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Whispers Poll

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Following on from the Posts in the "open letter" and the suggestion that it should perhaps have been a pool.
Disable - would be a global disable
Keep - keept thwe facility, possibly modified in some form
User to accept - this would enable the user to accept or reject a whisper request from a specific profile , rather than the global allow whispers currently available.
leave as is - no change to current system
and remember
if you cannot say anything nice...say nothing at all

The "Accept" and/or "Reject" option sounds great to Me.
user to accept whisper request from profile
Admin says modifications aren't possible with the current system - so although I voted to remove the whipser mode until that changes, we have to teach the naughty folks to use it responsibly and be subject to unwarranted attacks.
The 'report' function is useful - Admin can record the number of reports about an offender and take appropriate action - but that doesn't stop the actual whipser - or the ruined mood caused by the offensive remarks - Stable door/bolted horse syndrome!
Better to live without whipsers than live without members who cam/chat/interact!
yep i would like to be able to whisper and receive whispers but only from those i want to receive them from... tired of all the unwanted whispers that a lot of the time dont go away when you just ignore them! Some people just cant take a hint! :taz:
There are some serious "Un-wanted Serial Whisperers" in our midst though .... :taz: They just cannot understand being told to stop whispering. I just ignore them anymore. rolleyes
We can't all suffer because of a few idiots. Name and shame them is what I say.wave An option of accept or reject would be great, but in the meantime, let us all make an effort to look out for eachother.....:bounce:
"Name and Shame" is Not the answer..... However,If people reported the un-wanted whispers to the Mods,the proper action will be taken. We used to be gentle before,on serial whisperers,,but,it's getting to be such a problem now,that they are not getting away with it anymore. But.....At the end of the day,,Unless people report the whisper abusers,There is Nothing that We can do about it. So,It's up to the members themselves....Report it,and it will be sorted....Don't report it,,and the problem shall continue!!
as stated previously , there are no current plans to change anything regards the whisper function , report persistent offenders and we will deal with them folks
Suggestion: If you could disable whispers, except from those on your favourites list or have a whispers allowed list. I do'nt know if this would be possible or not.
Accept or reject whispers from certain profiles. But can`t see that happeningbolt
I think that naming been abusive to and blocking whisperers is totally uncalled for, a lot of time I'm in the chat room and don't see a favorite there but the whisper stands out when i get one. If you don't want to receive a whisper disable it, but please refrain from printing the whisper up in chat room, what are you trying to achieve except pretend that your popular and have received a whisper. sometimes the whisper is more entertaining than the dribble and dross you read in the open chat-room. And lately I have noticed a large number of peeps up their own tails pontificating about unwanted whispers, GET a GRIP of yourself, life's too short. We're only here to have a laugh. If your so insecure that you have to control everything people say then cancel your subscription and talk to the mirror, You'll probably enjoy it more and e wont have to listen to your rubbish. Feel free to whisper to me, if I want to chat to you I will else I'll ignore you. Sexyleggs :thumbup:
well said sexyleggs, i couldnt have put it better myself...
Great Post Sexyleggs, I couldn't have put it better myself. As I say time and time again in chat, ignore the whispers when you pay no heed to them they normally go away. Posting them in main chat ( when they are Harmless or innocent) Really makes you look like a wally, and in most cases only encourages the whisperer to get abusive. The Current system aint perfect but it works or most, yes the selective whisper button would be nice but until we get it we will have to just push on. Disabling the whisper would be the death of chat, As I mentioned in the other thread the abuse report function is there to deal with serial offenders, but in most cases this action inst even needed. as the innocent whispers normally cease when you ignore them.
"Disabling the whisper would be the death of chat,"
MrCorkHot says;;
I think not....
Are you really suggesting that to get rid of whispers would stop people from coming into the Chatrooms?
Not a hope....
I bet you a pot noodle on it.....
..Beef and Tomato..and ya better not nick the ketchup!!!
well said Sexyleggs and Titan, your displaying common sense in your posts.
Ketchup?? What ketchup?? I saw no ketchup....innocent
to disable the whisper function completely and expect folk to carry out their conversations in full view of a room of strangers and a few nut jobs would be the stupidest thing to ever happen in a chatroom, it is naieve indeed to presume that folk are just conversing about the weather here folks.... this site is as popular as it is for one simple reason , if you are a vocal type you may converse away to your hearts content in open chat , but if like myself you, you prefer your privacy then you can converse happy in the knowledge that your privacy and your filthy mind is not being scruitinised by others .End of the day , if you are unable to handle whispers , then converse via your mailbox , but , youd be missing out !!!
It is unfortunate that a small number of people can cause so much annoyance to others by whispering without permission. I do have to say tho that to copy and paste something like a simple hello is going overboard,,,tell them to stop and if it persists either report it to a Mod in the room at the time,,,or lodge an abuse report. That’s what we are here for. I would also like to comment on abuse reports,,,,,submit them !!! There have been too many situations where unwanted whispers, directing, or plain abusive comments have gone unreported. The perpetrators should be warned off, and we cannot act on unknowns. To stop the whispering facility would in my opinion, be a silly move. It is an easy and effective way to pass on comments discreetly, both to swing partners, friends etc. To mail such comments would be , in the main, totally ineffective. How would you open a private room for example, or pass on phone numbers ? Leave the facility as it is.
worship:worship: sexylegs and avalon :thumbup:
...246 have read this so far, 22 leaving comments & 14 voting ... so probably as accurate as a Red Sea poll... if you do read please vote even if you don't leave a comment. So far 4:1 in favour of keeping whispers, with slight modification, the option to accept being most popular
I wholeheartedly agree with sexylegs and avalon boink
Quote by user=sexyleggs
And lately I have noticed a large number of peeps up their own tails pontificating about unwanted whispers, GET a GRIP of yourself, life's too short. .

Do you mean me Sexyleggs ... I am just been devils advovcate on here ... as a guys I don't have to deal with whispers ... don't get them :violin: except from friends ... but from watching the rooms & listening to friends , (many that do not want to make a complaint or report), I am aware that for some people whispers do create a problem for peoples enjoyment of the site & in some cases their own self worth. So if I am pontificating I am happy to do so for the silent many.
For the record I do agree with you , Avalon & many others, it is the chat with whispers that can make the chatroom entertaining, but a little modification similiar to that on other sights may help.
Keeping the whisper function here, having mixed reactions. I say yes, keep the function, if not, it will take the site back, I think that ADMIN and the team, have infact listened to posts in the past and by the very nature of the introduction of "Enable/Dissable" function for whispers shows committment. But now for my gripe,,,,,, "FAVOURITES" and people adding you! That surely is a feature that needs concentrating on? People adding you, those same people appearing on your profile, some of which you have never even chatted with, never mind encountered! This, like the whispers issue is an age old gripe by many. The whisper situation, we can control, the "FAVOURITES" we can't..... Padd's
:clap: Padds, agree totally with you on the favourite, I too hate people, that I never chatted to or had any sort of contact with add me to their favourites. I also wonder to the people adding me as a favourite even read my profile, and if they have not how can they say i'm a favourite. I would like to see an option of accepting/rejecting being added to ones favourite, also an accept/reject option for comments similar to option on established, to be able to remove it . my penny's worth on it.
have to say in fairness some people on here take the whisper thing like a full out attack...was in the chatroom tonight and just whispered to say nice pics...easier than goin through a whole "whos this rigmorole" and found the person had reposted the the comment to the whole room...bit over the top if you ask me...then had admin on me givin out (with a whisper may i add) find it a bit ridiculous to be honest...but iv had it myself where some people just keep whisperin...can be annoying
well said sexylegs:clap:clap the site would not be the same if you could not whisper you just have to ignore the morans who do it all the time they soon get the message the bonns
well said sexyleggs ingore the whispers love getting whispers from friends here. agree with padds and cutie about favotities . just dont accept them . on site a yr and love it
Padds if someone adds you as a favourite and you don't them to have you on their list, you could mail them and ask them to remove your profile. :clap: for Sexylegs, have noticed that happening a lot myself, but each to their own I guess, the only time I would put a whisper into main chat if it was extremely abusive, and the person wouldn't stop when asked..