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whats a swinging single

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I am not long using this site and to be honest i did not know much about the swinging scene. i actually still don;t knwo alot. However what i can;t seem to get my head around is how a single male can be a swinger and not just here looking for a ride. I know some people may give out to me for being here and not knowing what its about but if anyone could explain to me how a single can be a proper swinger could you please let me know.
hey gig, check this thread out, we had a discussion on swinging before, and some of the members gave their thoughts on it, this might help. I should add also, I consider myself a swinging single, I dont meet guys on their own, and in fact stopped meeting m/f cpls also, I only attend partys, mind you if someone really caught my attention, there always is the exception to my rule :giggle: PS: no one will give out to you, we all started at the begining at some stage, and all remember what it was like trying to get into the swing of things, pun intended rotflmao
I am a swinging single........ I enjoy the lifestyle and happen not to be in a current relationship that facilitates this. As such,,,,,,,, I am a single. Never once has someone suggested to my face that I am not a swinger as I am solo.... so likewise a solo male cannot be told he is not a swinger. We all have something to offer the site, regardless if it is one to one meets, threesomes or party attendance. Let's worry less about 'labels' and more about fullfilling our own personal purpose for being here.
I hope you have a fantastic experience, regardless if you remain a solo player or if you decide to partner up to widen the opportunities available to you. Take from this site what you want, at the end of the day it's supposed to be fun!
Its just a label..preconditioning of the society u exist within, if we were to worry what the general society thinks of us, we wouldnt be here in the first place, so why worry what the society inside here thinks of you also. Once you are happy and fulfilling what your life needs and wants, who cares what it is called. My personal opinion on names and labels anyway.
Bliss i agree totally regarding the names and labels, seems we have to put a name on everything these days,with everything and everyone in a nice tidy box. I cant name/label myself cos im still finding out new things all the time, though im sure theres a few other ppl on-site who would put some interesting labels on me ;) i suppose the truth of it is, if ur happy in ur skin and happy with your particular likens , once their not illegal or hurting ppl,go with it.
My name is Titan and I have a bizarre fetis....ooops wrong thread...damn... I'm a swinging single, I joined here to get back into Party's and meeting couples, True I have had one to one meets but always been a case of talking to someone for a bit and likes the cut of they're jib so to speak and then took it from there. I can see what ya mean though about appearing to be just looking for a ride, well in a way aren't we all, but its the associated benefits of forming networks of like-minded people that enjoy the same Kinda fun as yourself and tend to be more expressive about theyre sexuality that appeals to me. Sure ya can go to a Bar and pick up someone and have a random shag, but in honesty its uncharted territory, and most times involves copious amounts of drink on one or both parties behalf followed by a drunken fumble. The Party and meeting couples aspect is what attracted me to swinging.
Quote by alan-ball
What is swinging?
Is it the ability to pursue ones sexuality/ sexual interests without moralistic judgement or emotional attachment.

Quote by user=Virgogirl
Okay I don't go in for the wikipedia , text book explanations for swinging..
Simply because it means many differnet things to all of us.
Swinging for me is the sharing of my body sexualy with other people, sharing my sexual needs and preferneces with likeminded people.
Now sharing sexualy can also involve involve engaging in friendship, so I enjoy the added bonus of being comfortable with those I am with.
Some people, and I fully understand their opinion, believe that singles should not be swingers, it should only be a couple pursuit..
But why not? As a single fem who meets couples, and enjoys group situations, am I to be excluded because I am on my own?
No not in my opinion, each of us bring to the swinging lifestyle, our own uniqueness and that should be embraced and enjoyed.
If I was attached but here alone, should I be excluded? again not in my opinion, I leave my private life at home when I am swinging..
Far too many people seek to judge others, I often wonder if it is because they may not be totaly comfortable with their own sexuality and reasons for being here.
Recently I was asked to send my pics, a guy replied, great legs shame about the rest of you, your body is woeful..
Now that is hurtful in the extreme, but in my opinion that is judgement based on ignorance!
So I honestly think that as swingers, we should never judge, yes we should enjoy and seek our personal preferneces as we go along, but never seek to hurt or offend as we do.

in case you didn't follow the link Sherri was kind enough to locate in some old threads.
Thanks for all the helpful comments. MAde me feel at ease a little bit. Now to get over my shyness any tips on that one lol. Thanks again.
Quote by user=gigryan112
Thanks for all the helpful comments. MAde me feel at ease a little bit. Now to get over my shyness any tips on that one lol.
Thanks again.

Grab it by the scruff of the neck, The best way, get yerself in there and chatting to people and remember you get a lot further in this by taking time to make some connections and not just start a convo with'fancy a shag'...that normally only works with those you've already built up a rapport with. and remember ask to whisper, nothing pee's folks off more than just diving in and whispering.
Hope that helps.
well had a lovely chat with you this morning in chat room so i woud stay your making a good start...............xxxxxxxxdragonstar
Ah thanks dragon. Its people like you make the site easier to use. kiss
thank you gig thats a lovely thing to say there are lots of nice people on this site that will be ony too glad to help you out xxxxxxxxxxxxdragonstar