:P:bounce:Whats 3 things make ya happy ???
Family , sex and comedy !!!! :bounce::happy:
sport, sex , cooking
" stare into the abyss and the abyss stares right back"
My kids, sex and oh more sex
My kids
My husband
and knowing were all elese is a bonus:thumbup:
Positivity, positivity and positivity. The more you embrace it the more you attract, which can only benefit you and yours!
Midnight....:thumbup: You got there before me...I could not agree more.
So much more to be gained in all walks of life with a positive attitude...it's infectious.
Also keep smiling...you use less muscles smiling than you would frowning.
So smile and be positive....it's worked for me.
my kids. my hubby and life what more could i ask for :bounce::bounce::bounce::bounce:
My wife, my dog, and my pool room
:inlove:Shagging, me hubbie, me kids mmmmmh kitty can i have one more cos i love me pussy's:inlove:
hearing my mom's voice when i am sad, seeing my nephews and nieces on sk**, and remembering certain meets :rascal:
finding money in jeans you have nt worm in a while
seeing a nice pair of boobs ( sorry boob man here)
seeing you ve got mail in ur swing4ireland ac
:inlove:seeing my hubby and little one happy is my 1st:inlove:
2nd knowing i have the love of my hubby and little one :inlove:and nothing compares to hearing "mummy i love you" or "alright babes,love you" from the hubby:smile2: .....must be the hormones all loved up at the moment lol
i love being loved up :inlove::inlove::inlove::inlove:
Saturday Morning In bed chilling and not a care in the world feeling, special person in Me life that I've recently re-discovered. My family are happy and Healthy despite a fairly fraught few months lately.