M/F Couple requesting two guys for a meet in Dublin on the 16th of April, possibly one of the guys could accommodate?
No under 35's thanks..
Email me at 'gangbangcrew' if you are interested. the usual rules apply, Must have pics and send on contact details.
At the risk of being un-intentionally pedantic, I thought the idea of yere Profile was that ye had a group of people or males I think is it? to choose from, for folk that wanted a Gangbang .....
Soooooo for what reason are ye looking for two guys ??
Doesn't make sense .....
The title does say "Calling all Gangbang Crew members ... "
I liked the batsignal image ... lol :thumbup:
Ah yes yes I c. Indeed tha Title does say xactly that Latina :clap: My bad. Ah yes that would totally privatise it for their Members rather than publicise it for "just anyone" while supposed to have a pool of men. And actually if I recall other Posts from the O.P. do I think start off with Calling All Members, yes so that would be right indeed that it is for their members.
Of course anyone can post in the Let's Meet Forum Amber lol.
Did anyone say they couldn't lol ??
However haven't seen many Profiles described as having a Pool to choose from and then advertising seeking more, but Thread Title does solve that. But like Lucy says fresh blood n all that ....
At the same time was just asking asking why looking further afield as was curious as don't know much about the whole area.