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Punching above your weight.

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i'm Not normally One to post 'Lamenting threads' But I had a rather un cooth comment made to me last night in chat by some joker that had been watching my cam for the guts of forty Minutes, Now I am here a long time and not much bothers me this Old Mod malarkey gives one a thick skin, but The following comment 'jaysus titan, how many of these women have you fucked in here lol, wouldn't mind if you were something to look at' Got my ire up a weee bit. I don't really buy into the whole shallowness vibe, but that said I know what and who I like, I have had fun with a lot of lovely ladies on here in all shapes and sizes, and to be honest once I am having my fun, I couldnt give a rats ass what anyone thinks of me, I am here for my own reasons and my own ends. This posters little comment made me think, are there those on here so shallow and so consumed in how people perceive them, that they make it a habit of looking at certain couplings and think, 'How did he/she ever manage to get with him/her? Now I am posting this as It really pissed me off to think that for a place supposedly full of adults, such immature petty behavior goes on, I am not looking for any votes of confidence, shucks I've plenty of that 8)but I mean has anyone else ever passed such a comment to you, or in your company about someone else? and if so what are your honest thoughts on this? Titan79.
Titan it is not being shallow, it is called going around with one's head up one's own ass.:mad: I abhor that mentality, especialy on a swing site, women and men who think that great sex can only be achieved if you are classed as hot or better looking than another. The vast majority of swingers and I use the term swingers, not the pay as you go for sex outfit, are people who embrace others for their sexuality, their sexual appeal not their looks! When you approach swinging with an ego, you tend to end up flat on your arse, people soon cop on you are shallow, self-centred and in the main an extremely boring bed-mate, have met too many during my time swinging.rolleyes
We have had similar comments passed while on cam, and to be honest it does hurt. We may not be every-ones cup of tea but then not everyone is our`s. We have meet ppl of all shapes and sizes and all types of looks, but it doesn't matter to us as we are not looking for Mr or Mrs perfect, we found that in each other lol, we are here for fun. We have seen some cams and pics and had our own thoughts on them, but we keep them to our self as that person may appeal to others. Thankfully we have not had anyone bad mouth a members looks to us as we would not tolerate it and would be very vocal in our disgust. It is a case of each to their own and be careful who you judge as you can be judged too. We have seen you on cam as you have seen us and have no complaints.
I have had many nasty comments thrown at me from time to time on here, but thankfully as I have made some many great friends on here, I am now able to rise above it. Having said that, I do not cam at all, even if I did only show the top of my It is a personal choice as I appreciate my own need for discretion. But it abhors me the way people go on, when they see someone on cam. As Titan says, if we are mature adults, then we should all act in a mature fashion. Remember, everyone has feelings and emotions and life is hard enough without getting nasty things said to them on here.
This thread really touched me and yes have had nasty comments thrown at me when I have of the reasons I tend not to cam in main chat anymore and cam very seldom in private......I tend to ignore the wusses that comment as they dont cam and dont usually even have pics on their profiles.....but yes it does bloody well sting when a nasty comment is thrown at takes a lot of guts to put that cam on and too many in here go for what the package is wrapped like and not whats inside......saying that there are so many lovely and genuine people on this site as well....bottom line is my body type or what I look like is not everyones cup of tea.....simple solution.....if you dont like what you see dont look at my cam....... Titan sorry this has happened to you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxanny
Yes, it's happened to us all at some point! Have you ever noticed, it's the ones that hurl abuse to cammers that infact never go on cam themselves! Hmmmm wonder why:sleeping: Rant over. HappyLouth.
Titan im sorry this has happened to you and any other member that has been treated this way but as a few others have said jealousy plays a big part in the way others respond to those on cam. At the end of the day we all have a choice in how we carry ourselves, our actions and the things we say and do. If those who views cams don't like what they see move on quietly. We have the utmost respect for those who are confident and brave enough to turn their cams on, especially now that the abuse seems to be on the increase. To echo a few others in this thread and previous ones, it shouldn't matter whether there is a mod around or not, we all have the power to come to someones aid when they are being abused. Unfortunately sometimes in life not everyone sees eye to eye and there are idiots who resort to name calling and throwing insults, especially when they're not getting their own way but by working together to take a stand against these people and protect our friends, maybe we can help stop this abuse. We're on a few swing sites and this is by far and away the best of them, lets hope things can get back to how they used to be before the site loses valued members and scares away new ones.
Well the old saying sticks and stones springs to mind, but unfortunately , no matter how hard or confident you try to be, don’t let anyone tell you different , but the smart comments on cam, do hurt, and I don’t actually understand what the person doing the insults gains from it, a moment of joy ? glory? Does their self-worth become more because they belittle someone else? I just don’t get it, would you walk up to a person in a pub and go, jayus you’re a fat bitch??? I know when we are camming we are putting ourselves in the public domain so to speak ,but not to be belittled and insulted. 99% of the member would be more than complementary when I cam and i enjoy camming, but it’s the git in the corner who comes out with the stinging insult that sticks in my mind, and! in the next breath they are trying to chat you up,,, I just don’t get it, which is probably a good thing, I don’t want to be the type of person that understands meanness like that. Titan in your case as lovebird says, I would imagine its jealous related, the person probably sees how well you get on with people , the sensible thing for him to do, rather than insult you would be to ask for some tips on how to treat women kiss
So what you are saying Slightly is If I am nice to you I might have a better chance of seducing you. Damn why didnt I think of that. On a serious note, none of us are perfect. We all have flaws some you can see others you cant. Any of the gorgeous creatures I have seen camming, I have always complimented My grandmother wise woman that she was, once said to me "If you have nothing good to say, say nothing. What a pity some people spoil it for everybody else. Titan I wish I could chat the ladies up like you do. I would love to be as confident as you, but it would never cross my mind to slag you off for it. Jealousy is aterrible thing. Feck the begrudgers. Now back to you Slightly, why dont you slip into something a little more comfortable and then I will do the same ( I was thinking of you) and you can tell me more about how to ahem compliment you. :taz:
Quote by user=happylouth
Yes, it's happened to us all at some point! Have you ever noticed, it's the ones that hurl abuse to cammers that infact never go on cam themselves! Hmmmm wonder why:sleeping: Rant over. HappyLouth.

It is more often that those who pass comments and make judgements on how others look, are no great oil paintings themselves! and have very little luck on sites.
Jealousy drove this guy to pass that comment to Titan, bloody hell if Titan bottled his sex appeal he would make a damn fortune.:giggle:
Titan tell the guy who said it, to come ask the ladies who have been fortunate to spend time with you, we will tell him why your such a hit with the ladiesboink:lick:
Charming, sexy as hell, knows how to treat a woman both in and out of bed, imaginative, eyes to die insillyhwoar:, the list is endless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh and can I also say Titan doesn't feel the need to lie to women, he is the most honest guy on site, and we ladies respond to that! and form an orderly queue to shag himlol
Bloody Nora Virgo , My diary is chocker as it is, But thanks hun, yer too good to me Nah feck Him, Virgo, I'll leave him in the doldrums, Looking in from the outside.
Titan, anyone who has contact with you knows why you are one of the true successes on this site. With regard to the person making the comment I can just say............. HURT PEOPLE HURT! Someone happy in their own lot wouldn't have made such a comment, either in badness or in poor judgement.
well titan we are all different in our own way and all adults on this site some fellas think that just cause they have the looks thats all they need on ere well they are so wrong belive me i have met alot friends on this site and i know that from my side its not about looks when comes to having few drinks meeting up with people and maybe some fun if that happens but titan u are a great person on this site let no mug tell u otherwise drinkies
I wouldn't say that anyone would be punching above their weight who is merely
- helping others to integrate smoothly,
- keeping the peace between those who don't get along,
- offering reminders of the site rules and acceptable behaviour,
- defending our fellow members from uncivil behaviour.
I call that being a responsible proactive member of the community here and I for one would not sit back and let a user of the site attack or abuse any other members of the site.
Report the abusers and let Admin/Mods deal with them appropriately.
I am genuinely upset by this a-hole's lovebird and virgogirl put it, albeit you don't need it to be mentioned, but you are a very sexy, tall, brown eyed...god dammit...and as mentioned previous to that it isn't about looks, it's about sex appeal!! A guy once said to me, wow your not really anything without your smile but you seem to be very popular (as noted, never appeared on cam before, was a asexual weirdo and wasn't popular himself). It hurt, but then I remember that anyone who ever insulted me hadn't much themselves, were clearly jealous or hated that someone else liked something about me that they hated about themselves!!
Oh and as for the punching above your weight business....I can honestly say that its something I do sometimes think about, like oh i could never get him.. then I'm with him and he doesn't even make me cum...! Or I'd never be with him, then he makes me cum twenty times!! Looks only last so long!
Quote by user=Titan79
Bloody Nora Virgo , My diary is chocker as it is,
But thanks hun, yer too good to me
Nah feck Him, Virgo, I'll leave him in the doldrums, Looking in from the outside.
You will probably find him doing a numpty post in forums soon, you know the one, this site is just for the fems, cause no one will meet me:grin::grin:
Quote by user=donnaking
Oh and as for the punching above your weight business....I can honestly say that its something I do sometimes think about, like oh i could never get him.. then I'm with him and he doesn't even make me cum...! Or I'd never be with him, then he makes me cum twenty times!! Looks only last so long!

Donna, very well put hun. People join here for their own reasons as I did.
What I have found here is acceptance and that means so much. I never had the confidence to go to clubs etc, as been a big guy, I have heard all the comments. But here, people see you for you, and that in itself makes every encounter extra special.
Quote by user=dar4u
Oh and as for the punching above your weight business....I can honestly say that its something I do sometimes think about, like oh i could never get him.. then I'm with him and he doesn't even make me cum...! Or I'd never be with him, then he makes me cum twenty times!! Looks only last so long!

Donna, very well put hun. People join here for their own reasons as I did.
What I have found here is acceptance and that means so much. I never had the confidence to go to clubs etc, as been a big guy, I have heard all the comments. But here, people see you for you, and that in itself makes every encounter extra special.
Aw Dar hun........xxxxxxxxx glad u can find that special feeling here cos i know how it is myself but u know everyone experiences rejection and acceptance...its how u cope or let it affect you
flirting, being nice & friendly in chatrooms & nice comments on your profile:small-print: equals notches on the bed postrotflmao ...some people are very nieve :doh: but the flirting , being nice & being friendly do help :giggle: it takes more than 8" and a 6 pack to impress the ladies :sparring:
i personally hate 8 inches...!! I would genuinely prefer a modest 5inches...then we could do anal too haha...and 6 packs pftttt bring me a six pack of wine! lol
Quote by user=donnaking
i personally hate 8 inches...!! I would genuinely prefer a modest 5inches...then we could do anal too haha...and 6 packs pftttt bring me a six pack of wine! lol

Ah the owl 6 pack.....well why look for a 6 pack, when you can have the full barrel with me...:evil2:
And modesty is what I am all about you....:thumbup:
Wow we only half read this thread, jesus we'd be so nervous camming you guys in forum are sooooooooo nice,.. but what a worry the others, sometimes the chat rooms can be hard to break we find, not to imagine the audiece when camming.. Still interesting thread here though.. we love open people and yes.. it doesnt matter what people look like to be honest as long as they have a sexual mind anything can happen,
WE promise we wont bite well not at first anyway. Just say Hi and start chatting most people are fine and will say hi. Its takes a while but once people get used to seing you they will chat. Put a teaser pic or 2 public on your profile just to pique interest, nothing too raunchy. After that keep posting cos we like new blood. Beginning to sound like an episode of true blood now.
BUMP BUMP BUMP! Titan some guys just dont have the elusive IT - you do so be proud of it! love ya ! Blondie xxx
well titan what can i say only do not pay any heed to that asshole he would not know how to chat to a lady or be in there company you hold ur head up high those people are not worth talking about all i can say they need lesons in how to behave and chat then they might get a chance at meeting a nice lady off here
In reality who cares what the mindless idiots say? The fact that some of us are prepared to go on cam and I quote " speaks volumes, does is not" Camming in my eyes is a personal choice! Some of us are prepared to cam. Those that hurl abuse are nothing but morons that need to take a seat back and question their reasoning for being here! I say fair play to any one that has the balls to go on cam and fook the begrudgers. Oh and Bonns give me a snog x x
Quote by user=bonnyclyde
well titan what can i say only do not pay any heed to that asshole he would not know how to chat to a lady or be in there company you hold ur head up high those people are not worth talking about all i can say they need lesons in how to behave and chat then they might get a chance at meeting a nice lady off here
In reality who cares what the mindless idiots say? The fact that some of us are prepared to go on cam and I quote " speaks volumes, does is not" Camming in my eyes is a personal choice! Some of us are prepared to cam. Those that hurl abuse are nothing but morons that need to take a seat back and question their reasoning for being here! I say fair play to any one that has the balls to go on cam and fook the begrudgers. Oh and Bonns give me a snog x x
Quote by user=bonnyclyde
well titan what can i say only do not pay any heed to that asshole he would not know how to chat to a lady or be in there company you hold ur head up high those people are not worth talking about all i can say they need lesons in how to behave and chat then they might get a chance at meeting a nice lady off here