arse....
we are here to have fun note poke fun ..... :-o
Sex God
real women want real men
Sex God
Is this guy for real?? Has he made his communion yet??? What a laugh...Best yet......pmsl...!!!
Sex God
bloody hell....where did we get him from......after reading his post hes gonna be luck to find any woman who would chat never mind get intimate with anyone who has that kinda attitude.... good luck finding the perfect woman as im sure you are perfect too.... and im sure the surgery to remove your head from your ass wont be too painful.....
Sex God
Listen BOY I was going to respond to your pathetic ramblings, but in true Northern fashion when you deal with a pup act like a pup.. I would not piss on you if you were on fire!! End Off!
Master of Sex
god id nearly invite him to next meet so show him wat sexy women he missin out on. :thrilled: cos im sure he gonna hav major probs after tat nyte. im sure most of us women there could teach him a thing or 2 bout how to treat real women. an we could use slightly's little bag of tricks to help us. :twisted:
Sex God
why are we even dignifying this with a reply?
Sex God
It's something to do?? Long weekend after all!!
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: His name's not atilla or Jester or BeTheOne - by any remote chance?
Sex God
What a muppet! Where's Westside's response, when you need it!!
Sex God
Quote by user=marieandu4121
rotflmao :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao:
His name's not atilla or Jester or BeTheOne - by any remote chance?

Atilla???Now listen let my relatives out of this ya hun.
I am a hun,
Sex God
Quote by user=silvercat
What a muppet! Where's Westside's response, when you need it!!

Well i was about to respond back in April to this but its so goofy that in the mist of my mild amusement ,i actually forgot to post the response.
I really think that posts like this are only deserving of a fart or ensures that neither the fart nor the post goes to the shitter (pun intended).
He's probably breeding grannies somewhere,
Edited fro splleing correctonis
Sex God
Quote by user=westside
Edited fro splleing correctonis

LOL! Was going to mention the spelling as well ha ha
Sex God
Quote by user=silvercat

Edited fro splleing correctonis

LOL! Was going to mention the spelling as well ha ha
Ah Silvy,you should speak your mind and mention what you like.I wouldnt hold anything against almost anything.I type like someone with a live electric wire shoved up his arse, hence the spelling mistakes.I used to be decisive but now im not so sure.
Live to spell and spell to live,
Sex God
Quote by user=biggerstick
having sex is deifnitely good but please. please! better make sure that hte woman is sexy...mostly women here in this site they just wan tto hook up with younger guys like me which is indisgraceful,,,,i want sexy women.....lads be careful in choosing a girl on your next sex party...and invite meif you found

Just checked your profile and i felt remarkably talented by the time i finished reading.
Big guns and rockhard? You work in the medical field?Great,youll get free access to a brain scan unit because trust me when i say you need it.I wouldnt expect to see much on the scan though so fingers crossed.
Big guns (arms) my arse,
Oh by the say your open to heres one please shut you in advance.
Sex God
Oh sweet jesus, I am still near choking on me drink as I read this. This Person is either one of two things. 1. Someone with an awful high opinion of themselves and very little experience in actually dealing with real people in real life. In between bouts of 'second life' and ordering 'domino's'(also online) he's happened upon the site and thought he'd add his 'unique take' on sexuality and general laws of attraction coupled with the defunt social skills he's honed from spending skin greying hours in a dark room. or 2. he's a troll trying to 'bait' us all for a response....and sadly he's succeeded. Hopefully he's the first guy. duel
Sex God
Quote by user=makemyday0126
2. he's a troll trying to 'bait' us all for a response....and sadly he's succeeded.
Hopefully he's the first guy.

No i was the first if this is the case it was worth it because i have gained my own personal "Forum Fondler".Aka Silvercat. LOL
She is a nice one though,
Sex God
Quote by user=westside

Edited fro splleing correctonis

LOL! Was going to mention the spelling as well ha ha
Ah Silvy,you should speak your mind and mention what you like.I wouldnt hold anything against almost anything.I type like someone with a live electric wire shoved up his arse, hence the spelling mistakes.I used to be decisive but now im not so sure.
Live to spell and spell to live,
Ha ha I was talking about so-called Biggerstick, not you!
Warming the Bed
Was he one of the 8 kids in that field who had sex with an asian bird :lol
Master of Sex
westside says... Big guns and rockhard? You work in the medical field?Great,youll get free access to a brain scan unit because trust me when i say you need it.I wouldnt expect to see much on the scan though so fingers crossed. loon:-?wat brain u talkin bout west as im sure his brain below the waist.dunno and the only things needed to check tat out is : 1.a tweezers 2.a magnifyin glass or black plate. the colour of the plate is only to decide which makes his brain look bigger.:grin::haha: but then again i bow to 'biggerstick's' superior knowledge on the women of the world:laughabove:
Sex God
All Hail bigger stick, we bow at his sexual prowessworship
Sex God
hitmanandher brilliant response lol
Jesus biggerstick you really are a muppet !!!!! and if you have a bigger stick go and wallop yourself with it :wank:
Sex God
Quote by user=westside
No i was the first if this is the case it was worth it because i have gained my own personal "Forum Fondler".Aka Silvercat. LOL
She is a nice one though,

Forum fondler???? *scratches head*
Sex God
Oh and he doesn't work IN the medical field, he works AS a medical field. Talented!