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Over 90 days ago
Bi-curious Female, 53


anchor .. You finsh last to get first place .I am a teat , Its not a race ...what am I ? Answer = A test of time.:smile:
You can have me but cannot hold me, Gain me and quickly lose me, If treated with care I can be great, And if betrayed I will break..... What am I?....
Well we have been here a while now and anyone who has red our profile can tell we don't have much regarding our swing life to hide ,
Honesty is off the highest importance to use …both in giving it and receiving as with out it people get confused which leads to hurt feeling and bad karma …I have never had any trouble with tell thing as they are , We are what and whom we are, Not much point in trying to hide behind a lie as its soon fades and then one looks like a idiot in my book both for the lie and for the fact they have lost respectability and reliability which is need to enable a successful meet …
Put in saying that I do understand the need for privacy as I am sure we all do , put over stepping that need in the hope off being liked , excepted , dare I say picked as a possible meet is wrong and will only end up with others thinking off whom ever it is with a decreased aspect off respect and lessens the likely hood off one getting to enjoy and participate in the swingers life style …So as the old saying goes ………Think Twice ………..
Ohhhh how i missed me for there happy return .....worship:worship::worship::swingingchair::swingingchair::swingingchair:drinkies:drinkies::drinkies::cheers::cheers::cheers:
Ahhh Worship hun . Hi loss hun ....He missed out on a gem and guaranteed night off fun id say innocent . As for the worst excuses ….. …………… Well he did text me at 5 O'clock to say he'd arrive at not to worry all was good ……… , I done the usual , Girly things , hair , nail , bubble bath , sexy lingerie and all ………… ………….. PUT …………still waiting ………:uhoh::confused::uhoh:……….. as he didn't even have the guts / balls / manners , whatever you choose to call it … call , text , mail … ( put was in chat room ) to say he was going to be a no show …His loss I spent a lovely night alone in my hotel room talking on the phone with a friend … .. Have a feeling I had a better night than he did :-) ………… …………………… ……………….. ……………………………..
Hi hun well would love a >>>

Ticket :swingingchair::swingingchair: pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee :swingingchair: :swingingchair:
I am here for …. The sex The chat The parties The fun The fingers The wieners The breasts The bums The toys The joys The kicking The kitting ( so titan doesn't get lonely lol ) The flirting The blowing The kissing The touching The talking The bonking The ripples The tickles The nipples The dimples The foreplay The fareplay The cuddles The bubbles The wobbles The giggles The heat The meet The invite The intrigue Would go on put think you get why I am here :swingingchair::swingingchair::swingingchair: …..
Kitty lol :lol: :lol: your a gem hun ...way to go ...sure made my day its about time some learned that there is more than one way to skin a cat :swingingchair::swingingchair::swingingchair:innocent:whistling::whistling::whistling:...check this one out :lol: ( hope its aloud ) if not ill pm the link :lol:
Will have to agree something has gone astray here :scared:, What happen to light hearted fun and a good old laugh did it go out the window with our much miss icons poke:-( , ….. I joined with the impression that this was an adult site where we would all behave accordantly and what happed behind closed doors stays there , Put unfortunately this no longer seem to be true as chat seems to be the preferred gossip station this is why I feel the clicks , groups and band wagons seem to take over … Is there really anyone here who is better than the rest off us , We are all different and have joined here for different reasons and with different expectations in mind when doing so , put correct me if I am wrong , I was under the impression that diplomacy , tact , confidentially where off the foremost importance to us all here ?????? So do we just sit back and let the minority rule as they seem to be …OR … do we start acting like adults again and put a stop to it and get back to having good old fashioned fun ??? I am sticking to my Guns ( NO PUN INTENDED :lol2: ) , Honesty , Manners and common courtesy come first …..:high-smile: 'Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent.' ~Eleanor Roosevelt
Ahhhh you will be missed hun … wave:wave::wave::wave: .. Best off luck in all you choose to do …Take care .kiss:kiss: ….
YES .... What goes around comes around. Judge not to be judged Work like you don't need the money. Love like you've never been hurt. Dance like nobody's watching. Sing like nobody's listening. Live like it's Heaven on Earth. Do you believe in faith … ?
Quote by worshipme
Yes !!!

Have you ever come home without the underwear you went out in ???

Better than comin home in some one elses.........
Even I draw the line at someone elses dirty undies :eeek:
:laughabove::laughabove: thats only cuz the woman u go for don't wear any bolt
Yeah put only because they were Eatble lol :lol: :lol: Nothing left to bring home :lol:
Have you ever felt something behind you in a hotel that you embarrassed to ring and ask about ????
baking soda works for tons of stuff. add a little to your shampoo once a week to clarify. it works as an exfoliant for your face and body and makes your skin smooth. but also only do that once a week. also if your hair is greasy and you have to go somewhere but no time to wash, add a touch with some baby powder, work through your roots, turn your head upside down and shake. much cheaper then salon brand "dry shampoo" To whiten your nails, try these: Use a common whitening toothpaste. Try scrubbing your nails with Pearl Drops, it's just as easy as achieving a pearly white smile and will take away any stains and shine up your nails. Dark elbows: It is so easy to cure them with a very simple procedure. You could either apply some lime juice or some curd to lighten these dark patches. Emergency nail file from a matchbook – if you snag your nail, use the rough striking pad for a quick fix....
Happy Birthday Bonny , hope its the best one ever kiss:kiss::swingingchair:

Mr and Mrs T ...... xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In Memory of all the family members, relatives and friends we lost due to cancer , In memory of anyone you know who has been struck down by cancer or is still living with it. A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle...
Please Keep This Candle Going.....

A Candle Loses Nothing by Lighting Another Candle. Please Keep The Candle Going!

Dear God, We pray for the cure of cancer ....

Tomirs ...
You Are 18% Evil
You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.
Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!