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does anyone actually meet?

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Firstly we're gonna have to lower the rope into the hole, someone will shout down at bigbruva to tie the shovel to the end of the rope and we will pull it up off him, that shud stop him digging himself any deeper in, then we'll lower down the ladder and get him to climb out of the hole he has dug, job done smile That's what a wind up merchant might say in this thread :) Sparkie
Sparkie....well said lol.....the hole he dug would be perfect like wonder no one replies to his meet posts..oh blood boils anyway moving on
Nah, just get the shovel out and fill in the hole. No need for ladders. Job done rotflmao
Sugar pmsl I think his days are number on here move on please
My validations speak for themselves. I stand by my post. Little flame beside this topic, at least the forums are in use again. Crank crank crank crank wind up time
Standing alone by your post because nobody else likes your attitude dunno And as for calling any lady a "fat mess", well I would so love to see you describe any lady as such in front of her husband / partner, because the repercussions would be something Id gladly pay to see. That kind of labelling just goes to show how shallow and insensitive you are. You sir, are disgraceful and arrogant. I have come to this conclusion because your posts and some of your profile text alludes to you being so.
A lot of the single guys on here are idiots with no manners or respect, gives us genuine guys a bad name but then I'm sure most couples on here will see through them pretty quickly..,,
Ok while I agree with 99.9% of the post, comments etc on this thread, I feel like I need to put my opinion on the record. Arrogance is a despicable trait, normally found in the despots of society. It appears that the poster in question on this thread is clearly on that level, as the shear arrogance of some posts and comments made to other members is disgusting. Being a single male I know full well the difficulties of meeting up with ladies. Its not easy! But what the hell in life is?? Some people need to get real. This is not some make believe community where you can act disrespectfully to other people. At the other end of each laptop or pc sits a person, so people need to be aware. Just because you are using the internet, it does not grant you free reign! From my own experience, getting to know people, chatting and just having normal manners does so much more for you that you can imagine. And I have never been to a meet and greet! While I agree with the 99%, I also want to point out that it works both ways! Saying things like you would pay to see the repercussions of one saying something does equal damage to ones integrity. While there may be good intentions with which I completely support, violence is wrong! And to even suggest as much makes me sick, thus leading to me posting this!
in reply to the comment bigbruvva made on here.... no one cares what he thinks if he can describe any lady as he did on public forums he wont have much luck on here so what if he`s hung like a donkey he does`nt hav to act like an ass. its not what you have but how you use it that counts, if he decides to use the very little brain cells he was given he might get a hard on,, but thats where all his brain cells seem to be. -------------------no one is perfect . you show me someone that is perfect and i will show you a liar..........
Quote by playfull
I'm a validated and genuine guy. Still find a lot of awful rude couples here with very high opinions of themselves.
If I wanted to have sex with a horrible fat mess I'd go to ***removed **** and not be begging some of the obviously troubled individuals here.
Open your eyes people.

And if thats the way you address any female bigbruva regardless of the size or shape and then post it in the forums to show the rest of the women on how you speak about ladies...I think maybe you need to look in the mirror to see who the troubled one is!!! Speaking about anywoman like that im sure will do you no favours ,as youve quoted yourself ... Open your eyes
lies make baby jesus cry.
I just would like to add something if I may: Everyone has their own taste. Physical attraction is something which is subjective and varies from person to person. Very few people hand on heart (myself included) have never looked at and thought 'not for me', and I doubt anyone here has NEVER used a derogatory term about another. I for one do not particularly think the term 'Fat Mess' should be thrown about on here. I do think people deserve to be treated with respect etc etc But one thing I would like to say is that at the end of the day everyone who has a profile on this site joined onto a site of strangers. Yes we should all treat people with respect, and of course derogatory terms shouldn't be used etc etc, but I for one would not be so sensitive as to let someone I'd never met get me so hot and bothered (well unless it's the good way lol ) As adults, we should all be able to show some thick skin, this isn't junior infants where everyone needs to be mollycoddled - if you are offended by what someone else says - don't meet them, don't chat to them block them from contacting you, whatever. I for one wouldn't be getting worked into a complete tizzy over something a stranger posted in a forum.
It's really pretty simple in the long run.... if you don't have anything NICE to say, then its best not to say anything at all! We won't all share the same chemistry, attraction, call it what you will, but it don't mean that they are not nice people, we were all new once, some of us are still learning, the lifestyle is big enough to cater for everyone, finding peeps you are comfy and relaxed with is what this is all about, if they don't fancy you or the you don't fancy them, try and be at least tactful, theres enough in this lifestyle for EVERYONE! Now if only other peeps in this lifestyle would adopt the same attitude ;)
Quote by sp2
lies make baby jesus cry.

Integrity is one off the most important traits any person can have as it's an insight into the person from a perspective off honesty . . .
To have the daring to send me an invite to pic's that are clearly bareback as a response to a reply to forums is beyond me :censored:bangheaddunno:dunno: Blonde i may be ..Put brain dead i ant :censored: , And you state >>' so I'll pass on a perfect shape if the mind doesn't keep up with it ' …. fairly obvious that you did take the time to even read my profile as I clearly don't meet your criteria I don't by any means off the word aspire to perfection either in the physical form or mental definitions . As to the fact that you edited your profile …. (' prejudice and ignorance are turn-offs for everyone, right? ' ) ….. Plus more now mysteriously vanished . . . Why say it if you don't mean it ? .... Why defend it and erase it ? . . . ('I didn't say I was gods gift but I'm certainly of a calibre where other attached gentlemen would be intimidated by my physique and attributes.' ) unless the calibre your refers to is a BB pellet and the physique attributes is the side effects off being able to put your foot in your mouth over and over again , I am sorry to say I am at a loss to the logical reason for the statements . I sure as hell can't find anything alluring amusing or even slightly charming in any off your responses as the only thing in common with them all is your acknowledgement to be a self-professed crankster . . . . .Put hey to each there own ...What ever floats your boat ...another Titanic me fears ...Ill pass and wait for the next pleasure cruise....wave:wave:
Ah nice to get such a well though out and articulated reply dunno . I am assuming ( being blonde its aloud ) that not all you partake in is done with such in-depth forethought and enthusiasm to elaborate innocent …Put hey I could be mistaken :dunno:
I think the best thing to come from this thread is a line in TheSexyG's response "At the other end of each laptop or pc sits a person" I think sometimes people forget that in here As to bigbruva's ramblings, not so much taking any notice of them really ,except where he says he is leaving his validations to speak for my opinion that if I had met and validated him , after this post I'm afraid I would be looking to remove it,, wouldn't want to be associated with someone who calls any women fat messes.
'As to bigbruva's ramblings, not so much taking any notice of them really ,except where he says he is leaving his validations to speak for my opinion that if I had met and validated him , after this post I'm afraid I would be looking to remove it,, wouldn't want to be associated with someone who calls any women fat messes.' Have been watching this thread for the last few days and have thought exactly the same as Slighly... If I had validated this guy it would defo be removed at this stage... Manners cost nothing and respect is an attribute that goes a long long way in our lifestyle..Cant see too many more validations being added at this stage.loon
Quote by dotser
have been on this for a while and mostly men on here! I have chatted to alot in chatrooms but if you message someone never get replys and im not nasty just normal stuff!
I just think there are so many men here that it makes it hard for normal guys to get anywhere near anyone
Every profile says
**** NO SINGLE MEN*****
Just venting is all!!!

You just need to keep the faith biggrin
Well Mr Stig ,
I sent you an invite to a rather large meet and greet that i was involved in running in limerick some time ago, and i still remember you saying you couldnt make it over the bad weather, yet people came from the 4 corners of the country to attend.
You need to make the effort like we said in previous posts, you get out of this lifestyle what you put in . The mountain ain't comming to Mohammad....
Quote by celtic_cpl
Well Mr Stig ,
I sent you an invite to a rather large meet and greet that i was involved in running in limerick some time ago, and i still remember you saying you couldnt make it over the bad weather, yet people came from the 4 corners of the country to attend.
You need to make the effort like we said in previous posts, you get out of this lifestyle what you put in . The mountain ain't comming to Mohammad....

Mr Dave (seeing as we're being so formal with each other and all) If I didn't want to take the chance and drive in the icy roads surely that's a matter for me to decide as I have to put my safety first before what other people think I should or shouldn't do. But you're quite correct about what you say when you said you only get out of what you put into something though.
Fair play stig Don't feel you have to jump through The hoops some couples demand you to for the sake of a meet. Play it cool within the boundaries of what's comfortable for you.
The request for an invite came from this lad it was by no means a demand and he changed his mind at the last minute, thus meaning another single guy missed out.
The point I was making was this guy complains of meeting no one and yet when an invite was issued to him he ignored it and mailed after the event to say he couldn't make it.
So all these guys that do all the crying saying we get ignored are actually invited to lots of events but fail to turn up and like anyone who has organised these events will back up what I'm saying about single guys who loose their nerve and just discover their granny died (again).
That said there so many genuine guys out there who do make the effort and do get on here and "Big" I was one of those single guys on here for quite some time before i was a couple so I know the effort that is required..
"Big", maybe you should concentrate more on setting up your lonely hearts club than continuing this discussion...
this is great! **pick me, pick me,genuine single guy here, member verified!!** lol (sorry couldn't resist!)
So I never "swung" as a single bloke and online dating was in it's infancy if at all when I was a single lad but I approached and chatted up women f2f and what I realised very quickly was that if you take the same approach as everyone else did unless you looked like brad pitt you weren't going to get very far. Being original, funny and over all sincere was what worked. Now to approach a woman f2f if you were lucky you had the chance to be prepared with an opening line and after that you had to wing it and at times get shot down in public, a lot more difficult than just an online message. What baffles me on this site is the amount of single blokes who could spend the time in advance to be witty and creative with their approach in a mail and then depending on the response, granted if any, come up with something even wittier that just approach you with "want a shag" type comment and that's when you have not interested in single men on your profile it beggers belief to think they would have any joy. I would confirm what other couples have said here, go to meet and greets, have met some sound single blokes over the last year and when we do host a party they will get an invite but when someone doesn't take the time to read your profile or be creative in their approach, for me, whoever they are I'm less inclined to instantly reply to them, if at all. Just my tuppence worth. MH
Jaysus, I spend two days working in Dublin away from a PC, come back and BB is still havin his ass chewed!! Time to put this to bed I think - He has been lambasted enough for his mistake, and lets just call it that, a mistake / misjudgement. And I can say so with vigour because there was a time a cpl of years ago where my profile text seriously hampered any future meets we would persue. I was way out of line, but I did see my errors and tried my best to correct them and limit any damage to our name on here. Fortunately for me, I redeemed myself to a point and have had nothing but fantastic experiences with some really cool an lovely people on here. So as someone who has also caused controversy / furore in the forums some time ago, I can honestly say that people on here letting slide and giving me a second chance was what really made me see where I had gone wrong. Maybe its time to give BB that same courtesy, and as far as Im concerned I will be forgetting all about this episode.
Quote by TheStig11
have been on this for a while and mostly men on here! I have chatted to alot in chatrooms but if you message someone never get replys and im not nasty just normal stuff!
I just think there are so many men here that it makes it hard for normal guys to get anywhere near anyone
Every profile says
**** NO SINGLE MEN*****
Just venting is all!!!

You just need to keep the faith biggrin
I Thought I was encouraging him not to give up on the site & on meeting people,and i can't see where i am complaining about not meeting anyone there but I must not be reading my comment correctly I guess.
My hand is up. I apologise. I didnt aim original comment at anyone. I jest, I made an off the cuff remark and mentioned a popular pub in Dublin. Only for humour. I pushed issue too far by "lolling replies" etc. Sin é.