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Sat 5th October Dublin M&G

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Saturday 5th October Meet & Greet Dublin.
This is a complete bar and hotel take over event.
It will be open to all members of the site that have been on site a couple of months or more.
It is a classic social M&G event like they used to be.
The location is in Dublin city centre near most big hotels and there are a limited number of rooms available in this 4* accommodation.
I have block booked all the rooms on the night and you can get the details from me as to how to book them if you are serious about coming to this event.
The bar area has been booked out for us too so no 'civilians' to worry about. It is for socialising only and we have a rule of no lurid behaviour in the bar area as the bar staff are not members of the site. Utter discretion is required as this is a professional business but an ideal location for future events once this larger event goes without a hitch.
The accommodation area is exclusively ours so no worries about security coming and breaking up the party. The rooms are luxurious 4* standard accommodation. We will have the rooms till 12 the next day. We just ask that you respect the hotel as you would any other place you stay.
This is not a commercial event but a small fee of 10pp is required to pay for the booking of the bar area on the night. The rooms are booked separately via the hotel site.
If you would like to come along you need to mail me with your E-mail address and a phone number as you will be given details of the event only to your mail address.
We will limit the number of single males on the night just so we don't get over run, unverified people will need to verify themselves via phone conversation and/or get pic verified on site.
I have been organising events for the past year and I'm really excited about this new city centre location.
Looking forward to seeing all you sexy people again!
Great idea, details on the way, tks.
May I get a invite
Excellent! Great work gingerfire! I'd love an invite please. Mail going your way! wink Wilder
Sounds like a great night on the cards ... details heading your way xx kaccy
Hi Ginger We would love an invite please xx
Hi Ginger We would love an invite please passionkiss
Hi guys n Girls, If you want an invite I just need an E-mail address and phone number sent to me. I will be sending out invites only by e-mail. The location wont be given to anyone until the end of September. If you want to book the hotel let me know and obviously you will be given the site. But if you want to book any hotel in the city center (near trinity) you will be in walking distance to the event! thanks to the people that have sent on details already! i'm giddy here with excitement!
Hi Ginger I would love to an invite to attend as my first M&G Thanks in advance. RC
Hey ginger i would love an invite please and i just sent you my email add thanks it be great to see everyone.
would love an invite please hun xx
:bounce::bounce::bounce: Email on the way darling, would love an invite! Slutty xoxo passionkiss
Hi hun we would love to attend details sent..
hi would love to be invited to ur m&g in dublin in october
Hi Ginger I'd love to attend details sent
pm sent innocent
Cant wait to hit the Big Smoke again :bounce: :bounce: :cheers: :cheers: kiss :kiss:
Thanks to you all for the details so far! The response has been amazing! All the venue hotel rooms are booked so now its a city center hotel you'll need. If groups of you are going together just all book in the same one. Thanks Ginger
yes please we will be there if you want was see you all there xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
wow that's a beautiful excuse to visit dublin!!! we love it hehehe our email is on the way as well xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
would love an invite please ginger wink :wink: lol :lol: pm on the way :lol: :lol:
hi ginger we would love an invite lol mail on the way xxxx
hey gingerfire how are ya il be sending a pm in a sec hope i am on the list
would love a nite in dublin, cheers
love an invite ginger i send u my email lol :lol:
Don't need much excuses for a night in Dublin but this is a good one lol
Hi Ginger , We would love to go wink mail sent
PM sent....sounds like fun wink biggrin
pm on its way we would love to go
Hi Gingerfire, Hope there is room for one more? :bounce: