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Revenge not always best served cold

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Not sure if this is best as a thread or a story but here goes. I was supposed to be meeting a girl in Dublin last night. Had met her once before. She was being a bit iffy few days before the meet and I was checking with her if she wanted to meet or not. And yes she did, defo. at 7 pm last night she texted me "sorry something came up, cant meet 2nite, cya next time". At this stage i am sitting the hotel room, just getting dressed.... I head off into town for a pint and to watch the match (aka drowning sorrows). While there start chatting to a girl who it turns out was also stood up by her date, so the conversation starts, and you can guess the rest... The revenge bit? We both left voicemails for our respective dates at 1 am in the morning telling them that its ok, their friend got sorted -0)...... I know I know she probably had a million reasons and so did he, butYES
To be honest with yea tom i don't think you done anything wrong mate the way i see it you had a hotel booked and all and the girl canceld on yea at the last minute with quite a rotten excuse so it wasn't like your were cheating or that as me i prob would of done the same thing her loss somebody elses gain.
And the problem is Tom??????????????? confused: :clap::clap:
Excellent Tom ! :smoke: i love it when a plan cums together!
I think there's no problem going off with someone else (and fair play!)...but the leaving a voicemail thing...can't say I agree...seems a bit immature... And if you're seeking revenge on someone who you had only met once before for what I'm guessing was a bit of fun - perhaps you like her more than you think or want to admit to yourself...otherwise it wouldn't have bothered you so much that you felt you had to get revenge for her canceling... People cancel all the time for a number of different reasons, maybe she didn't want to go into details, maybe she had a good night in the end anyway! :gagged:
Tom while I dont see anything wrong with the phonecalls..if it was me getting the message id think, well they cant be havin that much fun if they thinking bout me. Sorry!
Got to say i agree with kkgirl 100% it shouldnt have bothered you in the slighest after all we all get let down from time to time such is life
Yeah agree with the above three posts. It seems you had a great night anyway, so why would you even bother thinking about the girl who didnt show up? Kinda childish behaviour really.
feck it tom biggrin i applaude you :clap:
glad you had a good night after all and i think the phone call was more of a "you didn't make a fool of me by paying for hotel room, cancelling at last min. and not getting use of it" kinda thing.
For those who have had meets cancelled at last min, paid for hotel rooms, gone to the trouble of traveling or maybe even changed plans--- What tom did doesn't seem that unreasonable.
Interesting comments and thanks for them. I take the point about why would I bother my ass sending her a voicemail and why did the girl want me to do the same. The reason we ended up having drinks and then going to bed was BECAUSE we both had been stood up by people who decided that they couldnt be arsed leaving the house and really didnt care if I had arranged a hotel or she had gone to the trouble of getting dressed up etc etc . You can imagine at some stage in the wee hours of the morning, the words do ya know what we should do now.....
yOu did right tom. If you got pissed about you're entitled to a small bit of payback, childish or not. I personally see no issue. If it made you feel better go for it. And being childish is an admirable quality I think.
Quote by user=worshipme
feck it tom biggrin i applaude you :clap:
glad you had a good night after all and i think the phone call was more of a "you didn't make a fool of me by paying for hotel room, cancelling at last min. and not getting use of it" kinda thing.
For those who have had meets cancelled at last min, paid for hotel rooms, gone to the trouble of traveling or maybe even changed plans--- What tom did doesn't seem that unreasonable.

I agree, if she had even said she'd meet him just to hand over half (at minimum) the hotel fees I'd have said fair enough decent person. Yeah the phone calls might not have been that mature on reflection, if it had been me getting them I'd have thought........'tit'. In situations like that it's best to just say 'trusted you once, won't do it again' and move on. You don't actually know her reason for not turning up and I would hope the phonecalls don't backfire and leaving you feeling like shit if you found out it was for some genuine personal upsetting reason (but I doubt it).