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so im liking the look of it,,, just for the moment cant get beyond the forums, will be brill when its sorted though biggrin
I'm with ya there slights, Looks good so far, getting lost in ther reams of new stuff there is to explore, gonna take a bit of getting used to , but a change is always nice, just waiting on the chat to get going now... :twisted:
here titan ur smily is working and mine just says cheesy lol thats discrimation that is, and i cant find the correct spelling so if i spelt discrimation wrong lol nothing i can do bout it :red
and is the pics section just a tad hard to figure out too??
Some of the gallery images are still be transferred over, also we need to tag the images which is why only the newest tab is working at the moment
I think mostly trevor it will just take a little time to get used to it,,this is the basic form all the sister sites use, eg england austrial and usa, lol and if those feckers can handle it so can we wink
New site looking swell, like that I can change my background to pink ha although took me long enough to get used to 'ye old site' god knows how long it's gna take me here lol blonde in possible distress ! N
Hard job to do but fair play it's very well done , will be brill onces its fully up and running and the lil glitches are all sorted wink :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
its looking great... can't wait to get in the chat room.... smile
yeah forbidden I love mine in purple lol :bounce:
well done the new site looks fab just cant wait for chatrooms to open does anybody know when chat is open
suzie their working on it as we speak, as soon as they can they will have it up, bless them they must be nackered, their at this since 8am this morning
brilliant stuff
The new site is so slick and really really good looking. Well done Admin :thumbup: now the below emoticons are there as a test :shock: :tongue: madmkiss: :xmsho: :xmwink: :xhsad: :xhhuh: :xhcool: :xhton: :xhunde: :xhgrin: :xmlips: :xmcry: :smile: :xmgrin: :swingingchair: smackbottom 69position
well done guys love the new look :bounce::bounce::bounce:
ah like everything ya play around for awhile ya get the hang of it:P:swingingchair loving itsmackbottom oh yes
It's looking good so far biggrin I'm not telling you anything you don't already know.

Just wondering is it possible to enter Chat in a tab as it now seems to open in a new window, or is this the new way. : ) Maybe it's some way beneficial opening as a new window, but just if ya have a few tabs open at top of screen and yer on a few sites at the same time, it just takes one click to tab across to bring up one of the few Websites that yer working on, where-as with a new window, it's isolated and stand-alone and ya have to go to bottom of screen and go into it and minimise it etc. No biggie just said I'd ask. : ) There could even be a way to set up / personalise one's own Lappie so that everything opens in tabs rather than a new window I don't know maybe there is : ) but just said I'd ask. Actually now that I think of it, the way it's opening as a new window is like an Instant Messenger format ideal for a short-term/brief 1-1 chat but it'd be nice to have the chat-room open in your tabs. Am sure will get used to it! :bounce: Just one other question, when pictures n stuff will eventually be sorted, - will it be possibly to go through a Profile's pictures with a next button / using arrows to move onto the next pic. in their profile?! Not a necessity of course, just asking, but it is much handier to go through pics. by nexting or arrowing on to the next pic. rather than having to click on each individual picture in the profile to view it. :bounce:
If chat opens in a tab its down to how you have your browser set up, but if you right click you will get an option to open in a new window, hope that helps.
Fresh and new, it will take time to get familiar with it but, we will :swingingchair: :bounce: madhcool:
Looking forward to seeing everything ironed out smile I have to admit, I'm not so keen on the design... but then as a designer and developer myself, I'm bound to be too critical :) Like Liam says... a bit of time to get used to new layouts, etc. I thought The switch-over was really quick!!!
Help.... I'm lost!!!! smile ah sure it don't look to bad all the same, like some of the others are saying, it will take a little time to get used to the changes, but sure we are all Irish so it's time for change ain't it :)
Touch of the neophobia myself, I'm sure if you come back here in 6 months time very few will actually be able to describe what the old site looked like, especially when the new chat format comes in.
I'm Lost madmcry:
Hey whats the story with the "id like to know more" mails? I have bout 3 of them all saying the same thing from 3 diff people? are they auto messages?
Also we now have friends and favourites....whats the difference?
well done guys n gals, the site is much better, brilliant!!!! seems easier to find exactly wat u lookin for and cut through all the crap. Change is always good and imho the site was in good need of a shake up anyways lol ;) again fair play for all your hard work xx
Quote by kkgirl
Hey whats the story with the "id like to know more" mails? I have bout 3 of them all saying the same thing from 3 diff people? are they auto messages?

These are Winks wink
If you browse a profile, you should see an option to 'Wink'. Winks are quick messages, by default they'll be subjected 'I'd like to know more...' but they are better used if customised via Settings > Winks.