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Got this mail putting it here, just as an indication to males what not to say if you want any reply
From ******
hey bitch
wanna fuck?
I got the same email possibly from the same guy who is obviously sending them to everyone, I quickly stuck this guy on my ignored list no more mails from him.:kick:
As there are some that prefer straight laced emails like that, there is I reckon a majority who will not even respond to it. :smoke:
Got exact same mail from same person and put them on ignore list too
I got that mail too then I got a second mail from the same person on a totally different tone (read below). I wouldn't normally post private mails on a forum but this left me stunned and is an example of why I very rarely answer mail. To any males sending mail please be advised: two such differing emails suggest schizophrenia and will land you on the ignore list.
'hi im from dublin, im 34 and single no kids or wife. i own my own house and have a steady job. im ready to settle down with a single person such as yourself. if you have any interest in marriage and such things, then contact me. im at the stage where the years are rolling on and i havent met somebody like you yet. you are very sexy and appear to like to have fun. which i believe is paramount in keeping a relationship solvent and fresh '
Quote by user=dora
amber... what does ignore list do??? like.. the guy wont go away??

Dora the ignore list will only stop you recieving email from said member, if you are being hassled further in any way report it to a moderator or submit an abuse report.:thumbup:
Different tone indeed!! Problem is he'll of been ignored by so many people after the first mail that they'll never get the second one. How anyone thinks they'll get a response to a 'Wanna f*ck' email is beyond me, and yet he'll be one of those complaining about how none of the women on here will meet him. dunno
two words. sca ry.
:eeek: i got that one tooo :eeek: what a :wank:
I'm a bit pissed off to be honest STILL haven't got that mail yet !banghead
Ladies, take solice in the fact that even though this site user seems to have all the social skills of a silverback gorilla on 40 viagra, he does have fabulous taste in women! You're all gorgeous!
Quote by user=ding
I'm a bit pissed off to be honest STILL haven't got that mail yet !banghead too!! What's wrong here?? So insulted :grin::grin::grin:
But I'll be ready for him :sparring::sparring::sparring:
Quote by user=bidub4u2
Ladies, take solice in the fact that even though this site user seems to have all the social skills of a silverback gorilla on 40 viagra, he does have fabulous taste in women!
You're all gorgeous!

:grin: oh very well put bidub passionkiss
me neither! and I'm not sure I'm happy about being in the same category as Cloud and Ding of all people!!!!!
:uhoh: :uhoh: :uhoh:
lol Eden I didn't get it either haha, join me in the corner :grin:
:grin: oh very well put bidub passionkiss
Cheers Amber! Just speaking the truth!:thumbup:
midnight :eeek: i would have found the second mail you recieved much scarier :lol2: ding i will sent you a mail like that as soon as my reception comes back up :rascal:
I don't get any mail atall:upset: but must admit that second looks scary.
Dora, Your preferences are your preferences and should be respected at all times. Some people must not read the profiles or not have the manners to respect other people’s wishes. There are some gorgeous girls on here, they have preferences that I can never satisfy – I know this and I have never or would never ask them to play. I have teased then occasionally about excluding me and about the things I would do to achieve their preferences...... but getting a false birth cert is hard to do lol lol. I have got some hilariously funny replies but bottom line is I will never ask them to play. None-the-less I have had some good banter, while some choose not to reply – again it’s their prerogative to do so. Of course if one asked me to stop wasting their time I’d have to stop – this site is a fun site for all and anyway life is too short to cause offence to others. So Dora the delete key is a very valuable key on your computer for that kind of stuff. Dubhead.